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This morning my father passed away after a long struggle with heart problems and Parkinson's disease.


He passed away peacefully in his chair smiling while watching highlights of Mississippi States win over Jackson State yesterday.


We found him non-responsive and with a weak pulse. I administered CPR and we called 911.


He was pronounced shortly after arriving at the emergency room.


After all the difficulties that we had over the years, we had rebuilt and healed our relationship.


I am going to miss him badly but I know that he will always be with me.

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I am very sorry to hear about your loss but glad that you had been able to heal your relationship before he went. It is so hard to lose someone close, and so much harder if there is unfinished business and regret muddying the water.


It is good that he passed peacefully and he is at rest now. I hope that those left behind will find solace in that and will come to your own peace soon.


Blessings to you and your family.

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I'm so sorry for you. My father died in connection with surgery because of an aneurysm two and a half years ago, and I still cry over him... I hope you've friends who are supportive, that really helps.

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This morning my father passed away after a long struggle with heart problems and Parkinson's disease.


He passed away peacefully in his chair smiling while watching highlights of Mississippi States win over Jackson State yesterday.




What's the win/loss history between those two teams and, just out of curiosity, was your dad a Mississippi State alum?

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What's the win/loss history between those two teams and, just out of curiosity, was your dad a Mississippi State alum?


This was their first ever meeting.


Mississippi State is a member of the South Eastern Conference- a perennial celler-dweller but a member.


Jackson State is a predominantly black college and a member of the SWAC (Division IAA).


My Dad started lobbying the athletic department to schedule Jackson State back in the eighties. It makes sense because it could be a good in state rivalry.


The game was finally agreed to and scheduled last year.


I'm very pleased that he lived to see it finally happen and I hope that it becomes a long and storied rivalry.

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This was their first ever meeting.


Mississippi State is a member of the South Eastern Conference- a perennial celler-dweller but a member.


Jackson State is a predominantly black college and a member of the SWAC (Division IAA).


My Dad started lobbying the athletic department to schedule Jackson State back in the eighties. It makes sense because it could be a good in state rivalry.


The game was finally agreed to and scheduled last year.


I'm very pleased that he lived to see it finally happen and I hope that it becomes a long and storied rivalry.


Well, then, I'm glad he got to see that happen.

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*hugs* my friend :)


I lost my father over ten years ago. I was in England at the time and was on the next plane back to Australia. I'm glad you had a chance to reconcile before the end.



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Sigh... a long day and now I can't sleep

Hi James,

I'm with you in your mourning. The first hours are the sadest. To evoke all the best moments you lived with your father helps sometimes.

Now you are really adult. The loss of one's father is like to cross a river or a border. It's now your turn to be in front.

A peaceful leaving is always a gift. It should be a consolation for those around him.

Be strong, you are not alone.

Old Bob

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This morning my father passed away after a long struggle with heart problems and Parkinson's disease.


He passed away peacefully in his chair smiling while watching highlights of Mississippi States win over Jackson State yesterday.


We found him non-responsive and with a weak pulse. I administered CPR and we called 911.


He was pronounced shortly after arriving at the emergency room.


After all the difficulties that we had over the years, we had rebuilt and healed our relationship.


I am going to miss him badly but I know that he will always be with me.

Wishing you peace and consolation James. It's a blessing to hear that you parted at peace with each other.



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My sincere condolences, James.


I know it probably doesn't feel that way right now but in a way, he was lucky. No better way to go than quick, while doing something you like.


Best wishes to you and your family.



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My heart goes out to you James. I'm in the process of finding a home for my parents, my daughter and myself. They are in their early 80s and mom is not well. Once she starts deteriorating I'll have to stay at home taking care of her. Dad is showing early signs of dementia and that's scary for he's the type that it's his way or the highway, stubborn as a mule! I guess he'll never stop being a professor, (taught all his life at the University of Puerto Rico) always 'teaching' us his ways. We've always been a very tight family and I know once either leave us it will be umbearable!

I'm at least glad to read your daddy left with a smile on his face... Warm hugs to you.

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I am very deeply saddened and sorry for your loss. I would offer you the world to make you feel better, but I know I couldn't deliver and also that it wouldn't help. I can however offer you a sympathetic ear to talk to should the need arise.


I wish you the strength needed to heal from this and the courage to adapt in a positive direction. And I also wish you the hope of finding comfort in the small things like I did after my father died.


Just remember; There are flowers every where, for those who want to see them. One day you'll want to see flowers again, hopefully sooner than later.


With all my love, Luigi.

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Thank you all.


We're having the funeral Thursday and made the arrangements today.


Because of my Dad's military service, there is going to be some pomp and ceremony that will make it very cool.


He joined the Army Air Corp out of High School in 1943 and flew with the 15th Air Force in the Mediterranean until the end of the war. While he was in, he became a member of the newly formed Air Force.


After the end of the war in 1945, he went to Mississippi State and got his degree and went Army ROTC Officers Training. He got called up in 1950 for Korea. Since the Army was out of the flying business, he was assigned as a platoon leader in the 2nd infantry division. 2nd ID fought their way out of the Pusan Perimeter where Pop's unit was severely counterattacked and nearly over run. Thinking that they were all dead, he called in an artillery barrage on top of their position. This enabled them to hold the line until help could arrive. He was awarded the silver star and promoted.


After Korea, he transferred to armor and spent the rest of his career in Europe with the 3rd armored division.


I arrived at the base hospital in Wiesbaden, West Germany in 1962- a brand new Army BRAT (Born RAised and Transferred). My mom, brother and I came home from Germany in June 1967 when the Six Day War broke out and a lot of the officers thought that it was the opening act of WWIII. Dad retired and came home the next year.




The Army is sending an honor guard, an officer from the 2nd Infantry Division will speak about the incident where my Dad was awarded the Silver Star, there's going to be a piper playing Amazing Grace and a bugler will play taps at the end.


So we celebrate the passing of another member of the Warrior Generation and remember how magnificent they really were.

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......So we celebrate the passing of another member of the Warrior Generation and remember how magnificent they really were.

Each military funeral should be a remembrance of all the "fallens on the Honor Field" (as we say in French : tomb

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