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Jack Scribe

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...excrement! IMHO. I didn't find this 82 minute series of skits offensive; just boring. This is a film built around anal sex baffoonary, dildos, silly costumes and a hetero comedian mincing around - relying on every effeminate exaggeration available. There are a few laughs that got the audience going. A lively discussion, confusing hummus vs. Hamas between Bruno, an Israeli and a Palestinian was cute. Also, Bruno's adoption of an African boy - he claims he traded an iPod for the child and gave him an African name (O.J.). A reference to "straight" actors such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kevin Spacey was probably missed by the "straight" boys in the audience.


If this was an attempt to lampoon and mock homophobic attitudes, Bruno is a failure. As far as Sasha Baron Cohen's success at this type of gay humor is concerned, Eddie Murphy and the Wanon brothers did it much better...years ago.


Bruno ain't no Borat. Save your money.

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...excrement! I didn't find this 82 minute series of skits offensive; just boring.


Bruno ain't no Borat. Save your money.

I found Borat both boring and offensive. Worry not, Jack...I'm saving my money.

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Hmm.. I never wanted to see it, but my friends want to go... to "see what its really like" because the movie trailers make it look funny.. I thought. Thanks for the review though, now I'll not go with them. :)


Although, I will be forced to go see Harry Potter... no getting out of that one.. sigh.

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LOL - Lighten up, Sasha Baron is a genius. Try just try and laugh at the absurdity. I lost weight watching that movie.



I didn't say I wouldn't rent it though.. I am curious, just not enough to go see it in theatres.

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I understand that people are offended. I understand that completely, but he does it on purpose. He is a moron/idiot does horrible things just for the sake of doing it.




Lets be honest, people get offended way to easy anymore. Everythings so politically correct. What great about him isn't even what he does its the reactions he gets out of people

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It wasn't his best by any standards, but it still had it's moments. But then, I have a warped sense of humour! :P


I think people get too uptight and 'PC' about films like this. It's meant to offend, be outrageous and over the top...that's what this guy does.

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If you're going to see a movie try Transformers 2 (I saw it a few days ago) and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (will see next Thursday). B)


Also opening next week is a terrific film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. After you've done Harry (pun intended), check out (500) Days of Summer. Creative, original, fun, and a terrific cast.

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The BF went last night to see it with friends while I was at work *sigh*


He told me it was the worst movie ever... and he thinks that his IQ dropped a few points seeing it...


Sooooooooooooooo.... I'm not gonna see it (cides the fact that I think it's really offensive and would probably end up protesting it in someway...)


Eric the Activist :P

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Lets be honest, people get offended way to easy anymore. Everythings so politically correct. What great about him isn't even what he does its the reactions he gets out of people


You said it: people get offended too easily, nowadays. And then they expect an apology. But no one knows how to apologize, any more. Politically correct? You don't want to open that Pandora's box. Reactions from people? Who was it who said, "You'll never go broke underestimating the taste of the American people."? (Yes, full stop, quotation arks, question mark.)

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You said it: people get offended too easily, nowadays. And then they expect an apology. But no one knows how to apologize, any more. Politically correct? You don't want to open that Pandora's box. Reactions from people? Who was it who said, "You'll never go broke underestimating the taste of the American people."? (Yes, full stop, quotation arks, question mark.)



Good points David.


Edit note: I think you meant "marks" no? :P

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...told me it was the worst movie ever... and he thinks that his IQ dropped a few points seeing it...

Eric the Activist tongue.gif


Hmm. That's what I like about Alabama. Whenever I drive there, as soon as I cross the state line I feel smarter, thinner, and richer.


Oh, is this off-topic? I don't think so.

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Anyone who is offended by Sacha Baron Cohen's stuff has probab;y missed the point and, in my opinion, needsw to grow a brain (or at ;east remove it from the hole in which they are currently keeping it).



As for finding his films, boring.... thats fair enough. I enjoy his humour but it is not something which works well as a filom. The Borat sketch's from his TV show (a qhile ago now) were really funny simply because it would be 5-10 minutes at a time. Any more than that and it gets really boring.


I haven't watched Bruno but unless I end up going with some friends or something I probably won't go to see it. (I might rent it or something when its on DVD though, because then I can watch it a small chunks lol)



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Family Guy= Funny in doses


South Park= Funny in doses


Ali G/Bruno/Borat/Cohen= Funny in smaller doses


I can understand and like some offensive humor with satire, but everyone has a threshold on how far they will go.


Back in the 90's, The Simpsons were the most satirical "out there" television/media show. Today, their brand of humor is considered tame compared to Family guy and South Park (I prefer South Park, mainly due to the propaganda episode of Cartoon wars, hehe :P ).


Sasha Cohen's stuff is offensive on a different more visceral level, but it can be funny in some ways if the satire is realized. I feel he overplays his own comedic sketches and basically sold out real comedic satire for cheap stunts in long form formats.


Bruno is not my cup of tea, nor was Borat in the long form. A shame for a satire comedian to sell out his craft for stunts. Flamboyant gay characters is funny if you deal with the absurdity and hypocrisy that flamboyancy has in our culture versus the hetero norm.

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Exactly, W.L


'Sohocking' humour is funny in small doses and the only real mistake in Sasha's current work is that he tries to make his brand of humour work asd a film.


As for the people getting all offended by it, get over yourselves. Seriously. I have absolutely no sympathy or respect for that viewpoint. It is people being so uptight and sensitive that is effectively killing off comedy in my opinion.



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Exactly, W.L


'Sohocking' humour is funny in small doses and the only real mistake in Sasha's current work is that he tries to make his brand of humour work asd a film.


As for the people getting all offended by it, get over yourselves. Seriously. I have absolutely no sympathy or respect for that viewpoint. It is people being so uptight and sensitive that is effectively killing off comedy in my opinion.




Actually, in the past, it was people being so uptight and sensitive that spurred comedy to be made.


Modern comedians need to learn to connect with audiences. I use to do improv, so I know the difficulty of relating scenes and jokes, but you have to connect with them. The best comedy is one where the audience is laughing with the scene, not simply at it.


I remember Drew Carey hosted an improv show a few years ago called "Whose line is it anyways?", which worked with the audience to get the humor out, not simply orchestrating a scene for them.

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Exactly, W.L


'Sohocking' humour is funny in small doses and the only real mistake in Sasha's current work is that he tries to make his brand of humour work asd a film.


As for the people getting all offended by it, get over yourselves. Seriously. I have absolutely no sympathy or respect for that viewpoint. It is people being so uptight and sensitive that is effectively killing off comedy in my opinion.




Agrees to that if people complain and say they are offended they it kills comedy, but I don't have an issue if they get offended just keep your mouth shut. If I don't like something I don't try to get someone fired or change someone's act, I change the channel or doesn't watch it or listen.


The commercials for Bruno just doesn't to look funny to me.


And who's line isn't anyways wasn't started by Drew Carey, was originally From England I believe.

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I think I see a pattern here: the younger generation that has NOT had to fight for decades to be taken seriously, has NOT been considered mentally disordered and has NOT been the butt of every fag joke in history is much more forgiving of that piece of shit Cohen.


That figures. You've go to bleed a little before you really understand.

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I think I see a pattern here: the younger generation that has NOT had to fight for decades to be taken seriously, has NOT been considered mentally disordered and has NOT been the butt of every fag joke in history is much more forgiving of that piece of shit Cohen.

Well.... yes....


It's only as offensive as you make it out to be. It's kinda nice to laugh at yourself, in my opinion. :P

Edited by ArpeGGio
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