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Weekend Fun


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Last weekend I did..... nothing. This weekend I am doing... nothing. Sigh.


Living in this backwater is killing me. Which is why I am moving to the City... woohooo can't wait.



You sound so much like me! *sigh* There is NOTHING to do around here, I'd have to drive almost 2 hrs to get to Richmond for night life, I wouldn't want to go the the bars around here... :(

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Here's a song from '81 about the "dark" side of weekend fun. I know this is a fun thread, but I thought I'd go "serious" for a bit.


Angel of the Morning" by Juice Newton


There'll be no strings to bind your hands

not if my love can't bind your heart.

And there's no need to take a stand

for it was I who chose to start.

I see no need to take me home,

I'm old enough to face the dawn.


Just call me angel of the morning, angel

just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

then slowly turn away from me.


Maybe the sun's light will be dim

and it won't matter anyhow.

If morning's echo says we ve sinned,

well, it was what I wanted now.

And if we're the victims of the night,

I won't be blinded by light.


Just call me angel of the morning, angel

just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

then slowly turn away,

I won't beg you to stay with me

through the tears of the day,

of the years, baby baby baby.

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby


Ever had a weekend hook-up with someone, and then had the sobering realization the next morning just how little it actually meant? I've been there. Ugh. Not fun. Be careful abouth the weekend hookups, is what I'm saying.

Edited by methodwriter85
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It's gonna be a busy weekend for me starting today :)


Today I'm gonna be with the BF, staying over his house then going to work tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll be at work till 7 where I'll be hanging out with my sister, and then Sunday I'll be writing all day then heading to work.


Go me for finally having a social life! Lol.

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Quote Rush "You sound so much like me! *sigh* There is NOTHING to do around here, I'd have to drive almost 2 hrs to get to Richmond for night life, I wouldn't want to go the the bars around here... :( "


(By the way how do you get quotes in here like you do?)


Try the Welsh Valleys... there is less than nothing.... unless you're into sheep. :blink:

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(By the way how do you get quotes in here like you do?)


In the lower right corner of each post there is a 'Quote' button. Hit that for the posts you want copied, then at the bottom of the page click 'Add Reply' and then you can add your message.

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In the lower right corner of each post there is a 'Quote' button. Hit that for the posts you want copied, then at the bottom of the page click 'Add Reply' and then you can add your message.




Just shows how observant I am :(


Thanks :)

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quiet weekend so far, my mate and I had dinner with an old friend (my friend of over 30 years) caught up on the old neighborhood happenings.

After dinner went our separate ways, my mate sleeps early, so I watched a movie and read

It's weekends like these that really help to regenerate my batteries. Mate and I continue our nesting habits (18 years in August.)


This evening I attend a life drawing class, we have a great looking male model, (gay and friendly, we've talked a bit in the past we compare our partners health issues and bad habits B) )

Always helps to get my drawing bits in a stir when the model is inspiring...as it were.

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Mmmm, what did I do this weekend? Well, laid in bed with my leg in plaster, being fed slop which my cat would turn her nose up at. Thank god for my Ma bringing in loads of food.


man, sorry to hear that I hate being laid up (is it a hospital, or some evil dungeon you've been assigned to?) you need help busting out of there?

when I had knee surgery, I was going batty...and I was home on the couch after a short afternoon surgery.



hope you get better and back to your surroundings

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I would have to say that this weekend was a blast! :2thumbs:

Saturday I volunteered at the Pride Festival here, and boy was it HOT (in more ways than one). Saturday evening I attended the Red party. It's a party that takes place in downtown Lexington KY on the old courthouse grounds (ironically this area just happens to be the same place as the old slave market). It was great to see everyone passing by on the street and just come have a good time, straight or gay.


Hit the bars after and met a really nice guy. Went out with him Sunday and, well, I am typing this after just getting home, Monday morning. 0:)


All in all, a good weekend.

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I would have to say that this weekend was a blast! :2thumbs:

Saturday I volunteered at the Pride Festival here, and boy was it HOT (in more ways than one). Saturday evening I attended the Red party. It's a party that takes place in downtown Lexington KY on the old courthouse grounds (ironically this area just happens to be the same place as the old slave market). It was great to see everyone passing by on the street and just come have a good time, straight or gay.


Hit the bars after and met a really nice guy. Went out with him Sunday and, well, I am typing this after just getting home, Monday morning. 0:)


All in all, a good weekend.



Wow, I live just south of Lexington and didn't know anything about this... I'm too sheltered.. lol

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Yay, I get to go out this weekend, only down to the sea, but beats staying in this damned house. The cast sorta restricts what I can do....but still, got to make the most of it. :D

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Friday July 3rd. Our Moose Lodge had a nice display of Fireworks which are so totally illegal in VA! HAHA!! Afterward, there was Karaoke and we had a blast, 2 Singapore Slings later, I'm happy and ready for bed ! :P

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It's the 4th of July weekend. Fireworks, fireworks and more fireworks. O_o


I like to watch them, but I don't plan on shooting any off myself. I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole.


Chris took me sailing today, and we plan to do it again tomorrow. ^_^

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Surprisingly enough not going to be celebrating 4th July.... I am going on a school trip.... couple of hours in a bus with a shit load of under 11's then games, limp sandwiches and warm coke... then more games then home.... cant wait

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Sadly my weekend's already over :( I'm working later tonight and all day tommorrow, and today I'm vegging out, because I'm rough from las night. Last night however was AWESOME! on so many levels, had a house party, and we managed to get hold of a champagne fountain which i filled with my special cocktail recipe of just about anytype of liquor Icould get my hands on. Add to the mix, strobe lights, lasers, a smoke machine, a BANGING sound system, neon paint and glow sticks! plus my neighbour was away! Yeah, what a night! the entire ground floor looked like an Ibiza nightclub. :D


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VBse3xDXqk&feature=related Its an old song, but still a tune!


and music like this usually gets me going, bouncy kinda dirty remixes, makes your blood pound through your veins, n you can feel the base speaker reverberate through your ribs :D total ecstacy :P



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