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Pet Peeves


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What's a pet peeve of yours that can fill you with such total rage?


I'll start.


Parking prices and regulations in Newark, Delaware. I drove past the Trabant Parking garage on Main Street, and I saw a sign advertising the new rates and prices. Before this winter, I could park at the Trabant Parking garage for 75 cents every half hour. On weekends, I could park there for 40 cents every half hour, and there was a weekend daily max of 4 dollars. It was wonderful. Then I come back for winter break, and I see a sign saying that it was now a dollar every half hour to park there, with no indication of a weekend daily max. That means I could be parked there for 5 hours on a Saturday night, and have to pay something like 10 dollars! Utterly, utterly ridiculous. Two dollars an hour for a freaking parking spot? Are you kidding me??? Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageI can park at the beach for less than that!


And at the municipal parking lots, they're planning on raising the rate from a dollar an hour to a $1.20 an hour, and they got rid of free all-day Sunday parking. Ugh.


Dealing with parking around the University of Delaware area has made me incredibly paranoid about getting ticketed, so I won't try to park illegally in the Newark Shopping Center like so many do, but still. It just sucks. Everytime I go to a town that doesn't have insanely expensive parking complimented by aggressive towing practices, I feel like I'm about to die of shock.


Got any pet peeves?

Edited by methodwriter85
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This might make me sound like a dick but, people who I barely know suddenly telling me I'm a "really good friend" and unloading all their problems on me. I don't care!


And people who use slogans or insults as arguments.

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My biggest pet peeve are those horrible people in supermarkets who although they have six items in their basket, they use the "Five items or less" checkout line. These people deserve to be tied to a pole, smeared in jam and have a load of army ants poured over them.


They must burn in Hell for all eternity!

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My biggest pet peeve are those horrible people in supermarkets who although they have six items in their basket, they use the "Five items or less" checkout line. These people deserve to be tied to a pole, smeared in jam and have a load of army ants poured over them.


They must burn in Hell for all eternity!


These are the same people who stop in the middle of the aisles, two abreast so they can block all traffic, and hold a 20 minute conversation with the other person. They are also the ones who roll thier eyes, sigh loudly, etc when you ask to get by - as if you are the offender for wanting to actually do your shopping! I'm always tempted to tell these people - in a helpful way of course - that there are newly created establishments that will allow them to sit in booths and hold conversations. The thoughtful owners of these places have even helpfully allowed you to order food and beverages! Failing that, there is also the new invention called the phone.....


I suppose I should be more kind hearted....

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If we're gonna talk about supermarkets I've got some more.....lol.


People who use coupons and people who write checks. Coupons because the cashiers NEVER know how to use them properly and it always adds about 5 minutes to the line wait and checks because people never know how to write them out quickly. And cashiers usually don't know how to deal with them either. You'd think with all my whining about cashiers I'd have more tolerance when people write checks and use coupons at a self checkout but, no, they just lock up the machine and everyone has to wait for one of the "employees" to get done with all the talking their doing to come over and figure out how the idiot managed to break the thing and....wow, I'm kinda bitter aren't I? <_<

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Parking prices and regulations in Newark, Delaware. I drove past the Trabant Parking garage on Main Street, and I saw a sign advertising the new rates and prices. Before this winter, I could park at the Trabant Parking garage for 75 cents every half hour. On weekends, I could park there for 40 cents every half hour, and there was a weekend daily max of 4 dollars. It was wonderful. Then I come back for winter break, and I see a sign saying that it was now a dollar every half hour to park there, with no indication of a weekend daily max. That means I could be parked there for 5 hours on a Saturday night, and have to pay something like 10 dollars! Utterly, utterly ridiculous. Two dollars an hour for a freaking parking spot? Are you kidding me??? Posted Image Posted Image Posted ImageI can park at the beach for less than that!




Good thing you don't live where I live. I work downtown (my parking is paid for my company) but the rates are worst than yours. It's free the first half hour but every hour after that is $3.00 up to six dollars. After that, the rate jumps to $4.00 dollars an hour. An all day parking is $18.00. Thankfully I don't pay for my monthly pass, which is about 600 dollars from what I was told.


If we're gonna talk about supermarkets I've got some more.....lol.


People who use coupons and people who write checks. Coupons because the cashiers NEVER know how to use them properly and it always adds about 5 minutes to the line wait and checks because people never know how to write them out quickly. And cashiers usually don't know how to deal with them either. You'd think with all my whining about cashiers I'd have more tolerance when people write checks and use coupons at a self checkout but, no, they just lock up the machine and everyone has to wait for one of the "employees" to get done with all the talking their doing to come over and figure out how the idiot managed to break the thing and....wow, I'm kinda bitter aren't I? Posted Image


I've worked retail for some time. Coupons aren't usually in the system. Most of the time we - experienced cashiers - would just manually input and deduct the coupon price from the item. Though most stores have a limit, say 50 cents is the limit a cashier can do... so you have to wait for authorization from a higher up or senior cashier. It's to prevent fraud and family/friend "service." But like I said most coupons aren't in system, so when you scan the barcode an error is usally given, thus it becomes a process. Checks these days are just like running debit cards. More and more places you get your check back, don't even have to fill it out.


My own pet peeve : talkers/whispers -whether it be to the person next to them or on the phone - (which reminds me texters too) in a theatre, movie or play. Once I actually turned around and told the guys behind me to shut up. They kicked the back of my seat for the next 15 minutes. I got up and called them out in front of everyone and then proceeded to walk out and grab a manager. I was refunded my money and the guys got kicked out. I have no patience for folks like that. I didn't pay 15 bucks (movie) or $40 plus (plays and showcases) to hear stupid side comments or about the screwed up life one has been given or how bad someone's day was.

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My pet peeve - when authors don't know how to use the words "then or than", "prostate or prostrate", or mixing up "to, too, two" words. I think they stopped teaching grammar and spelling in about 1970. Too many people rely on spell checkers! If you're (not your) not sure of your grammar, use http://www.grammarly.com/?q=grammar&gclid=CICe_f3n1K0CFeYBQAodnyvElA

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People who lie for ridiculous reasons, like just to make conversation, or to somehow impress me. I see through most of them, especially if I know the person well enough. I find it irritating. 'There's no way your four year old daughter is a black belt in karate'

or, those who have no intention of being punctual. Say I agree to meet someone at a specific place and time, and said person has no intention of even trying to stick to the arrangement, and wanders by 30 minutes later because they just had to see the end of a certain show on TV before leaving.

Oh, and I guess I find it annoying when some people replace 'D' with 'T' ( "Dis is.." and "Dat is.." etc) in each word of every sentence to try sound cool.

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drivers who hang in your blind spot, when they could pass or drop back


supermarket shoppers who form a blockade with their baskets, then stop


distracted drivers - The other day, my co-pilot checked, and over half the vehicles we passed had a driver playing with the phone.

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When people don't replace the toilet paper when the roll is empty. People who toss their freaking fast-food bags out the window while driving...they don't have trashcans where your heading? I hate it when people talk really loud on their cell phone like they are so important that everyone wants to know what their stupid conversation is about.

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Slow drivers, and especially slow drivers who drive in the left hand land. If your going to drive like an 85 year old woman, at least have the courtesy to get the hell out of the way for those of us who have places to go and drive in the right lane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I work in the restaurant community, my biggest pet peeve is two fold.


First: self centered people; it is so incredibly obnoxious when you are so self centered that you can just be ignorant and rude to everyone around you. Talking on your phone while ordering, cutting in line, complaining about having to wait; all of these things in general.


Second: Drinking from a cup without a straw; bottles are okay, but i think it's gross to drink from a cup without a straw... i dunno why... i'm weird i guess...

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budget shortfall at work, & mgmt. assumes they can expect field operatives to use their own vehicles without even having a conversation with them


another 500 miles/month on a personal car? sure, fine. wait 12 weeks for reimbursement for mileage? thank you, sir, may i have another?

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