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Suggest a costume!


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Being completely uninterested and unimaginative when it comes to clothes and such, I would love to get the opinion of the members on this forum.


I need suggestions for sexy halloween costumes for "young males".


Sadly, this is not for a real life event, so there will be no posting of pictures of yours truly modelling your suggestions, but that doesn't mean that I won't appreciate your ideas.


I need them for a story I am writing right now, my main charater and his best friend are going to a halloween party hosted by a well to do, gay, middle aged neighbour. The party goers will be 75% gay and 25% minor celebrities (host works in tv).


So, any suggestions???

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Ancent soldiers Roman / Greek are a sexy look. I also like a tight fitting uniform: cop, firefighter, modern day soldier.


Not me, but I know a lot of guys that go gaga over a man in scrubs and white lab coat ;)

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I think a man in a skirt is SOOOO sexy, How about a sexy witch, with a short skirt and unbuttoned shirt, finshnet stockings and high heels. Or a geisha in a kimono... silk and stockings. Or leather straps with tattered silk and lace.


hmm... Just off to take a shower. :)

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Well the vampire is usually well done and can be a white shirt opened all the way down, black skin tight jeans, boots, and fangs. A lot can be said depending on how modest and rich your characters are. Face it they can rent a Roman Soldier outfit or go in an old high school sports uniform. Shy guys can always go in something skin tight that doesn't show skin but reveals all. The cowboy in a cowboy hat, jeans, and cowboy boots with a large belt buckle to show off his crotch. Or go sci fi where it is mostly body paint and a very skimpy outfit and claim to be an alien.

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Well, you've always got some classics you can use. Swashbuckling Pirate for instance. Tight pants that leave the lower legs exposed and might as well be painted on, gauzy flowing shirt left open or laced very loosey in front. Lets you see a lot of skin.


Tarzan outfit could work too - just a simple loin cloth - cant get much more revealing than that - and still be legal! Posted Image


Adam sans Eve might work for a mostly gay party - or maybe one of the straight couples could go as the traditional couple? For that matter, a gay couple could go as Adam and Steve and do a little re-write of the genesis story. Fig leaves in a few strategic spots is all that costume takes.


The classic greek/roman satyr is a little more complicated, but I have actually seen it done. Basically furry pants which isn't really all that sexy, but the torso would be left bare. A set of horns for the head and your set. In the example that I actually did see the guy wore a little body glitter on his torso - very little - and it worked really well.


Hope this helps. Oh - and if a real party does spring up I think it's safe to say we'd all like pictures! Posted Image

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What about going as some well known gays? Oscar Wilde, for example...did he have a paramour? Or, a rock'n roll theme as Elton John and David Bowie from Bowie's Ziggy Stardust days. I do like Zombie's body painting idea...and the linked elf.

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Thanks everyone for such great suggestions. I think I will use one, or two of them.


James: Personally, I don't see how a guy could do justice to Cylon 6 (I had to look it up) Definitely hot, but not on a guy.


Mark: Well, since its a fictional party, don't get your hopes up. However the idea is a good one...

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Yeah, agree with comicfan body painting can be a very sexy "fancy dress" look


Here's a sexy elf




Mpf... Umph... Ooooh... Yum yum. Just popping off to find my voice and put my eyes back in.


Love that pic Zombie and Daniel if you go like that I want an invite Posted Image Posted Image


Me too


Thanks everyone for such great suggestions. I think I will use one, or two of them.


James: Personally, I don't see how a guy could do justice to Cylon 6 (I had to look it up) Definitely hot, but not on a guy.


Mark: Well, since its a fictional party, don't get your hopes up. However the idea is a good one...


Well... I don't think that's a good enough excuse to not have photos

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  • 1 year later...

Batman and Robin. Tights are always sexy and it's fitting for 'young males', at least in my opinion.

And if you don't think it's gay enough, just google 'batman robin gay' :-)

Edited by DavidAB
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Scots kilt ,velvet jacket ,lace shirt  long hair , claymore.

Though the cowboy is good leather vest, leather chaps cowboy boots, cowboy hat....Western shirt and jeans can be optional.

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