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Alhough it was a very long time ago... wayyyyy too long I do actually remember my first kiss. I was 14 and at a party and a boy danced with me all night and then, when it was time to go home he walked me to the door out into the cool moonligh. He took me into his arms and I had never been that close to a boy before. My whole body was tingling with anticipation... the sight of him, his beautiful brown eyes, the smell of him, the touch of his body.


Our lips touched and it was the best sensation, sending ripples all through my body. I clung to him, afraid I was going to faint there and then because the pouding of my heart was making me light headed.


And then he had to go and spoil it all by doing something stupid like sticking his tongue in my mouth... eeeewwww. What did he have to go and do that for. I slapped him and he laughed at me because I was 14 and knew nothing about kissing. I never saw him again but next time I was prepared :)

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Our lips touched and it was the best sensation, sending ripples all through my body. I clung to him, afraid I was going to faint there and then because the pouding of my heart was making me light headed.


Aww, that's so romantic. :wub:

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Lets see...I am not as eloquent as Nephy but here goes. I had just started school after my 11th birthday. The guy I had crushed on for a while decided he liked me too, finally, lol.. We're talking years I had like him (I was precocious.) Anyways, everyone went to an unused corner of campus to "make-out" and there were several couples there. My story isn't so romantic to me now but at the time it seemed so, lol. He took my cigarette out of my mouth, took a drag off of it and then kissed me, full mouth, full tongue...everything, for what seemed like eternity.. We're talking tongue wrestling like a championship belt was on the line! Then he broke it off with one more hard closed mouth kiss to the lips.. He took another drag of my forgotten cigarette, handed it back to me, and just leaned into my shoulder..we sat that way for the rest of lunch.


Conversely, my first kiss with a girl was very sweet. It was at a party and was again in public, LOL, I never hid much back then. We were just snuggling on the couch drinking..I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, no tongue..with lots of little lip nibbles...It was just very sensual, not overtly sexual. I believe I was 14 at the time, though I am not completely sure.


So, now you know 2 of my most precious memories...treat them gently!!

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Hmm, my first kiss with a girl was my best friend. It was something like this:


Jamie: So... can I kiss you?


Me: Yeak okay....


It wasn't romantic or anything, just an awkward kiss. >_<


Mine was a bit similar


We just know each other because I walk my dog every day when I was 12

She goes to catholic school and I goto public school.


One day I was at her back yard - we were talking for a bit sitting in the grass


She asks if we could kiss


As we were kissing - she leans her hand in my crotch - a nice feeling

(must be her curiosity of guys)


The taste of the kiss was tuna fish


That was the one time deal.

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It was my best friend. We were watching a movie and then ended up cuddling and then made out for an hour. It felt nice for sure. I was 19 then. ;p


And he's still by best friend. We made fun of that moment once every while. He told that almost all of the guys he kissed ended up having sex. I was an rare exception. lol


Never kissed a girl. And I don't want to. I keep my virginity. :)

Edited by Jack Frost
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I'm glad that I'm not such a minority on this issue but my first kiss, for either gender; wasn't such a big deal.


The girls name was Chyanne, the daughter of my cousins' friend. Looking back I'm not sure how it happened but we ended up making out on my cousins couch one day lol. It was an...experiance...but nothing spectaculer.


Michael was the first dude I ever kissed, it was a sweet moment but given that I was in NO way attracted to him it wasn't any big deal for me. The fact that he decided the first kiss should take place during SAW 4 didn't help the ambiance.

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I grew up in a small farming town and was in marching band. We had a contest bright and early one Saturday morning, and a dance after the football game the night before. The local mortician, whose son was in band with me, offered that we could all crash at the funeral home since it would be a short night and many of us would be closer there than if we went back home. No, there were no dead bodies there at the time!


A group of us put our sleeping bags in a circle and played truth or dare until we fell asleep. I woke up at one point and the boy across from me, with whom I had been flirting back and forth recently, was stroking his fingers through my hair. I looked up and we kissed several times while everyone around us slept. Then I went back to sleep while he continued to play with my hair. It felt very intimate even though there were people around.


Nothing eventually came of it other than us becoming good friends, and the fact that it was in a funeral home at night is kind of funny, but all in all it was a very nice first kiss. biggrin.gif

Edited by jenni
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Well, i got my first kiss from a girl, a friend of mine, about 2 months ago? anyway, We were having a party with my girlfriends and we were a bit drunk, well let's say tipsy (i know im under age, dont hate me sad.gif ) we were just laughing and suddendly she started kissing me and i was right into it. when we stopped i told her it was my first time i kissed anybody and she was like "im glad im your first" xD then we joined our other friends and soon i was kissing my other friend too.they are both straight. well that's what i think. yea, not romantic at all but that's my story.

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during SAW 4



crash at the funeral home


I am noticing a theme emerging here.... loving it. Blood and death are sooo romantic :)



Well, i got my first kiss from a girl, a friend of mine, about 2 months ago? anyway, We were having a party with my girlfriends and we were a bit drunk, well let's say tipsy (i know im under age, dont hate me sad.gif ) we were just laughing and suddendly she started kissing me and i was right into it. when we stopped i told her it was my first time i kissed anybody and she was like "im glad im your first" xD then we joined our other friends and soon i was kissing my other friend too.they are both straight. well that's what i think. yea, not romantic at all but that's my story.



Of course we don't hate you. Getting drunk at 15 is unwise but I guess at 15 you are meant to be unwise. Just make sure it doesn't happen often or get out of hand. At 15 you are hard pressed to make mature decisions even when you are sober.


Anyway.... sounds like a great party :)

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First Kisse's i'll share mine.


My very first kiss was with a an Italian Girl her parents owned the pizza place in town we were umm i'll say 7 or 8 she had a teenage sister and we were all playing this game that if you caught someone you had to kiss them. it was like tag. I dunno why were playing such a game but it was in the park by my house and her parents restraunt she caught me and had to kiss me lol the playground equipment is no longer there but it was funny sitting in the little house and her kissing me just fast and that nothing gross. My lips got electrocuted :) lol That counts as magical. *maybe that's why i'm into Italian Men now*


First kiss with a boy... 16 at a party we're all playing with tarot cards and such. Cards show up and the person reading it is like "Your into guys or something?" cuz i kept getting all these cards about love traingles and men and stuff. I'm like "yeah..." Girl sitting beside me goes "Tim over here is gay you should kiss him" ha ha and kiss we did :) Room full of people. I'm kinda shocked no one went around school blabbing about it. Me and him would never talk to each other at school but on weekends at parties our tongues would be jammed down each others throats. Eventually he started seeing this guy who already had a boyfriend and i thought that was so disgusting cuz the guy he was fooling around with would accuse me of wanting his boyfriend. Things got complicated.


Years later i find out the boy i was kissing is now married to that girl who dared us and they have a baby together :) I laughed when i heard that. And as for the boy who was accusing me of stuff. He now refers to me as "Prime White Boy Meat"


Too my future kissers. They better make me feel lightning bolts :) i think thats going to be my sign that they are a keeper.

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