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The Sex Education Show - UK

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I wonder if this is just a British phenomenon, though it would be interesting to hear from others to know if you also have similar TV programmes in your country....


We have had a proliferation of Sex Education shows in the UK - the most recent of which is this


This one involves audiences of teens filmed in different schools around the country, in a 'no holds barred' exploration of sex and sexuality. It's total - in your face - full frontal nudity and discussion of sexual issues, diseases etc And the show also deals with the "Am I Normal?l" questions that many teens have in what they look like.


Interestingly in Episode 1 of series 3, they line up a group of men to evaluate what looks normal in penis size, shape etc, but then they poll the audience of teens in the auditorium (girsl and boys) and indicate that one of the men is gay - so which one is it? The vast majority go for the man that looks smaller and more feminine, convinced they can spot a homosexual a mile off - and of course it's not him at all. What is shocking from the discussions is how many gay/lesbian teens still face extreme homophobic bulling at schools in our country.



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If it is dealing with those type of issues i think i will catch up on internet.

The Tonight programme a while ago was very enlightening to people's true tolerance of LGBT persons.

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Are you kidding? As uptight as the country on this side of the pond is about anything that might even suggest that humans are a sexual animal, anyone attempting to produce a show like that here would likely be drawn and quartered. Look at the uproar that Janet Jackson caused when she showed a tiny bit of tit.


Oh, just so you are aware unless you have an UK IP address or are using a UK Proxy you can't watch UK TV programing on the net outside of the UK. THelink will take you to the Channel4 web site, but if you're in the US... not going to happen. Found that out when I tried to watch an episode of Merlin on the BBC web site. :)

Edited by Tomas
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I wonder if this is just a British phenomenon, though it would be interesting to hear from others to know if you also have similar TV programmes in your country....


We have had a proliferation of Sex Education shows in the UK - the most recent of which is this


This one involves audiences of teens filmed in different schools around the country, in a 'no holds barred' exploration of sex and sexuality. It's total - in your face - full frontal nudity and discussion of sexual issues, diseases etc And the show also deals with the "Am I Normal?l" questions that many teens have in what they look like.


Interestingly in Episode 1 of series 3, they line up a group of men to evaluate what looks normal in penis size, shape etc, but then they poll the audience of teens in the auditorium (girsl and boys) and indicate that one of the men is gay - so which one is it? The vast majority go for the man that looks smaller and more feminine, convinced they can spot a homosexual a mile off - and of course it's not him at all. What is shocking from the discussions is how many gay/lesbian teens still face extreme homophobic bulling at schools in our country.




It shows up as unavailable in my area (usa), No matter, because if done with discretion it will HAVE to help to educate ALL ages. The States have been playing *catch-up* forever when it has ANYTHING to do with that *sex* word.

But thanks for trying, Riley.

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I just saw episode 1 of series 1 and laughed so hard when the host asked the gay guy if he was worried about getting the girl pregnant and he's like "Girl????" and she's like "oh, i'm terribly sorry" and everyone laughs.

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Couldn't get the links to work, but man, do I wish I was exposed to stuff like this when I was a teen. My parents were so frickin' repressed that I learned about EVERYTHING the hard way as it came up. I was introduced to a little gay culture when I was a kid when a friend of the family got divorced because she came out, but that was it.


The closest TV show we have that I've seen is Sex with Sue, but that's mostly talking about how to use sex toys and her telling callers, "I think you should talk to your doctor about that."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there, I'm from South africa and definately not, there would be on outcry and ask the sabc, our public broadcaster to take the show off air. I remmember hosting a regular weekly sex show on radio, and it was amazing the number of calls that came through in the first two weeks saying that the sex therapist needs to get some action himself, instead of being interviewed on the subject. things and tempers, did simmer down after that, but television shows the way you described, a definate no no. Take care, and happy pillow talking

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