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Favorite gay movies

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I was just thinking what are your favorite gay movies? I'v only seen a couple but these are my favorite :2thumbs:


1. Party Monster


2. Beautiful thing


3. Brokeback moutain ( A little slow but come one Keith and Jake has got to be the hottest kiss in a motion picture! :)


4. Bad education


5. Night Listner

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The first I ever heard of or saw Nathan Lane was in "Birdcage". One of my freinds, a wife of a very close friend of mine, surprised me with a copy of it and said that she KNEW that I would love it

Perhaps she knew more than I was willing to come out with. idk

But when Nathan tries to drive that car.... *classic* flaming!!

This is only *one* of my favorites!

"Beautiful Thing" and "You Are Not Alone" rank way up there on my list.



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I've watched quite a few, including some that have already been mentioned; L.I.E, Beautiful Thing, Latter Days, Brokeback Mountain etc.


Mysterious Skin (2004) would be a favourite.


Others that i've liked include:

The Talented Mr Ripley (1999) - okay, so it's not really gay themed, but still...it's a minor aspect.

Juste une question d'amour [Just A Question Of Love] (2000)

Sommersturm [summer Storm] (2004)

Les chansons d'amour [Love Songs] (2007) - Film Musical

Milk (2008)

Edited by .soup.
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I watch ALOT of Asian films, so my choices are pretty Eastern Hemisphere-centric


Love of Siam (Thai). It's absolutely gorgeous. It's more about family and relationships than being gay, per se, but it still counts. I'm obsessed with the song from it Gan Lae Gan. (/*-*)/


Bangkok Love Story (Thai)


Asymmetry (Japanese)


Road Movie (Korean)


Ai No Kotodama (Japanese). It's really cute and kind of silly and I knoooow it's directed more towards teenage girls who are into that sort of thing, but still...


Homecoming (Chinese)


Just Friends (Korean)


Rice Rhapsody (Singapore)


Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Korean)


Enter the Phoenix (Chinese) -Jackie Chan does a cameo!!! xD


Boy Meets Boy (Korean) not a movie, but a very short, really sweet film I saw on My Soju about a year ago or so. I don't know if it's still there.


Mga Pinakamahabang One Night Stand (Phillipines) A collection of short films



As far as English Language movies go:


But I'm a Cheerleader




Hedwig and the Angry Inch


The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green


Adam and Steve




And about every movie ever made involving drag queens (particularly To Wong Fu. The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Kinky Boots)

Edited by Mikiti
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I went through a phase of watching almost every single gay themed film out there, so I know a lot. XD English titles only, note that a lot of these are actually foreign movies. Those in blue are the ones I strongly recommend.




All Over The Guy

Beautiful Thing



Big Eden

Broadway Damage

Just a Question of Love

(the above are my absolute favorites, especially Shelter and All Over The Guy)

Breakfast With Scot

East Side Story

9 Dead Gay Guys

Guys and Balls

Bedrooms and Hallways

Kiss the Bride

The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love

Outing Riley

24 Nights

But I'm a Cheerleader (see Ru Paul NOT in drag, LOL)

The Groomsmen (not exactly a gay movie, but John Leguizamo's coming out is one of the best ever onscreen)

Km. 0 (features a gay couple with the rest, enjoyable whether you're straight or gay)

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (based on a novel partly by the well-known gay author David Levithan, it's not gay-themed but is inclusive... I mean the straight lead is in a queercore band and all his bandmates are gay! LOL)

Shortbus (not exactly gay, but it has Jay Brannan :wub: And the movie is unexplainably heartwarming and positive, be warned though, uncensored almost pornographic quality sex - straight, gay, bi - in the screen!)


Those that made me cry:

A Love to Hide

Soundless Wind Chime (jesus, this made me sob so hard, but the movie itself is hard to follow due to the flashbacks)


A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story

Boys Don't Cry

Soldier's Girl

The Mudge Boy (disturbingly sad, this has two versions, one is the original short movie, the other is a full-length movie, both are highly recommended)


Thought-provoking/Melancholy/Tackling deep issues/HIV/Heart-warming though not exactly happy:


The 24th Day

Unconditional Love

Longtime Companion

Bear Cub

WTC View


It's My Party

A Home at the End of the World

Denied (my only complaint about this was the video quality was really bad)

My Life In Pink

The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros

Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin (documentary)

Fighting Tommy Riley

Running With Scissors

Trans America

Red Dirt


Love, Valor, Compassion

Leaving Metropolis

The War Boys (shocking, sad, but has a very romantic falling in love scene)

Prayers for Bobby

Walk on Water



Bad Education


Third Man Out

Velvet Goldmine


Fabulous ones (LOL I never thought I'd use the F word ever, some of these tackle serious issues as well):

To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Kinky Boots

The Birdcage

Torch Song Trilogy

Die Mommie Die!

Dreamship Surprise (an irreverent sci-fi spoof, totally pointless but is hilarious nonetheless)

Soulmaid (incredibly nonsensical, you may not like it if you don't share my sense of humor, LOL)

The Raspberry Reich (I can't quite decide whether to put this in movies to avoid LOL, the acting and the german accents are that bad, it also is quite pornographic.... but it's sooo bad you have to watch it, ROFL)


Short Movies:

Summer Storm

Lucky Blue (a really charming short gay-themed film)

Star-crossed (a sad one)


Movies to Avoid at all costs (very very bad acting/plot):

The Last Year (cringingly overacted, I actually laughed at the 'tragic' ending)

Two of Us (totally pointless, and the music... ugh)

11 Men Out (fell asleep)


Okay, that's enough I think. Haha. I've watched a lot more than those I've listed (and those I didn't list are not necessarily bad). Those are just what I can remember.

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I went through a phase of watching almost every single gay themed film out there, so I know a lot. XD English titles only, note that a lot of these are actually foreign movies. Those in blue are the ones I strongly recommend.




I went through a phase like that too. In fact I'm still in the middle of said phase. And you actually have quite a few on that list that I completely forgot about and should add to mine. Which I shall do now.


Also....RuPaul is out of drag EVERY WEEK now on Drag U. He doesn't don drag at all during that show, which is verrrry disappointing. But my favorite line from But I'm a Cheerleader is when the very butchy straight girl runs out crying because she's not a lesbian and doesn't need to be there and nobody believes her. RuPaul stands there with a jut in his hip and says, "Who does she think she's fooling?"

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I went through a phase like that too. In fact I'm still in the middle of said phase. And you actually have quite a few on that list that I completely forgot about and should add to mine. Which I shall do now.


Also....RuPaul is out of drag EVERY WEEK now on Drag U. He doesn't don drag at all during that show, which is verrrry disappointing. But my favorite line from But I'm a Cheerleader is when the very butchy straight girl runs out crying because she's not a lesbian and doesn't need to be there and nobody believes her. RuPaul stands there with a jut in his hip and says, "Who does she think she's fooling?"


I screeched to a stop though, because a lot of them were extremely depressing. :| I ran out of the happy ending movies and didn't have the heart to see yet another gay movie where the lead characters all die horribly or else are left alone, so I stopped. The most recent gay-themed movies I've seen are The War Boys and Do Começo Ao (From Beginning to End, about incest between half-brothers). The former was depressing while the latter was... weird, over-acted, and had no build-up whatsoever :wacko: Mulligans was another recent one, which could have been good (Dan Payne is hawt), but I hate Charlie David's acting. :|


I really wish more film-makers make more positive, romantic, and heartwarming gay-themed movies.


And yeah, it was my first time seeing RuPaul out of drag. XD haha so was a bit strange (And jeez... he's really tall, quite handsome if he didn't shave those eyebrows). Saw another movie of his - Starbooty, which was weird as well, and totally x-rated.

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Zerophilia - I just watched it and its great. More bisexual than gay themed - but great nonetheless. Also, it just made me discover Kyle Schmid. Probably the hottest guy I have seen in a while.

Edited by Amelia
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For those who haven't seen "Kinky Boots", it's about to broadcast on the Independent Film Channel, central time zone USA, 8:45pm 18 August. For those who are lovers of Firefly and Serenity, the western sci-fi series and film, as a trivia side point: the "operative" in Serenity is the drag central character in this film.

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