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Nooooooooooooooooooo :P





I can't imagine why you would link my name with sex scenes 0:) And if I'm good at writing sex scenes what does that mean for my private life :(

Well, I went back up and looked at the original post again and I don't understand how I came up with that response. I know WHAT I meant to say! Nephylim's stories are told in a tasteful manner. What sex there is is well presented and indeed necessary to the story, This is why I stopped doing live chat. I speak from the heart and I do NOT speak conventionally! I DO NOT SPEAK BAA! BAA!

Sorry Nephylim. If I post again it will be from notes.

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Am i the only guy who wants blatant, high powered, high energy and frequent sex scenes filled with lust?


:D Westie

May be.


Is there a hidden sociopathic reason? Probably not; you just like sex (or need to get more). :P

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Well, I went back up and looked at the original post again and I don't understand how I came up with that response. I know WHAT I meant to say! Nephylim's stories are told in a tasteful manner. What sex there is is well presented and indeed necessary to the story, This is why I stopped doing live chat. I speak from the heart and I do NOT speak conventionally! I DO NOT SPEAK BAA! BAA!

Sorry Nephylim. If I post again it will be from notes.



You are so silly. You know what? If I ever get to meet you I am going to slap you. And then I am going to hug you. And maybe this will get me to reign in my sarcastic sense humour somewhat .... yeah right :P


(Ummm... under the circumstances maybe I should clarify that I don't ACTUALLY intend to slap you... the hugging is definitely on the cards though) :)

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Am i the only guy who wants blatant, high powered, high energy and frequent sex scenes filled with lust?


:D Westie


Not at all.


We are just deliberating about where and when...

Edited by Tipdin
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OK - so let's look at it this way.


GA is, by definition, a gay authors site. A place for those who are seeking to write something that can be enjoyed by those who like to read.


What then would you expect to find here? Books about world history? A science thesis that just happened to be written by homosexual? Perhaps a helpful cookery book of tasty treats called "Riley's Favourite Recipes"? No, I think 95% of what most of us write here seems to involve the idea of 2 or more males engaging each other.


Is this then what defines being a Gay Author - that it involves writing about sex and sensuality between males (and not writing cookery books)? So, if you got to the end of the book and they were not there, would you not be disappointed and wondering why you just didn't go to the local library?



PS Someone has to start a thread for Gay Recipes now! Something nice and spicy would be great!

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Is this then what defines being a Gay Author - that it involves writing about sex and sensuality between males (and not writing cookery books)?

Restricting the range of topics concerning gays to just sex and sensuality seems a bit unfair. What about relationships? What about overcoming prejudice? What about showing that gays are just people? What about escapism, and creating a world where being gay is nothing worth writing home about, and the story just happens to have a leading character (or characters) that are gay, but that's not what the story is about?


If being gay just meant sex and sensuality then... wait... if it just means sex, where do I sign up? :D

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No, I don't think that defines what it means to be a gay author. Precisely that term to me means: an author who happens to be gay. Though I realize some take it to mean, whether you are female or male, gay or straight, if you write stories involving gay or bi characters, you are then a "gay author".


I didn't come to this site just to read or post work of gay sex stories. If I found a book on world history (a favorite subject of mine) on this site and it was written by someone who happens to be gay, I would read it just the same and be glad of it.


As Graeme suggested being gay is not just about sex or sexuality. I suppose that's one point I have about some writers who do m/m fiction. They seem to think that's only what it's about for everyone or every situation, so it's overused.


But then, the term "gay" is overused these days, i.e. "that's so gay" referring to strange shoes, a penchant for dipping your fries in mayonaise instead of ketchup, or any such off the wall situation.




OK - so let's look at it this way.


GA is, by definition, a gay authors site. A place for those who are seeking to write something that can be enjoyed by those who like to read.


What then would you expect to find here? Books about world history? A science thesis that just happened to be written by homosexual? Perhaps a helpful cookery book of tasty treats called "Riley's Favourite Recipes"? No, I think 95% of what most of us write here seems to involve the idea of 2 or more males engaging each other.


Is this then what defines being a Gay Author - that it involves writing about sex and sensuality between males (and not writing cookery books)? So, if you got to the end of the book and they were not there, would you not be disappointed and wondering why you just didn't go to the local library?



Restricting the range of topics concerning gays to just sex and sensuality seems a bit unfair. What about relationships? What about overcoming prejudice? What about showing that gays are just people? What about escapism, and creating a world where being gay is nothing worth writing home about, and the story just happens to have a leading character (or characters) that are gay, but that's not what the story is about?


If being gay just meant sex and sensuality then... wait... if it just means sex, where do I sign up? :D

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No, I don't think that defines what it means to be a gay author. Precisely that term to me means: an author who happens to be gay. Though I realize some take it to mean, whether you are female or male, gay or straight, if you write stories involving gay or bi characters, you are then a "gay author".


I didn't come to this site just to read or post work of gay sex stories. If I found a book on world history (a favorite subject of mine) on this site and it was written by someone who happens to be gay, I would read it just the same and be glad of it.


As Graeme suggested being gay is not just about sex or sexuality. I suppose that's one point I have about some writers who do m/m fiction. They seem to think that's only what it's about for everyone or every situation, so it's overused.


But then, the term "gay" is overused these days, i.e. "that's so gay" referring to strange shoes, a penchant for dipping your fries in mayonaise instead of ketchup, or any such off the wall situation.



But, the problem is Mr Haircrow sir, the majority of stories that we seem to have here on our site would beg to differ!


And I find that a shame and a challenge too. Maybe most of us seemed to have been under the impression that we have to write about m/m interaction for us to be believable on GA. But, if we didn't, I have a suspicion that our readership might take a drop!



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But, the problem is Mr Haircrow sir, the majority of stories that we seem to have here on our site would beg to differ!


And I find that a shame and a challenge too. Maybe most of us seemed to have been under the impression that we have to write about m/m interaction for us to be believable on GA. But, if we didn't, I have a suspicion that our readership might take a drop!





I take your "Mr. Haircrow sir", as an attempt at humour of some kind? Because surely you realize I would know what you've just said without you having to tell me? :-)


Being influenced by what one THINKS others want, or by their disapproval, is one of the first steps, I believe, in losing one's unique voice and muse.

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I take your "Mr. Haircrow sir", as an attempt at humour of some kind? Because surely you realize I would know what you've just said without you having to tell me? :-)


Being influenced by what one THINKS others want, or by their disapproval, is one of the first steps, I believe, in losing one's unique voice and muse.



Ooooh dry.


Well, as someone who I believe has an unique voice and muse I think I have been fairly vocal in saying that I don't write just for the readers. However, it would be stupid of me to not consider the readership in posting, if not writing. We have had a discussion somewhere on the boards before about posting 'straight' stories and I believe the consensus was that people wouldn't really want to read them here... which is why I have't posted the millions of them that I have. (well maybe millions is a slight exaggeration.)


I find this topic interesting even though it wouldn't change the way I write no matter what the outcome... if there is one... might be.


I think that the consensus is that people either read for the sex or don't get turned off by it if it's not gratuitous and is part of an otherwise strong story. In other words... it's fine to use sex if it's done as part of the story rather than as the whole of the story with a bit of plot thrown in to joint the sex together.


As for the precise definition of what makes a Gay Author that's a very different thing and I believe :off: However, for me a Gay Author is someone who posts stories on this site... no matter what the content is. I have found the site and the people on it to be... generally... tolerant and supportive of anyone who wants to write or to read whether they be straight, gay or bi and whether they write stories with or without sex, gay lesbian or bi. I haven't seen any 'straight' stories but I suspect that they would e accepted and even read and enjoyed by some.


It's a strange world and my philosophy is that it would be a dull, boring and sad one if we were all the same. It's the very fact that we are all so different in what we write and what we like to read that makes this place such a stimulating and interesting.... okay addictive... place to be

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To reinforce what Nephylim has said, the site is predominantly stories with some sort of gay theme or subplot. There are stories here that include straight relationships as well as gay relationships, and that's fine. There are stories in the anthologies that are not gay-related at all, and that's fine, too! (It had better be, because I wrote one of them :P)


But the consensus some time ago when the topic was discussed was that we didn't the site to drift away from being about gay oriented stories. Sex is a part of being human, and it's certainly a part of what makes someone gay, but it's the not the entire picture. Thus we have stories where sex is only part of the story, or not even present, because being gay means more than just sex. I would be very sad if we ever discouraged authors from including sex in their stories, but I would be equally sad if we told authors that they had to include sex in their stories. It's up to the authors as to what they include and what they don't, and that's the way it should always be.

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To reinforce what Nephylim has said, the site is predominantly stories with some sort of gay theme or subplot. There are stories here that include straight relationships as well as gay relationships, and that's fine. There are stories in the anthologies that are not gay-related at all, and that's fine, too! (It had better be, because I wrote one of them :P)But the consensus some time ago when the topic was discussed was that we didn't the site to drift away from being about gay oriented stories. Sex is a part of being human, and it's certainly a part of what makes someone gay, but it's the not the entire picture. Thus we have stories where sex is only part of the story, or not even present, because being gay means more than just sex. I would be very sad if we ever discouraged authors from including sex in their stories, but I would be equally sad if we told authors that they had to include sex in their stories. It's up to the authors as to what they include and what they don't, and that's the way it should always be.

Hear! Hear!

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Ooooh dry.


Well, as someone who I believe has an unique voice and muse I think I have been fairly vocal in saying that I don't write just for the readers. However, it would be stupid of me to not consider the readership in posting, if not writing. We have had a discussion somewhere on the boards before about posting 'straight' stories and I believe the consensus was that people wouldn't really want to read them here... which is why I have't posted the millions of them that I have. (well maybe millions is a slight exaggeration.)


I find this topic interesting even though it wouldn't change the way I write no matter what the outcome... if there is one... might be.


My comment what not meant to be dry. I was asking the question rather literally because I didn't understand why Riley use such a form of address. I still don't, but that's no issue. I deleted what I had intended to say and instead gave a succinct reply because I have no interest in debate, or someone keep telling me things I already knew as if I didn't. Please don't try to interpret how I said something because it may seem a way to you, that doesn't make it so. My comment was certainly not dry, just my honest thought, and a very general one at that.


Everyone has their differences in why or how they write sure. You consider your readership. You don't need my approval for sure, but that's how you do things. I write strictly for myself, the stories which come to me and must be told. Because most of them are based on my personal experiences, some of the most painful ones, I can't consider whether someone who may reads them likes it or not, or if they'd prefer something different. Whether anyone else likes them is immaterial me. One might hope someone gains something positive out of them, but that is not the reason I write. In my studies anyway, that's not why most of writers of different genres, perhaps, do so. I have seen in some other specific genres, some writers do that however. I've had to edit them. Not my favorite thing.


I certainly agree, it would be very boring indeed if everyone was the same, wrote the same, etc. etc. Takes all kinds, that's why I love my home city and environment so much, literally it's all kinds :-)


Sex is a part of being human, and it's certainly a part of what makes someone gay, but it's the not the entire picture. Thus we have stories where sex is only part of the story, or not even present, because being gay means more than just sex. I would be very sad if we ever discouraged authors from including sex in their stories, but I would be equally sad if we told authors that they had to include sex in their stories. It's up to the authors as to what they include and what they don't, and that's the way it should always be.


Agree with this 100%! Ironically enough I was replying to a comment on my blog at wordpress, an author from Australia where we were discussing somewhat this topic. Sex sure is a part of life, just like eating and drinking, but you don't need to talk about it all the time or include, but sometimes it's fun to. Same thing with writing stories. It's the author choice. I don't mind it either way, or even stories which are only about sex (although I might not read them), but it's entirely the author's choice.

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Everyone has their differences in why or how they write sure. You consider your readership. You don't need my approval for sure, but that's how you do things. I write strictly for myself, the stories which come to me and must be told.



I didn't say that's how I write. In fact I have said many times in many places that I, too write the stories that come to me and need to be told. I just said I consider the readership when I choose whether or not to post what I write.


At the end of the day I write for myself and don't care if no one reads my stories. I have no interest in being published or extending my readership. I am happy that people here read and seem to like what I write. If that ends it ends and if no one reads what I write it won't stop me writing or obtaining intese pleasure and fulfillment in doing so.


Just so you know. :)

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I didn't say that's how I write. In fact I have said many times in many places that I, too write the stories that come to me and need to be told. I just said I consider the readership when I choose whether or not to post what I write.


At the end of the day I write for myself and don't care if no one reads my stories. I have no interest in being published or extending my readership. I am happy that people here read and seem to like what I write. If that ends it ends and if no one reads what I write it won't stop me writing or obtaining intese pleasure and fulfillment in doing so.


Just so you know. :)


Yes, I thought that was so. You had said at another location on here, blog I think. And I thought that was terrific, not just because it's similar to myself. The love of writing just because.


I had an error there, ".... but that's how you do things....". I should have used how "some" do things. Exactly why I usually avoid using "you" in English, we've a general "you" and a "specific" you. Sorry for that.

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Yes, I thought that was so. You had said at another location on here, blog I think. And I thought that was terrific, not just because it's similar to myself. The love of writing just because.


I had an error there, ".... but that's how you do things....". I should have used how "some" do things. Exactly why I usually avoid using "you" in English, we've a general "you" and a "specific" you. Sorry for that.



Aha. :)


The English Language. Don't you just love it :P

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I can only go by what ive read and so far all that ive read have incorporated the sex scenes in a way that allows the reader to share the emotion that has been either building or been flowing throughout the story. So good job! :)

When i first came across this site it wasnt because i was looking for stories with those scenes in it, it was because i wanted to get an idea of the emotion and issues faced and brought up by the authors here. There are plenty of ways to come across sex on the net and elsewhere but to be able to attach emotion to the physical act is what sets stories apart.




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I take your "Mr. Haircrow sir", as an attempt at humour of some kind? Because surely you realize I would know what you've just said without you having to tell me? :-)


Being influenced by what one THINKS others want, or by their disapproval, is one of the first steps, I believe, in losing one's unique voice and muse.


No offense intended Red.

Brits have a weird humour that tends to lose people!


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I guess it depends really on the author and the reader. Some readers prefer hot steamy scenes from the onset, some don't want to hear about the dirty parts at all.


I admit I'm the type who immediately stops reading a story when the protagonists have sex in the first 2 chapters. A little build-up goes a long way for me. I also admit I wrote a steamy scene on my extremely amateurish first story (first posted on Nifty), naively believing that it HAD to be there. But back then I was more or less... innocent. 0:) Haha. I had barely even started reading GLBT romance books. Then a reader pointed me here, and the rest is history. I discovered that just because the story is centered on a sexual orientation (or by a specific sexual orientation), that doesn't mean it had to have sex at every turn.


Funnily enough this is why I actually prefer stories in sites like GA. They are less likely to have gratuitous sex than commercially published m/m 'romance' (which are more erotica actually), and they are far more variable than the standard overworked plots in published works.


Don't get me wrong. I like hot steamy sex scenes haha it's just that when there is virtually little emotion involved (or not enough buildup as to make it seem fake) it doesn't 'get' me. If there's sex on the first two chapters, there has to be a good reason for it and it's not a case of lust at first sight. And then there are times when I just want to read erotica and don't want to bother with the mushy romance.


At least that's what works for me. Because yes, different *cough* strokes for different folks, right? It's not really that bad, even with stories that are filled to the gills with sex (an example I can think of outright is Aleksandr Voinov and Marquesate's Special Forces series), it would still work for me if the central story is compelling enough.

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When I come to GA, I'm looking for stories with substance. I have absolutely no issue when an author will allude to sex, but if I'm reading a story that is focused on relationships between characters, I'd rather not read a detailed play by play of what happened in the living room, then the bedroom, then the shower, then the kitchen, and then the small decorative ledge above the fireplace. I get bored when I read a whole paragraph about a bead of sweat tracing down his luscious body and how it represents the co-mingling of their essences in the most natural, ageless, purest form of affection. If you're going to do a tasteful sex scene in a respectable story, I say give good recap and don't spend much time there.


When I go to Nifty, I'm either looking for either GA quality stories that fell through the cracks, or pure smut. In the literary porn I like a simple storyline but steamy sex scenes. But again, I don't like the sex scenes to be bogged down with details. I don't need to read about each thrust, each grunt, all the different tongue techniques used in giving head. Details don't let me imagine it for myself, an elaborate summary does that.

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No offense intended Red.

Brits have a weird humour that tends to lose people!



No, I didn't think any offense was intended at all :-) I rarely get offended for anything because I remember there are many different peoples, cultures, ages, etc. I'm interacting with via internet, so I try to keep that in mind. Many of my friends of several years are British, so quite used to that type of humour. I wasn't lost.

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How about some Spotted Dick or a nice cheesy tart :P


OK, this ties in with that thread on shirt lifters. O' mighty expert on all things UK, what is Spotted Dick? And is it as disgusting as it sounds? And do you know anything about fried cheese? That came up in a story ounce and sounded like it might be good. See, we have the start for a cook book already. Snickerdoodles anybody?

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