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[dkstories] Dreams Of A Father

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Also merry early Christmas to both of you too :worship:

Thanks a lot for the two chapters of Dreams of a Father :read: .

Enjoy also the holidays!

BTW, I was in the last weeks too busy to read any story. So I just began my holidays reading DoaF from the first chapter. What a pleasure !

Dan, where from are you finding all these "out of time" ideas ? Its funny to imagine the same story happening in our world to our time....not between 2 planets, but between a democratic country and for instance an islamic dictatorship :sword:

Old bob

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I didn't wonder about the sermon in chapter seven. Same in 8. Simply didn't think anything about the reference to the Epistles of Jordan. But the prophets words about invading aliens actually made me wonder, while reading.


But come on! Aliens? While I'm not opposed to another sentient species out there and interacting with humankind I don't feel like Dreams will narrow down to a simple fight against fearsome "invaders from outer space".


Hey TheDaniel,


With the new wormhole opening up over Peladon space, the apparent upcoming good relations between the federation (which is now headed by Pembry), the republic and earth, have you changed your mind about aliens attacking humanity?


Garrett appears to be the link between all 3 branches of humanity. Now that they are close to uniting, it seems about time for things to get messed up.


Take Care,



Edited by NaperVic
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With the new wormhole opening up over Peladon space, the apparent upcoming good relations between the federation (which is now headed by Pembry), the republic and earth, have you changed your mind about aliens attacking humanity?


Garrett appears to be the link between all 3 branches of humanity. Now that they are close to uniting, it seems about time for things to get messed up.

Good question.


To be true I got doubts, when I read about the anomaly in Peladon space. But I still don't see aliens coming, guns blazing. Maybe we already know the "aliens"? I'm not sure anymore, but it seems a bit cheap if all factions simply unite and fight against an common, overwhelming threat, that appeared out of nowhere. Sure, this is a classic theme, but won't fit with Dan's other stories. At least it would have more substance behind it.


Happy Christmas holidays, everyone.


Edited by TheDaniel
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