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Things that make you go WTF!

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Sometimes you see something that the only possible reaction to is WTF!?


This little gem was at a rummage sale held by a Catholic diocese. The Alter-boy candle holders came complete with creepy candles.





I mean... come on... WTF!?

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Sometimes you see something that the only possible reaction to is WTF!?


This little gem was at a rummage sale held by a Catholic diocese. The Alter-boy candle holders came complete with creepy candles.





I mean... come on... WTF!?


Those must've been designed by a priest! laugh.gif

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Why wait to get attached to your balls?




When an amateur just won't do.




You really can get everything you need at a country store.




They must be great crabs- people keep coming back.




Popular joint.




I'm wondering what is in the gift shop.

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funny_signs_3.jpgI wonder who came up with this....



i like that one!!!! It must be canadian....only where a tresspasser can sue the owner if he gets hurt on his land...haha!!


Because you see if the sign said "Bridge out ahead" and someone fell into the sign and hurt themselves they could sue for damages(injury) because he was hurt on your property. It's like a barbwire fence....person can actually sue you for hurting them.....(i'm in Commercial law class at the moment and it's so dumb in some places)


One guy whent to burglerise this house, but he got traped in the garage and forced to live on dogfood while the owners were away. They came back and he sued them for keeping him there against his will....and guess what.....he won. :o Stupid Canadians we are sometimes.

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creative_advertising.jpgCreative Ad.

In case you can't see the small print it says: Safest small car. Awarded 5 star rating in crash tests. (Not word for word but you get the point)


You'll also note that the tree branch didn't dent the car.

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