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Typical Christmas

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I have nothing to say.


aww, why?


My Christmas's are spent shuttling between parents. Even now all these years after the divorce and I'm 22 I still have to think about how not to offend one of them. (edit: usually means can't spend time with friends as I have less time, espeically with the huge distance between where they live).


My dad is a little kid at heart so xmas with him is great. and it usually snows where he lives, but the cold of snow and sledging has worn off now after all these years. But if I do go to his I go to the tiny hamlet church across the river for the evening service and see all the odd neighbours in the valley.


My mum, well things have been a bit more depressing in terms of those spent with her recently. But hopefully that should improve this year. I don't want to have to organise christmas, but that's what I have been doing if I spend it with her, too stressful. If I didn't put up the decorations, or insist we did it as a family, it wouldn't get done. But that's unfair really she's been very ill the last few years which is why. But it's dominating my memory of christmas's at home. Other than that we always go to one of her brothers or sisters for the afternoon or boxing day, which is usually great as we are a fairly large family and there are so many kids around it can't be anything but fun. And it relieves me from cooking, thank goodness. Well, apart from having to mediate between certain family members and in laws. :wacko:





Edited by Smarties
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Cold meat and salad with colder beers, then an afternoon doing nothing much.


Serious, it's too bloody hot to be doing anything but. The whole family is normally together for that one day so it's mostly catching up with everyone while the kids play (god I sound too old here eh?)




Edited by Jiv'undus
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We usually celebrate Christmas Eve.


Well, I love Christmas. I usually spend the whole of December decorating the house and the tree and of course I have a candle fetish so I have like 200 candles set up in the dining room. It looks beautiful and my parents are actually nice that day. We spend time at church, have dinner as the family and then we read from the Bible and then we exchange gifts.


Good times. Good memories.



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I celebrate Yule and Christmas. I spend Christmas with my mom who goes nuts decorating and cooking, and for New Years, I usually go to New York with my father, who isn't into Christmas as much as my mom. He usually gives me money, while my mom buys strictly gifts.


It's fun :)

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not happening this year, apparently. my family is being dumb.


who wants to be my replacement gay family?



How about a bi one? Come over here hun... no snow, no money but plenty of love... you can have your own corner to decorate and a gift under the tree... It's all rather untraditional but fun fun fun

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I've always loved Christmas myself. I go to sepdn Christmas Eve with my dad and his family. Its pretty cool, it means having to see my brother thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif but that fact is redeemed by getting to see my aunt Jill and my Grandma, the two members of the family I get along most with. Its a small affair, only a few hours, but its nice. We have dinner and open gifts, sit and talk, its nice.


Christmas with my moms family though is a little hectic. The entire side of my Mom's family that comes comprises around 20 some people with half that being kids under the age of 12. Its an all day event, we all get to my aunts around noon, have lunch, play board games, open gifts, play more games have supper and go home. I love the holidays cause its the only way that my entire family gets together in one place.

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Christmas is family, turkey dinner, and ok presents are ok but I never really want much. Sitting round the dinner table with my family next to the tree is Christmas for me.


Unfortunately this year I don't get Christmas as I'm in Japan and have lectures on Christmas day. :(

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Christmas is family, turkey dinner, and ok presents are ok but I never really want much. Sitting round the dinner table with my family next to the tree is Christmas for me.


Unfortunately this year I don't get Christmas as I'm in Japan and have lectures on Christmas day. :(


Christmas for me is just with the immediate family and whatever we eat, Christmas Eve it's with family friends, and another day we spend time with mom's side of the family then new years with my dad's.


I love seeing family, it's fun :)

Edited by Drewbie
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Christmas is family, turkey dinner, and ok presents are ok but I never really want much. Sitting round the dinner table with my family next to the tree is Christmas for me.


Unfortunately this year I don't get Christmas as I'm in Japan and have lectures on Christmas day. sad.gif


Christmas for me is much the same, activity-wise, but my grandmother has been bugging me about what I want for Christmas since before my birthday (which was in July!) so she can do her catalog/mail order shopping...


We, 4 people, usually eat enough for 10-12, hopefully none underdone or left out too long (as grandma did a few years ago--everyone give one bow to the Gods that created Compazine), open gifts, laugh at some of them then settle down for a nap, then pie and coffee before waddling out to the car to go home...

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Christmas for me is much the same, activity-wise, but my grandmother has been bugging me about what I want for Christmas since before my birthday (which was in July!) so she can do her catalog/mail order shopping...


We, 4 people, usually eat enough for 10-12, hopefully none underdone or left out too long (as grandma did a few years ago--everyone give one bow to the Gods that created Compazine), open gifts, laugh at some of them then settle down for a nap, then pie and coffee before waddling out to the car to go home...


Sounds nice :)


I forgot to add, for the last few years lola and cappy (mom's parents) been coming for christmas :)

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With me, I spend Christmas Eve at the family service, though this year I'm debating whether to go or not (mainly cus my views on religion have been differing from that of my parents of late). Christmas day I spend with my family opening presents and having dinner with them.


This year is also gonna be different too. Me and a bunch of my friends are gonna have Chrisma-hana-kwanz-aca on the 26th. We're getting together and exchanging presents, having some good ol food and basically having a sweet time together. Also me and Matt are planning on having our own thing that night between the two of us so it'll be better then ever.


So yea, it's gonna be really cool this year and I'm looking foreward to it.



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With me, I spend Christmas Eve at the family service, though this year I'm debating whether to go or not (mainly cus my views on religion have been differing from that of my parents of late). Christmas day I spend with my family opening presents and having dinner with them.


This year is also gonna be different too. Me and a bunch of my friends are gonna have Chrisma-hana-kwanz-aca on the 26th. We're getting together and exchanging presents, having some good ol food and basically having a sweet time together. Also me and Matt are planning on having our own thing that night between the two of us so it'll be better then ever.


So yea, it's gonna be really cool this year and I'm looking foreward to it.




Except that Hannukah ends the 18th this year...

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