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Prince Duchess


31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want kids?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Why would someone do that to themselves
  2. 2. How many kids do you want?

  3. 3. Would you adopt or have your own?

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Ok, so I'm curious to find know his people feel about kids.


Do you want/have any? How many do you have or wanna have and would you adopt?


I'm nosey right yeah I know but go ahead and answer anyway.


Me personally I would like 2-4 kids umm atleast one if them my own and Id name them:


Adam Xavier


Kiara Serenity


Adriel Elijah


Troy Uriel

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Yeah, I want kids. But not until I'm in my late 20s or early 30s. I wanna enjoy the young years as much as I can, which includes being kid free. Plus, hopefully by that time I'll be more financially stable and settled down, which I think is key to raising kids. I think between 2-4 kids is ideal, because I would want my kid to have a sibling but not have so many they get lost in the crowd so to speak. I'd prefer boys, but I would definitely take a daughter too.


I would want the kid to be my or my partner's biological son. That makes them totally yours and you don't have to deal with all the wondering of the kid asking about what happened to their birth parents, etc etc.


My ideal world: 2 sons, both my or partner's biological own, and not having them until 30 or after. :P

Edited by TetRefine
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Okay the nit picker in me is screaming... how can a question which says' Would you adopt or have your own?' be answered yes or no? Isn't it either or?


On a lighter note



I have two children. One is 25 and living with her partner of 5 years in Cardiff. The other is 10 and still living with me. I adore both of them. If i'd had my time over would I still have them... hell yeah but I would foster them out until they were 8 and then again from 13 to 18 :)


They actually used to do this in the dark ages so the children would be taught different skills which they would then bring back to their village. Great idea :)


I wanted to call my daughter Mererid Angharad and my son Celyn but both fathers put their feet down firmly, especially dad no 1. I was gutted I wanted to call her Merry

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Ok, to be honest, to start off, I didn’t want kids. I didn’t think that was an option for me.


I also didn’t think I’d ever get married or live to see 30…look at me now.0:)




My personal opinion is there are too many people in this world, too much suffering. This world can be a cruel place and I never wanted to bring an innocent life into this.




An amazing twist of fate brought a child that needed me. I didn’t know how much I needed her too! I wouldn’t adopt again. There would be too much of an age difference and honestly, I’m too old to do 2am feedings and diapers all over again!;)

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Oh hell no. I'm way too selfish to completely devote my entire life to the raising and caring of another person. It's too much work and I want to enjoy my life as much as possible. If I had a kid my entire life would be about working and getting enough money to support them and I can't live like that. Now, if the kid was like 7-10 years old and came with a billion dollars I might change my mind.

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I 'knew' I didn't want any children until Sophia happened.. lol. Now I'm wanting two, so Sophia has someone to grow up with.... Aaron and I adopted her, btw. He had to do a lot of talking to convince me.. and we had to do a lot of discussing after that.. but heh, now that the adoption is finalized and such, we may start on Baby No. 2 the surrogate way...

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I've decided, being 14 weeks away, I don't want kids anymore - I can't believe I thought this was a good idea - :P


Okay, so I am already talking to Mike about baby #2 and hoping like crazy we don't get twins. BUT I agree with Krista, I would like two so they have each other. But after what the first one cost - I am not sure we will have the money for baby number two anytime soon. :/ But I am going to see if we can't swing starting it next June so that they will be about 18 months apart. Otherwise, I'll be working til 80 just to see them get out of college. :blink:

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As most of you know, I have 2 kids. A girl and a boy, almost exactly 2 1/2 years apart. Sort of 'ideal' and all that. I was fortunate to get to stay home after the 2nd was born and I'm still here at home with them. It varies how enthusiastic I am about having them depending on how much they are fighting :P Case in point, just this morning I had to send him to the wall and comfort the girl as she screamed because they were wrestling after I said stop and things went horribly wrong, as they usually do. Still trying to break my 4 year boy from headbutting when he gets mad and hearing a nose go crunch at 7:30 am is NOT a good morning. Then again, in the past she dislocated both of his arms at the elbow. Ahh... siblings!


All horror stories aside, I love having my kids most of the time though but I don't want any more. I am past the diaper stage, almost to both of them in school stage after this summer and trust me, when September rolls around and I get mornings to myself I'm going to be doing the biggest happy dance ever. I like looking forward to more school events, sleepovers, sports, junior high and high school. It is a definite privelege to get to watch them change and grow as they get older and a lot of fun. Being at home has meant some sacrifices but in the end I know giving up the money I could have made and it takes to raise kids has been well worth it. It's an adventure to be a parent and one I wouldn't give up for anything.

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I 'knew' I didn't want any children until Sophia happened.. lol. Now I'm wanting two, so Sophia has someone to grow up with.... Aaron and I adopted her, btw. He had to do a lot of talking to convince me.. and we had to do a lot of discussing after that.. but heh, now that the adoption is finalized and such, we may start on Baby No. 2 the surrogate way...



I've decided, being 14 weeks away, I don't want kids anymore - I can't believe I thought this was a good idea - :P


Okay, so I am already talking to Mike about baby #2 and hoping like crazy we don't get twins. BUT I agree with Krista, I would like two so they have each other. But after what the first one cost - I am not sure we will have the money for baby number two anytime soon. :/ But I am going to see if we can't swing starting it next June so that they will be about 18 months apart. Otherwise, I'll be working til 80 just to see them get out of college. :blink:


Good luck to the both of you!

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I do want kids. More than two (perfect ) less than five (that is a racket house.) I have a baby sister and I adore her (except the poo and early morning feeding. I would like to have my OWN kids as soon as I can. I know I'm still a kid myself but heck I so want children in the near future.

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I have a stalker. He's nine months old and has constant colic and teething problems. He's in every damned restaurant, on every f-ing flight I take and he's always in the next seat or booth- howling like a banshee.


I can't stand the little snot, crap and piss monsters.


All this talk of gay marriage, kids and the like. Bah!


How can you be lazy and shiftless with all that bother going on?

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Well, I'm only sixteen, but the answer is maybe, but probably not. I mean for way in the future, of course. At the moment, I'm not too fond of kids, and judging by my personality, I don't think I'd make a very good parent at all. If at any point I had a change of heart, I'd adopt one. I'm a very big supporter of adopting mainly because I also think that there are too many people in this world. My outlook's that if we could learn to control the population, we wouldn't axe through our resources so quickly. I hypothesize that many ecological problems could be resolved or at least drastically cut down if we learned to moderate ourselves. But maybe that sounds a bit too totalitarian and Soapbox-ish, and I'm kind of getting away from the question. So, anyway, pregnancy is against my values, and besides, I'm just plain afraid of it. I think that adoption would be the best option for me if I were to ever want a child. Posted Image

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I have a stalker. He's nine months old and has constant colic and teething problems. He's in every damned restaurant, on every f-ing flight I take and he's always in the next seat or booth- howling like a banshee.


I can't stand the little snot, crap and piss monsters.


All this talk of gay marriage, kids and the like. Bah!


How can you be lazy and shiftless with all that bother going on?


For right now, I love kids.....as long as I can hand them off to someone else when they become a giant pain in the ass. :P

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I really am overjoyed in hearing about people who work hard to become good parents, particularly gay parents, because of my own parental issues that have plagued me into adulthood. However, after some thought, I realized I don't want kids of my own. I like being an uncle and being able to play with the kids for a little bit, but also being able to give them off to the parents when I get tired of being around them.

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The long answer is - I see having kids this way......


ok so cancer is something that's alive and growing inside of you, and doctors cut out or poison the cancer so it dies..

and having a fetus is something that's alive and growing inside of you. ergo it should be killed.

people don't like cancer, but why do they like a fetus'?


I don't like children, I don't want children, and I probably couldn't be with a girl who wants kids or has them.


I don't want some kid freeloading off me for 18+years, or making me take them to school, or taking pictures, or buying clothes that won't fit in 6months, or having to deal with children's problems like bed wetting and crying and shitting and spilling food and crying and friends coming over and having to be nice and caring and "motherly" 24/7 and everything else that comes with having them.


plus for some reason kids (mostly babies) don't seem to like me... they never stop crying when I hold them



The short answer - no, just no, never ever ever ever ever in a million trillion years will I ever have anyone under the age adulthood live in my house when I have my own place.

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I would really love to have kids (somewhere between 1 and 4ish), and I would adopt, too... but Mr. Daisy doesn't want to (and right now it's financially impossible anyway). Tough luck. I guess all my love is going to Mr. Daisy and our dogs instead now ;)

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I have three kids ages 8, 10 and 13 and I love them to pieces when they aren't being annoying as hell. I like the ages they are at now even though I spend most of my day shuffling them to activities and friends houses but soon enough they'll be off to college and I'll miss it. When my youngest hits college I will be a foster mom for older children and teens. I think the babies and toddlers are more frequently adopted and the older kids need a chance too and I can provide that. Teenagers need more of a guide that a constant in your face caregiver. And to be honest , other people's children piss me off.I live in the South where we have actual manners and it drives me NUTS when I see kids act up especially in public.

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it drives me NUTS when I see kids act up especially in public.


I know, right!? Few things piss me off more than kids running around, screaming or touching things while their parents either completely ignore them or look at everyone else like it's their problem that their kid is being obnoxious. It's even worse when you have a group of adults talking to each other or on cell phones while their kids are running around in a parking lot. Cars are dangerous people! I don't want to spend 15+ years in jail just because you're too lazy to make sure your kid isn't running in front of my car while I'm trying to find a place to park.

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There is nothing worse then being on a 4 1/2 hour flight from Newark to the Virgin Islands and having a little kid kicking the back of your seat the entire way. Whats even worse is when you turn around and ask the mother to do something about it, she just shrugs and says she can't really stop him. Posted Image They should ban kids under 7 from flying, or stick their annoying little asses in the cargo bay. :D

Edited by TetRefine
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There is nothing worse then being on a 4 1/2 hour flight from Newark to the Virgin Islands and having a little kid kicking the back of your seat the entire way. Whats even worse is when you turn around and ask the mother to do something about it, she just shrugs and says she can't really stop him. Posted Image They should ban kids under 7 from flying, or stick their annoying little asses in the cargo bay. :D


LOL excellent idea :P

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I don't have any need or want for my own biological kids. I can and likely will live without them. On the other hand I wouldn't object till grave if my hypothetical partner would want them. I could foster parent maybe teenagers, give stability and love to them.

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  • 1 month later...

the Kid Tamer 2010


Posted Image


Ideal for use on planes and restaurants!


One 25mg Valium dart and your screaming little monster will be a compliant as a bowl of jelly.


Comes with 10 reloads: 5 for them and 5 for you.

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