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Skipping to the juicy bits!

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OK, this ties in with that thread on shirt lifters. O' mighty expert on all things UK, what is Spotted Dick? And is it as disgusting as it sounds? And do you know anything about fried cheese? That came up in a story ounce and sounded like it might be good. See, we have the start for a cook book already. Snickerdoodles anybody?



Food Wise

spotted dick is a thick sponge (made with suet[hard animal fat]) which has dried fried in it (currents, raisins). served with custard. It is not unpleasant but also not a super tasting food


a cheesy tart is a pastry tray filled with a cooked mixture of milk, cheese, and eggs.


fried cheese or saganaki(greek) is cheese covered in batter and quickly fried served with lemon juice. It can be delicious or foul depending on the cheese used. USA cheese is not the best cold, fried it is bordering poison. I would also suggest lime juice is better than lemon.

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I hope you appreciate how hungry I am right now


I actually like Spotted Dick if it's done right. It's like a sweet dumpling. I love currants and raisins and if you put sugar in the douh mix it is fab.


I love fried cheese. They have been doing them in McDonalds as kind of promotions, with mozarella and they are awesome :)

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I hope you appreciate how hungry I am right now


I actually like Spotted Dick if it's done right. It's like a sweet dumpling. I love currants and raisins and if you put sugar in the douh mix it is fab.


I love fried cheese. They have been doing them in McDonalds as kind of promotions, with mozarella and they are awesome :)


Mozarella strictly speaking is cheese curds(unmatured day old cheese), and except for "mozarella di bufala campana" is uncontrolled. Protected destination of origin water buffalo(female) mozarella is the king of Mozarella. :king:


Other types are ordinary water buffalo, cow milk mozarella, pasturised milk mozarella. Macdonalds thankfully do not use the delicious water buffalo but the cheap processed pasturised. Anything else is extremely difficult to keep and cook over long periods ie over 3 days.

Mozarella or cheese sticks [origin USA] are coated cheese curd, cooked in deep oil. I may be 20 years out of date, but in the USA, in cheese country, at country fairs, it is beautiful, :worship: much better than any other cooked cheese. However cheese curds go off after a day unless preserved with brine( one week?), vacuum packed (3 weeks?), pasturised (3 months?).


I Hope you are not on a diet :D

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Tenor Tuner chapter 1

I just started reading this story so I don't know this for sure yet. But so far it seems like it is going to be a story of substance even though about half the first chapter was about sex. However, I didn't find the sex scene gratuitously done, I thought it was a tasteful way of implementing something that will probably be a basis of this story. My idea of a good sex scene in a good story is one that is well written and I can read through without necessarily getting hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Scotty for getting us back on topic. I guess we had stepped out to lunch!


Generally speaking, the smut is good in moderation. When it drags on body part by body part with every tongue and finger stroke for paragraph after paragraph I fast forward (thank god for page down) to when the door bangs open. (The door always bangs open, go figure.) It also helps if it pertains to the story, you know, there is an actual reason for them to be doing it. Frankly, I don't believe there are that many 14 year olds getting it on, even in fiction. And not that many on them could be that attractive, even in fiction.


And not to get off track, (maybe this should be in one of the writers forums) but how many adoptions generally take place in a given year in the U.S.? I think in the stories posted in GA alone we have exceeded the limit.

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I don't believe there are that many 14 year olds getting it on, even in fiction.


then you would be surprised...... now i dont, but most of my school friends have sex, and they are all around 13-14yrs old

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then you would be surprised...... now i dont, but most of my school friends have sex, and they are all around 13-14yrs old


Ah, now that would be the difference between 1958 and 2008!

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It's a new world we've entered and yes people are having sex left and right it seems...


I remember hearing of stories of 12-13 year old girls getting pregnant because they were having sex before they had entered puberty and just kept on going.

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I remember hearing of stories of 12-13 year old girls getting pregnant because they were having sex before they had entered puberty and just kept on going.


I saw an article once on yahoo about a 10 yr old boy getting a 14 yr old pregnant... or something like that... shocking...


Girl: "What does this do?"


Boy: "Maybe this goes in there?"


Sims Character: "Woohoo!"

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Well, I think there are some great thoughts on this. It comes down to reader and mood in the end. I read a variety of stories ranging from the pride and prejudice type romantic suspense to full on erotica. Bring it on. If I look at my bookshelf it's hard to categorize myself as a single type of reader.


I love a bit of steamy-ness, but I do agree it has to fit the story.


Also--this is something I wonder for my own writing--how do you find the balance between sexy and honesty? I mean to totally ignore our sexual side seems false sometimes (and has known to irritate me when reading a book).


Hmmmm also, yeah I write sex scenes (actually the story I'm writing now is the only one with it--see I can write stories without it too, haha) but for me it's about learning to open up, you know, loosen on the page. I've been told before that my writing isn't brave enough that I shy away from getting into the nitty-gritty. (Obviously it's something to do with balance. Blah, I'm rambling. *Is still figuring it out)


Summary: If there is conflict and tension and the story can handle it. Yup. I'm happy with details. :P

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Guest Wyndham

I guess I fall into the group who prefers sex scenes if they are appropriate to the story. Make no mistake, I do enjoy a good sex scene, but I have to say that there are only a few writers on GA who "do it for me" - no names..... :)


In general I prefer the chase to the actual event - much more thrilling to imagine what might happen, especially if the writing is visually good.


I choose Gay Authors because most of the stories have good story lines and usually (but not always) good writing. As someone else said, if you just want sex scenes then go to Nifty.

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I like to have a bit of it but it must have passion and love or it is just a "jerk sheet'. I have curtailed the events in my own stories as I mature in my writing. I think it needs to remain in perspective and it must be woven into the story.


I will admit that multiple sequences one right after the other are bothersome.


But sex can be explicit and (pardon the pun) tastefully done. Mark Arbour in the HMS series is a great example of explicit yet tasteful.


Does it HAVE to have sex for me to read it or enjoy it? Absolutely not. Jamie's "The Scrolls Of ISCARIA" Is a great example of an incredible story that has zero sex. It is implied and even alluded to but only on occasions and it is integral to the story.


But that is just me. For instance, Josh Maxwell of Awesomedude.com wrote Jeet which he should get an award for just because of the sheer number of unique sexually explicit scenes, each one fresh, new and different. You never feel like it was way too much or over the top or even just gratuitous. And his other stories like "The Least of these" is incredible and the feelings you get are that of passion and true love.


Those are my thoughts and I'm sticking too it.

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sex scenes done skilfully and used to advance the plot of the story is really good. It adds to the reader getting to know them. Many have the power to describe sex scenes, making it an art. I've got no probs with krass language cause alot of the time, that is reality, that is how people speak. For me though the plot has to hold me, and sometimes I am dissapointed if there's no sex scene, especially if the relationship is described so brilliantly.

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I've been known to actually skip over the sex scene if the story's good enough to hold up on it's own merits. Not to say I don't like a good, pointless smutty story. I quite enjoy them. But I like a sweet mushy story with no sex just as much. I do, however, on the 4th or 5th time reading a story, spend more time reading through the sex scenes, simply because I skimmed them in earlier readings, but now that I know the whole story pretty thoroughly, I'm just absorbing the details I missed.


Now, if there's tons of sexual tension between two characters and they never have it out in the story, that does get more than a little frustrating, and I've been known to yell things like "Why won't you just f**k already!" at my computer.

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I've been known to actually skip over the sex scene if the story's good enough to hold up on it's own merits. Not to say I don't like a good, pointless smutty story. I quite enjoy them. But I like a sweet mushy story with no sex just as much. I do, however, on the 4th or 5th time reading a story, spend more time reading through the sex scenes, simply because I skimmed them in earlier readings, but now that I know the whole story pretty thoroughly, I'm just absorbing the details I missed.


Now, if there's tons of sexual tension between two characters and they never have it out in the story, that does get more than a little frustrating, and I've been known to yell things like "Why won't you just f**k already!" at my computer.


I have done that one myself. Those stories where the chase is so close and then they don't. Especially if the focus is on getting worked up and both are willing and able. I've learned that "w's and p's actually fade away from the teen age alphabet thus eliminating words like, wait and stop. Especially when hormones get too high.


BUT! Release does not have to be explicit to be enjoyable. It can be implied. I myself have stopped writing as much explicit sex. It was only there before because being a young writer I figured there was only one reason for them to be reading boy smut. I've since learned better.


My very first story, "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of", was supposed to be almost slap stick comedy in between the sex scenes. It was written on the same philosophy of a good karate flick. Not much story to get in the way of the good fight scenes. That worked until the characters hijacked the story and turned it all serious. It turned out to be much better than the intended jerk sheet it was actually intended to be."


My wife says I write better sex than her loveswept and other romance novels. That works for me.

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I have done that one myself. Those stories where the chase is so close and then they don't. Especially if the focus is on getting worked up and both are willing and able. I've learned that "w's and p's actually fade away from the teen age alphabet thus eliminating words like, wait and stop. Especially when hormones get too high.


BUT! Release does not have to be explicit to be enjoyable. It can be implied. I myself have stopped writing as much explicit sex. It was only there before because being a young writer I figured there was only one reason for them to be reading boy smut. I've since learned better.


My very first story, "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of", was supposed to be almost slap stick comedy in between the sex scenes. It was written on the same philosophy of a good karate flick. Not much story to get in the way of the good fight scenes. That worked until the characters hijacked the story and turned it all serious. It turned out to be much better than the intended jerk sheet it was actually intended to be."


My wife says I write better sex than her loveswept and other romance novels. That works for me.


I would be completely satisfied with implied sex, just so long as sex happens after building up ages of tension.

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