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Bumblebees and Roses

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Pull up a seat, put your thinking cap on, and be ready to answer some questions, because we want to get to know you better! The community on GA is a friendly one, so don't be afraid to talk to us! We love the details and listen to anything and everything you have to say, from relationship frustrations all the way down to what you had for breakfast that morning. How about it? C'mon, you know you want to. I'll even start!


My name is Breanna, though I prefer to go by Bee. I'm bi and just had my heart broken by my best friend's sister. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, and banging on pianos all day long, and I am easily frustrated when I can't do things on my own. I am willing to give anyone and everyone a chance at friendship, no matter your past, present, future, and so on.


Now it's your turn!

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Here in the GA (yes, yes, the wonderful land for all people). I agree that the community is a wonderful group of individuals and that we should welcome all the new members. Although I haven't been on much these past months, I hope to make more frequent visits. For those of you who don't know me, it's your pleasure to meet me. *snickers* Fiiine. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.


My name is Camilo (middle name) and I go by Cam or Camilo. I am gay (very much sure about that). I joined GA about 2 years ago when I was an immature 17 year old queerling. For the first three months I was obsessed with GA, I would log into the site every single day after school and go on GA chat. I posted tons of stuff (mostly in the games and humor forum, which do not count toward post counts - injustice-). Through that first year, I learned a lot about myself and had many conversations with wonderful people. From very crude sex lessons, to flirting texts, to exchanging music, and much more. Last year, I started college and transitioned into this wonderful place full of queer people. I have made tons of friends and have matured (that is correct). When I started my coming out process, I was unsure of what I was attracted to so I set my "sexuality" option thingy to bisexual. After many months in GA and many stories and conversations, I looked over that "sexuality" option and giggled (yeah, me, bisexual? *gikkles*). My point is, for many of us, this place is a great way to accept and realize things. So if anyone queerling or any queerlong (If queerling is for young people than maybe queerlong is for old people?) needs any advice or someone to talk to, hit me up!



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Here in the GA (yes, yes, the wonderful land for all people). I agree that the community is a wonderful group of individuals and that we should welcome all the new members. Although I haven't been on much these past months, I hope to make more frequent visits. For those of you who don't know me, it's your pleasure to meet me. *snickers* Fiiine. It's a pleasure to meet all of you.


My name is Camilo (middle name) and I go by Cam or Camilo. I am gay (very much sure about that). I joined GA about 2 years ago when I was an immature 17 year old queerling. For the first three months I was obsessed with GA, I would log into the site every single day after school and go on GA chat. I posted tons of stuff (mostly in the games and humor forum, which do not count toward post counts - injustice-). Through that first year, I learned a lot about myself and had many conversations with wonderful people. From very crude sex lessons, to flirting texts, to exchanging music, and much more. Last year, I started college and transitioned into this wonderful place full of queer people. I have made tons of friends and have matured (that is correct). When I started my coming out process, I was unsure of what I was attracted to so I set my "sexuality" option thingy to bisexual. After many months in GA and many stories and conversations, I looked over that "sexuality" option and giggled (yeah, me, bisexual? *gikkles*). My point is, for many of us, this place is a great way to accept and realize things. So if anyone queerling or any queerlong (If queerling is for young people than maybe queerlong is for old people?) needs any advice or someone to talk to, hit me up!




Cam, you didn't mention a certain someone by name. Are you guys still together?




More to the point of the forum topic, my name is Mike. I've been around a while...a member of GA for more than 5 years and a member of the human species for 70 years.


I am straight, married 41 years with four sons and five grandchildren. I've published a few poems here at GA, do beta reading for several authors, and have made a lot of good friends.

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Ok, I usually hate being asked to talk about myself without specific questions but I'm gonna do this anyway. I'll think of it as a self betterment exercise or something new agey like that......except I'm not new agey at all so maybe it's just me being bored. Yeah, that fits better. Anyway....




My name's Dan and I've been a member here since....*checks profile* November apparently. I can't remember exactly what brought me here but I know it was probably a link from Nifty or a link from a site that I got linked to from Nifty, lol. I really didn't get into gay stories until like right before I joined here and now I'm at the point where it's pretty much all I read. This site has some pretty damn good stories and writers but what amazes me most is the community. This is the only online forum thingy I've ever been on where literally everyone is nice. You guys don't even have a single full time troll, it's insane. But awesome. And this site has the best emoticons too, lol. Ummmm, ok so more about me right? Ok. Um, I'm 24, painfully shy around people I don't know and painfully me around people I do. Technically I'm bi because I'm attracted to girls but I like guys way more and I'd never ever ever date a girl again. Not that I'll need to be worrying about dating anymore because I have the greatest boyfriend ever. His name's Nate and we've been together for about three and a half years now and he's perfect and I love him to death. ^_^ And I'll stop talking about him now because I tend to not once I get started, lol. I like anime (especially yaoi), gay romance novels (as long as they're not too angsty), pro wrestling, video games Star Wars, Star Trek and until the day I die I'll rage at Firefly being canceled after only one season. And I guess that's mostly it. Yay! I actually talked about myself. Too bad this wasn't a new agey self improvement thing because it might have worked.

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Hello, Dan! There's no reason for me to really be saying much, but...I'm bored. And I like yaoi too. And I thought I was the only one in this world that did. So...yay for yaoi lovers!!


Ok, I usually hate being asked to talk about myself without specific questions but I'm gonna do this anyway. I'll think of it as a self betterment exercise or something new agey like that......except I'm not new agey at all so maybe it's just me being bored. Yeah, that fits better. Anyway....




My name's Dan and I've been a member here since....*checks profile* November apparently. I can't remember exactly what brought me here but I know it was probably a link from Nifty or a link from a site that I got linked to from Nifty, lol. I really didn't get into gay stories until like right before I joined here and now I'm at the point where it's pretty much all I read. This site has some pretty damn good stories and writers but what amazes me most is the community. This is the only online forum thingy I've ever been on where literally everyone is nice. You guys don't even have a single full time troll, it's insane. But awesome. And this site has the best emoticons too, lol. Ummmm, ok so more about me right? Ok. Um, I'm 24, painfully shy around people I don't know and painfully me around people I do. Technically I'm bi because I'm attracted to girls but I like guys way more and I'd never ever ever date a girl again. Not that I'll need to be worrying about dating anymore because I have the greatest boyfriend ever. His name's Nate and we've been together for about three and a half years now and he's perfect and I love him to death. ^_^ And I'll stop talking about him now because I tend to not once I get started, lol. I like anime (especially yaoi), gay romance novels (as long as they're not too angsty), pro wrestling, video games Star Wars, Star Trek and until the day I die I'll rage at Firefly being canceled after only one season. And I guess that's mostly it. Yay! I actually talked about myself. Too bad this wasn't a new agey self improvement thing because it might have worked.


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Oh, nice topic! talk about self, huh?

ummm... lets see...

I'm Frostina (Frost/Frosty/Frosti works just as well, BUT there is someone who would KILL me if i introduce myself with that! :P ), and NO, thats not really my name, but, i have been going by that nickname for more than 15 years now, so think that's allowed, right?

Oh, so... back to me, as you can see in the member title, i'm the chatterbox, and aptly so! i talk! ^_^ and i love it! :) soooo, anyone who's bored, just PM me! :D I love making friends, and when i joined i waned to make one friend each day! :D i think i did pretty well! ^_^ (gotta confirm that with my friends) I think i make a good friend! :D

Oh, I'm 26, straight, married for 3 years now, wear glasses since 10, short... uh, i think that's it! ( this one was boring! :P )

I am a reader first on here (have been since who knows when!), then an editor, and finally, only recently, i write some! ^_^


I really cant think of anything else!!! wanna know something, just ask! i am pretty much an open book! ^_^



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So...i'm the resident phoenix. Well, one of the resident phoenixes. I set things on fire when my wings get a bit too warm and my throat a little too itchy. (no, not really.). Try to steal my crown :king: (http://www.gayauthor...t-post-wins-14/) and you get whacked with my wings. :P



No, really, I'm a struggling college student trying to make ends meet. Trying to be a pilot with all those ridiculously high flight fees. Been here since September 11th (i swear it was a coincidence) last year, and have been reading (sometimes lurking :P), chatting and posting ever since.


I'm kinda shy IRL but then I let all my frustrations out online - usually in the soapbox. Anyone who has ever read my soapbox posts know what I mean. And no, I am not perpetually angry. :P (Though enter the soapbox at your own risk! :P)


And yes, I know I overuse the " :P " emoticon. Sue me. :P :P :P :P :P


Edit: and the edit feature too. :P

Edited by thephoenix
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Cam, you didn't mention a certain someone by name. Are you guys still together?




More to the point of the forum topic, my name is Mike. I've been around a while...a member of GA for more than 5 years and a member of the human species for 70 years.


I am straight, married 41 years with four sons and five grandchildren. I've published a few poems here at GA, do beta reading for several authors, and have made a lot of good friends.


Yes, we are still together. I just thought it's more of a "about me" post. He'll have his own "about me" page where he'll discuss he's own GA profile. ;)


P.S. I always did find you a puzzle. A straight 70 year old man advising queerlings.

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I'm Lacey. It's a funny name for a guy, but I'm a funny person so it makes sense. I'm 19, and joined GA a few days after my 17th birthday. There's about a gazillion things I'm good at, but with the attention span of a peanut, I pretty much have nothing I'm dedicated to (unless eating is a hobby). I have a boyfriend that I really like, even if we argue over everything, and I like to make friends. I can play four instruments (piano, harp, guitar, and saxophone) and I paint, write, and rebuild cars. ^_^

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Yes, we are still together. I just thought it's more of a "about me" post. He'll have his own "about me" page where he'll discuss he's own GA profile. ;)


P.S. I always did find you a puzzle. A straight 70 year old man advising queerlings.


Thanks for your response and that is good to hear. You and Matt make a good couple and I consider you both friends. Why would your having a boyfriend not be something about you?


I'm probably a puzzle in more ways than you realize. Queerlings, as you referred to yourself (I assume) need advice about a lot of things. Some I can help with; some I cannot. :P

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I'm basically a very private person. Always have been. Even out here very few people really know me. I don't post very often as you can see by my post count. I've been a member since December 2003 my member number is 86. I've reached the ripe old age of 74, not the oldest member, but still... I think that, besides myself, maybe one or two of the original 100 members still drop in every once in a while, but other than Myr and Comicality I haven't seen any posts by them if they do.


Oh! And I'm gay. Growing up I never went through the angst, that so many go through, when I realized that I was different. I was who I was and that wasn't likely to change. I didn't concern myself... I was just me. Never tried to be anyone else or other than who I was. I've had a couple of long term relationships one lasted 17 years, ended by mutual agreement and we remained close friends after. The second lasted 22 years and ended when he died, almost 3 years ago now. The first died about 10 years ago. I do still miss both of them.


I'm an avid reader. I have several hobbies that keep me busy. I'm attempting to write a story, but it's something that I've never been a success at. Story lines and characters have never been cooperative and usually just ride off into the sunset with certain digits raised leaving me stranded.


That's all I have to say.


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Hello, my name is rustle, and it's been 13 days since my last drink. Oh, sorry, wrong forum.


Yeh, that's my real name. I'm primarily a reader here. And an avid poster. I know a little about a few things, and a heckuva lot about a few things that don't matter to most folks. I'm as exotic as dishwater, and nearly as exciting. I'm in a lifetime relationship, over 20 years now, so I'm pretty sure about my sexual preference (I prefer to have it.).


I've got an acerbic sense of humor, but since this is the 'net, I can sensor myself before somebody else. Not so easy IRL.


My interests are eclectic and changeful. I'm as likely to quote Faulkner or Bodhidarma as a lyric from The Black Keys. Every once in a while, I pay attention to stuff around me, then I revert to being a hermit. Technology is fashion - here today, obsolete tomorrow - so I prefer to learn about things that don't change.


Though I love the writing here, the greatest treasure is the people. I've learned more here in the last year than I would've thought possible. It helps me dispense with labels, and accept folks on their own terms.

Edited by rustle
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Hi! I joined GA this year, and I've been thinking about why. Aside from the awesome community and writing, I think the other reason I joined is because I'm cheap. Something nobody knows here but.. I'm obsessed with finding free things. GA was a perfect match for my love of reading- freely :).



In my real life mode I'm a bisexual 23 year old grad student with a boyfriend and friends. Most of my free time is spent hanging around at the beach or diners and creating (minor) mischief. I really like music, board games, staying up late, reading, writing, art, summer, and France. I like putting together playlists for my friends, burning the CD's and then drawing designs on them.


Lately I've been pretty busy reading art theory and setting up my studio for the semester.

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Hi I am Maria. I am not vanilla.


I will keep it short since I think I have talked about myself too much here already. Here I am pretty open about anything in my personal life, irl I am very very private. I love making friends, so don't stay a stranger. I am quite a friendly person, I want to believe in the goodness of people. I crush easily. My emotion go up and down pretty fast and I tend to crash hard every now and then. So far I have bounched back every time, thanx to you guys.


I am 33, my sexuality is so ambivalent that I havent really figured it out yet. There are bunch of things that confuce me - in a good way! I am enjoying the queer me that I am. I lived a straight life until I was 30, so now I am opening up like a set of fireworks.


I teach yoga and search harmony in my life, it is difficult since I tend to go from one extreme to another. I read, write, draw, do sports and love my online friends. That is about it. I am single so I have no other life. :P I like to keep it like that (or so I convince myself).


I have two cats.

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I joined GA a few months ago when I was injured and stuck in bed. I found it by accident and never left.


Being the youngest out of 5 kids (well I’m a minute younger than my twin brother…so technically I’m the baby) Has been hard since our dad walked out leaving us with a crazy mom. I’ve always been confident in who I am…not so much with what I do. I can be impulsive and don’t always think before I do things. :P


Real life today: I’m gay, I’m married and have a 12 year-old daughter. We escaped the city a few years ago and have never been happier. I have some emotional meltdowns from now to now but for the most part, I’m goofy, kind, caring and really a great friend. :)



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Hey. I'm Mike. It's my real name. My middle name. I don't use my first and surname often because most people can't pronunce it - they usually butcher it.I joined GA last December. I was recently coming to terms with being gay and wanted some place I could belong. I originally joined to read stories that would fuel my fantasy of finding Mr. Right.Anyway, I'm a wee bit shy. I love music and write. Have I mentioned that I love reading?

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Hi, I'm Mark Sen. I have a middle name, but I shall not reveal it. I like to write and read. I enjoy classical music, and even popular mainstream music. I have a battered old Pikachu plush that I still keep in my bedroom. I'm single right now, and I'll stay that way for now, although I wouldn't mind if someone came along and changed my mind ... :P Other things about me? I guess you'd have to ask. Posted Image

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Right, this almost reminds me of that old Monty Python skit where each of these guys start telling about how bad their lives were and each tries to out do the other. The last one ended it by saying, "We got up at 4 oclock in the morning, half an hour before we went to bed, ate a handful of poison, worked 26 hours a day at the mill and went we got home our dad would slash us in two with a bread knife and dance about our graves singing hallelujah." So yeah that sort of sums me up.


Since I've since taken down my profile info, I try to give this a real stab. Aside from the obvious, age, sex, orientation, etc, been with same person 16+ years, bout to have a kid - girl - end of Sept. Two dogs, house, no picket fence yet, though he's bucking for one. Andy is not my real name but it's good enough and most people call me that anyway so what the hey. I'm a recovering catholic, recovering republican, recovering yuppy frat boy snob. Seems they all went hand in hand. Finally joined the human race by abandoning all three about 20 years ago - amazing how that almost coincided with meeting a really good person who I've spent my life with.


Still a big sports head - I recently got to referee the soccer portion of the North American Outgames in Vancouver this year and I guess I did okay because I was selected to work the Gold Medal game. Love Baseball - yeah it can be boring but I still love to go to games with my dad - and I've started to take martial arts recently.


I've started to read a lot more fiction since I came here, moving away from science and business mags. I get to read a lot on the Metro [subway] on the way to and from work and I guess I like to write a bit. Still don't know which Genre to keep to, as I like lots of different types.


Unlike many folks, I don't think of myself as shy, though I don't like to be in social crowds where I don't know anyone, especially places like gay bars. I think of myself as gay but my co-workers have said on various occassions, I'm the straightest gay man they know, to come out of the closet and admit I'm straight, or that I needed to hand over my 'gay card.' Probably just that the other gays in the office are a tad more flamboyant. In response I have taken to affixing an HRC pin to my sling pack so the entire world won't mistake me for a straight man.


That's all. Don't ask me any follow up questions, you'll be sorry you did, cause I can't say anything in less than two paragraphs.



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Ummm... being the shy person I am how can I find anything to say about myself? :devil:


I am a bisexual mother of two.(well IRL, I seem to have adopted quite a few more since I joined this forum :) ) I live in the Welsh Valleys and I'm a writer and artist. I dabble at being a lawyer to pay the bills so i can do what I was really put on the earth to do.


I'm a vampire... er... yes, a real one; a lover of fallen angels, an idealist, sentimentalist, blah blah... fluent in bullshit with a diploma in advanced sarcasm. I have a liking for Goth dolls and heavy makeup and until recently i had green hair... well bits of it. Now it's all black. I am NOT 'a goth' and don't really know what that means. I just happen to be obsessed with black clothes and anything relating to death... don't get me started on THAT subject


Although on the outside I am 46, on the inside I am only just on my way out of puberty. I am irreverent and like to take the piss out of myself as much as anyone else. I can be moody, fickle and unreliable and it seems I'm always making excuses for letting people down but that's my fault becasue I take on too much and then moan about it :P


I like to write and do it a lot. People seem to like what I write so all good :) ummm... that's about it. Oh, Nephylim is not my real name (D'uh) but I get really pissed if anyone calls me Cheryl. Cheryl is something my mother chose to name me and was never the person I am... Nephylim is what I chose to name myself... okay it's a description of part of name I chose to name myself... or was named... or... OKAY names are REALLY REALLY important to me so lets just say I'm Nephy... end of :)

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So I feel funny doing this, but being I don't know anyone here, I figured this would be a good place to start... I found this site back in October and the 1st story I ever read here was the The House Always Wins....love it to death and wanted to leave a comment, so I signed up....:2thumbs: I told a friend of mine about it back then and just found out he joined back in December and has been posting stories here...I was looking for stories and found another Great one and commented to it and that's how I found out my friend was here...lol

I also told another friend about this site and she is now posting stories here and doing very well I might add....


My Name is Kim I'm a mother of 4, three girls and one son. I love reading gay fiction...why I don't know but I do. I have written a few in my day and have posted 2 completed stories that I posted on anther site, and I'm slowly moving them over here and I'm working on a new one as well. I'm a firm believer in Diversity, rights for all people and can honestly say I've instilled it in my children. The cutest thing was when my son came home from his 1st day in kindergarten all excited. He was telling me about the friends he met and made it a point to mention he met a guy named Luke, then proceeded to inform me that as he put it "but he's not gay though".... referring to Luke on As The Word Turns. I've been married a thousand times, well it feels like it anyway....lol And I'm currently single.


I'm hoping the next guy I met don't think I'm weird because I hang out on a Gay Author site and I write gay stories....:D because I'm not going to stop, having way too much fun....As old as I am it's about time I have fun....hehehe...


I love to meet new people and travel. Been to Fl, Atlanta, Al, Va, DC, Mexico, Jamaica, The Bahamas, New York, several times and it's my favorite place in the US. I've been to Paris and plan to go back soon. I've been to Chicago a lot... Canada. I really want to go to London too. I love to cook and try new foods and love my wine.... Need to lose weight in a bad way, Here I go again wish me luck...


I think thats all...


Kim :D

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well lets see, i really suck when it comes to talking about myself.


I've got a lot of names, I might not be the same person to any two people depending on who you ask but here I got by Nightowl, or Owl for short. I picked that name out because well I like Owls and I do my best work at night,( I'm talking about writing lol). I'm just an average, everyday gay guy; nothing too special.


i've been a member here for about two years now and I have loved every minute of my time here. GA gave me my first real outlet for my stories and allowed me to get some really good feed back on my work. The first year I was here i was really active, into a lot of the stories, I joined Chat a lot and was pretty active in the forums but the last year has been pretty difficult and I haven't been as active as I once was and I'm actully a little disappointed about that.


I guess I don't have much more to say, like I said before I'm pretty dull, nothing special. When I'm not writing or looking for work I'm messing with one of my hobbies, which is mostly theology and gem collection. I also enjoy hiking and working out when i get the time.


yea I know I'm boring lmao.


Best Yall,


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Hey all, well most of you already know me, the "wildman of fylingdales moor" the recluse, the loner and mixed up kid that I am. :boy:

I'm Mark Lewis, real name. Im a self-sufficient farmer in the North Yorkshire Moors, England.

Real bad childhood some of you know, didnt go to school at all, wasnt really home schooled either apart from a friend of mum's called Kate, who taught me the basics of reading and writing. Everything else self taught with an avid need for research and imput of as much as my silly head can take in.

I'm 18 and spoken for, although still a virgin, working towards meeting the love of my young life. You all know him as Agaith, or Stu I call him Stuby (pronounced Stooby)

I joined here to read, although I started a written story at the age of 13. Its called The Legacy and a lot of research has been done both historical and for the BDSM knowledge contained in it.

Also putting my cruel horrible past into poetry has helped enormously too.

GA has become my second home and I spend all the time I can here. So many good true friends, as well as aquaintences, and last but never least my awesome wonderful boyfriend I met here.:wub:

Ive recently hired my one time volunteer, Luke, Who came to help when I was seriously ill.

I hav'nt left my property for nearly 10 months now, and there is a gate that I fear. maybe not the gate but what is past it, I dont know yet.

I have a 10 acre farm in the middle of nowhere, no neighbours but an airbase. I rear rare breed pigs called Gloucester Old Spot, and sell on to butchers and a restaurant or two, good reputation for my meat and farming knowledge. I also have around 35 chickens but that number is ever changing as I am always getting more and eating some. I make my own electricty and sell some, I have two spring fed ponds that supply my water and I have a dog and two cats. About it I think any questions jut ask. Oh oopsy I'm also as gay as a gala lmao.:lmao:

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My name is Robert, called by my friends as "Bob". Last June, I celebrated my 82th birthday, so maybe I'm the eldest here. My life story is a long one. It was already the subject of several blogs since I came here on april 2006. I studied as a management engineer in the Swiss Institute of Technology, same school as MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), worked as a consultant, first as employee during 10 years than as a manager of my own company. At the same time, I became the head of several companies in the film Industry in different countries, made a huge lot of money and lost almost everything through different mistakes, trusting crooks and losing the overview of all my business. Having hit rock bottom, I was able to back up the hill and since 30 years, I work for myself as an independent consultant for a few small firms, whose leaders have all become friends.


I have always lived a double life, on one hand, I've been married 60 years with a woman I still love and who still loves me.

Not only we had four children who made us happy but also I was lucky to have my wife with me as a collaborator and adviser in all my businesses, especially after my slump. Two of our children died, the eldest boy 3 years ago (he died of a heart attack at age 56, killed by the smoke of 10 cigarettes he smoked each day) and our only daughter 8 years ago (after a long struggle of 20 years against AIDS).


A I said in my profile, I'm bi and that's the other side of my double life. I had a lot of friends and a lot of fun, using all the opportunities brought by business travels all around Europe and the freedom I got from an "understanding" wife. Today, I'm too old for this "other side", bur the memories are still alive !


I'm now living with my wife in a small flat at the uppest floor of an old building in the center of Geneva, with a large terrace full of flowers and my deckchair, still working with a few old friends as clients. I work by pleasure, not to make money. I do work only for people close to me and my ideas. I like to work at my rate/rhytm, with the pleasure to make a break when wanted of needed.

I have 6 grandchilden and 2 great-grandchildren and the family meetings with all these people (my 2 sons and 2 grandchildren live with wifes, husbands and partners) are always another part of my pleasures in today life.


I'm not religious and don't practice any religion, but I feel that there is an "Afterward" and I'm curious to see it (but the latest possible !).

As i said in a former blog, the life is never easy but I always found in myself the force necessary to rebound.

Edited by old bob
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Hello, Name is Christopher Martyn aka Dorian!


I am a gay male and love it, I am from the south so I have a cute accent ;)


My two good straight friends introduced me to this site (fleetingrainbows and naptowngirl)


I am 25, my birthday is soon (August 30th)


I cannot wait to share my ideas with all of you guys!

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