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Okay this is the contest. Basically you take the best photo of yourself that you can and then use photo editors to add effects and make them really cool and full of awesomeness!




See? This is mine! It's a simple overlay but I like the effect that it created.


I am eager to see what others can come up with!

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Okay this is the contest. Basically you take the best photo of yourself that you can and then use photo editors to add effects and make them really cool and full of awesomeness!





See? This is mine! It's a simple overlay but I like the effect that it created.


I am eager to see what others can come up with!

I was gonna post one but then I realized that I'd have to upload somewhere and I don't have a photobucket or anything but I made myself into a mermaid so it was pretty cool :)


And your overlay does look cool- very "apocalyptic adolescent"

Edited by shadowgod
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Okay this is the contest. Basically you take the best photo of yourself that you can and then use photo editors to add effects and make them really cool and full of awesomeness!





See? This is mine! It's a simple overlay but I like the effect that it created.


I am eager to see what others can come up with!


That looks great..

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I was gonna post one but then I realized that I'd have to upload somewhere and I don't have a photobucket or anything but I made myself into a mermaid so it was pretty cool :)


And your overlay does look cool- very "apocalyptic adolescent"


I would of loved to have seen it! Sounds like a creative idea! Thanks for your comments!


Full of awesomeness..... just, damn, i'm good!




You're skinny! You need to put some weight on! Lol!


That looks great..


Thank you!

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You have very white teeth Cam


Oh and I remembered that I have an old photobucket account! (had a good time laughing at all my old uploads). This photo already looked mermaidish so i just made my hair blue, skin scaley and changed the background. Already had everything in my hair and stuff so it didn't take long to do :)



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You have very white teeth Cam


Oh and I remembered that I have an old photobucket account! (had a good time laughing at all my old uploads). This photo already looked mermaidish so i just made my hair blue, skin scaley and changed the background. Already had everything in my hair and stuff so it didn't take long to do smile.gif





This is an amazing picture. Photograph wise... and of course person too (heh I was gonna keep writing and then realized my comment would have sounded mean). But I love the lighting and color.

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Thanks smile.gif Mean? What were you gonna write?



Oh I was just going to go on my artistic prose monologue and then realized people may take it the wrong way if I only made comments about the photogrpahy and not of the person. Kinda like avoiding the white elephant in the room only there wasn't one in this case. But I said it anyway to make sure is wasn't AWKWARD or mistaken that way. Heh.

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You have very white teeth Cam


Oh and I remembered that I have an old photobucket account! (had a good time laughing at all my old uploads). This photo already looked mermaidish so i just made my hair blue, skin scaley and changed the background. Already had everything in my hair and stuff so it didn't take long to do smile.gif




Gods dammit girl you are HOT. Are you sure you're straight because I'm not doing anything next weekend and we could go for a.... swim :P


After an allergic reaction to conditioner, all of my hair feel out and I don't want to blind you with my nekkid self.


Bald men are supposed to be sexy... in the interests of research you should sure put up a picture. :)

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Gods dammit girl you are HOT. Are you sure you're straight because I'm not doing anything next weekend and we could go for a.... swim :P

Thank you! :) I'm sorry to say that I am indeed straight. Taken too. I'm also in another country so it'd probably be a bit of a schlep for one weekend :P

Edited by writeincode
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Thank you! smile.gif I'm sorry to say that I am indeed straight. Taken too. I'm also in another country so it'd probably be a bit of a schlep for one weekend tongue.gif



You'd be surprised what I'd do for one weekend if the reward was worth it. Fair does though... if you're taken, you're taken. Still love the photo :)

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You'd be surprised what I'd do for one weekend if the reward was worth it. Fair does though... if you're taken, you're taken. Still love the photo :)

Haha true- guess that's why people go on any holiday. T


hanks :) I like it too. Took ages to get out all the product they put in though. There was so much that it changed my hair colour- I'm actually blonde :blink:

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