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Threats should not deter us


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We have in this forum a very diverse community of writers, readers, editors, and people just hanging out. Some of us have grown up basically on this forum, there are teenagers and twentysomethings like me, who can attest to that. Some of us are old guys enjoying the conversations and the memories of their youth.


Today, many of us have received this message in our inbox:


"The Penalty for Sodomy is Death. You have been warned"

I was shocked at the audacity of this message.


I know some might be scared by this message, maybe some of you guys are afraid that your personal information will be released on a hate group's mailing list or you could be publicly outed in front of family, friends, or co-workers.


However, the greatest power these types of people have over us is not the power of physical harm or public outing, but fear itself. If we allow these guys to corral us into isolation, censor our stories so no one can read them, and destroy this community with threats, they will won more than what a thousand bullets or bombs could do.


They might know who I am, they might know who you are, but when it comes down to it, I am not afraid. At times in your life you got to stand your ground.


I don't think any of us wants to move back into the closet, nor be kept under the reigns of a moral authority that holds no binding absolute jurisdiction as to what our lives and our thoughts should be.


I am not afraid and I hope you guys can say the same.

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I'm not sure how much they were able to hack, if anyone can answer that I'd like to know, not that I have any fear from it. Hell, I was outted 20 years ago and just found out recently. Posted Image I mean there is over 6,000 members, what can the hacker possibly do? The e-mail message is very juvenile, kinda of like the Star Trek episode of 'Resistance is Futile'. Posted Image I'm sure Mry is doing everything he can to catch this hacker. But I'm not worried any bit.

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In what way can you be prepared when you don't know if, when, who, how, or any other detail of a potential threat to your safety or well-being? The same way as always: be vigilant and aware.


Is it worth worrying about? No. Worrying never helped anything.

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I was vaguely amused. I consider my first death threat as a milestone Posted Image


However, my GA email is separate from my personal and professional ones. If anyone's worried about this stuff happening again, maybe they should look into a set up like that?

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The bigots are trying to force us back into the closet, so they can pretend we don't exist. They think sexuality is a choice, one that can be corrected, so they are tyring to scare as many as possible into 'rehabilitating' themselves and then silencing the rest, by any means possible. Thus tactuc was tried with the blacks after the Civil War, as the KKK and other groups tried to harrass them into submissive roles, but the black community persevered and so should we. The LGBT community cannot let the narrowminded minority intimidate us into giving up our rights or being who we are. Face them as proud human beings, but always remain alert for that handful that will try to go one step further, if they think they can get away with it.

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Whoever hacked the site is just some douchbag troll, not even worth the time it takes to post about them. If someone wants to feel leet or hardcore or whatever words you wanna use for "loser who needs to do stupid things to feel better about himself" then let him. The biggest insult we can give him is our indifference.

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The Hacker is more coward than anything else. He's fears his own buried attractions to the same-sex will eventually go away. How sad and pathetic.


Just a coward.



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Zion GA, hear me! It is true, what many of you have heard. The machines haters have gathered an army and as I speak, that army is drawing nearer to our home. Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines haters. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here! Today, let us send a message to that army. Tonight, let us shake this cave server. Tonight, let us tremble these halls domains of earth, steel, and stone, the WWW, let us be heard from red core to black sky Facebook to Twitter. Tonight, let us make them remember, this is Zion GA, and we are not afraid!


Posted Image





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Best ripoff ever Yang :D


Well, we're all still alive and a few of us might have done the deed between the email and now, so there's nothing to fear.

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  • Site Administrator

As best I can tell, the hacker came in through a vulnerable software item and was able to heighten his permissions and wipe the site. I can't promise I've completely closed the hole, but it is much improved.

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I was vaguely amused. I consider my first death threat as a milestone Posted Image


However, my GA email is separate from my personal and professional ones. If anyone's worried about this stuff happening again, maybe they should look into a set up like that?


Very good idea Traveller, I've consider doing just that a couple of times.


i figured from the second I got my email that the site had been hacked, either that or there was some disgruntled Admin out there screwing around lol. I'm not worried about my personal info being released. Some fo my family doesn't know I'm gay but that's due more to the fact that my family are a bunch of gossip whores than out of any kind of fear.

As for my professional life...that's funny all of my co workers know I'm gay and they actually love me for it, plus my boss know and their LGBT (out of respect I'm not naming genders or preferences of said person.


Like Jamessavik's cat said...Bring it on Bro....but seriously consider just what kind of crap you'll be in for if you think you can scare me.


I'm really glad that the site could be restored, it would be a HUGE freaking loss if this place went bye bye. This site is like an oasis is the desert man. A place where we can come together and just share the fruits of our labor and passions but connected and have a feeling of acceptance and solidarity. Something a lot of folks can get in their off net lives.


Best yall,


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YOLO, this troll cant even stand a chance vs us. That guy is prolly some troll. Oh well, idc if they sent death threats. Thye prolly cant do anything in real life anyways. That troll really needs a life, that's all I have to say. YOLO, bro

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I was wondering what the message was (didn't get the email).


Naturally, I'm shivering in my boots.


Super serial guys, I'm so scared some misguided tween will be able to track my GA email back to mitt@mittromney.com

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