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GA: Pros and Cons

Rob Colton

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Hi all,


I'm new to this site. I've previously posted to Nifty and Literotica and I am thinking about posting some stories here.


So, anyone wanna give me some pros and cons for this site?




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Hi Rob

Welcome to GA Posted Image

To answer your question GA allows authors to get immediate feedback from readers (which you may or may not want Posted Image ) and to set tags for readers searching for particular story types. But more than that GA is a community where you can join in - and create - a whole range of threads, chat, blog and contact other members directly. Have a look around, and have fun!

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Welcome to GA


The people are both the pro and the con. Give the site a try, look around and cop a feel, you'll discover your own ideas of pros and cons.


Have fun

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  • Site Administrator

Rob! You're finally here! :hug: Okay, so I don't post on Nifty, but I do on Literotica. Let me give you my feelings on the differences.




1) You control your stories here. You can set them to publish whenever you want, once you get 50 likes and get out of the mod queue.

2) The mod queue. That seems like an iffy thing, but really it helps you as a new poster on GA. We make sure you are formatting your stories correctly, posting the right way and we always check for plagiarism. If we find your story elsewhere, we let you know. We protect author's rights on the site quite vigorously. Also, I check the queue almost every day, so stories don't sit for long even in the queue.

3) While you cannot delete stories or chapters yourself, you can control if they are published on the site or not. So, if you have an issue with a story, you do have control over it. Plus all it takes is a request to staff to help edit or delete a story if you have a major problem.

4) GA has a great writing community over here. I know you have your own group, but we really support new authors and have a lot of information in the Writer's Corner and Editor's Corner. We also have fun things like quarterly anthologies, weekly writing prompts... things like that.

5) GA Stories is a great place to showcase your stories. It has search features that let readers find your stories. Once they do they can easily leave reviews as well. We also have a forum specifically for authors to set up topics for authors to discuss their stories with readers. The more you interact with readers on the site, the more readers, and feedback, you will get.

6) Our authors don't have as many issues with stories being stolen like Lit authors do.



1) You won't get as much feedback or reads here as you do on the other sites. Fact of life, they get more traffic than we do since they showcase more smut. We have a higher quality of stories overall, particularly romantic/relationship stories, so you have to work harder to make yours stand out.

2) That's all I could think of :P


I know I talked to you about posting your stories on GA in the past. GA is my 'home' so to speak. I like posting on Lit, since it has gotten me new readers that follow to my blog or GA, but this will always be the site I suggest first when writers I know are looking to post their stories online. This is a community made of members, writers, readers, editors, betas... and it's hugely supportive. Quite a few of the authors on here have stories they are working on for publication, along with their free stories for this site. We have a high caliber of authors, and being a part of this site has been great for me personally.


Besides, Rob... what do you have to lose? ;)

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First of all welcome Rob, I came here from Nifty, I was a bit nervous at first. But I've felt very welcomed here, authors, editors, mods, admins alike. They're are many great people here, many of which you'll get to know if you hop in the chatroom.

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First of all welcome Rob, I came here from Nifty, I was a bit nervous at first. But I've felt very welcomed here, authors, editors, mods, admins alike. They're are many great people here, many of which you'll get to know if you hop in the chatroom.


Watch out for that Krista chick though...she's kinda tough ;) one time she cracked her Mod belt on my ass so hard I lost my virginity.

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Hi Rob

Welcome to GA Posted Image

To answer your question GA allows authors to get immediate feedback from readers (which you may or may not want Posted Image ) and to set tags for readers searching for particular story types. But more than that GA is a community where you can join in - and create - a whole range of threads, chat, blog and contact other members directly. Have a look around, and have fun!


Allows being the key word there simply because not everyone leaves feedback after reading or nessarilly reads what people write, However that being said I enjoy being here, and especially enjoy the fact that they have a higher standard.... I'd not think about posting some of my stories and stuff here otherwise...


LOL! yep Lugh is both Pro and con.... he's a little gremlin.... :D

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GA has standards.


Your work isn't going to sit beside stories that are "inter-generational" or guys that are hot for their horses.


I'm damned finicky about where I post my stories and don't want to be associated with those sorts of sites.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rob!

I post on Lit as well (and am a fan of yours :D ) - for me, even as a reader, the difference between GA and Lit is the comments. Here you have to put a name to your comment, so i find posts are far more encouraging and helpful and far less likely to be pure negativity. Some of the reviews i've seen on Lit make me hurt as a READER and can NOT be in any way helpful to the writer. Some of them are so destructive. Another poin is the community here too - so nice to be able to chat to people and throw questions out there and be basically guarenteed friendly responses. Lots of positives here at GA ... Although i do like the rating system on Lit.... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Rob

Welcome to GA. Posted Image

Not been here that long myself, but been a reader and editor for a few peeps on Nifty for a while. I got referred here by one of the writers who posts in both places, and it was here that I eventually decided to kick off my own writing adventure.


I did this for two reasons mainly. There is a huge amount of information to pull from, information that encourages you and prompts you to give it a go. I honestly believe there is a book in each of us, sometimes we just need someone willing to help coax it out of us. They actively do that here and that's something I like.


Secondly just echo's what so many of the peeps above me have already said about the community at GA. As a newby I've needed a lot of help along the way, and from old to young, admin to reader, author to editor everyone I've had a chance to chat to, asked help from or sent a message too has been friendly, helpful and fun. Something that is not that as easily accessible on any other site I've tried.


Looking forward to reading your stuff, and hope you enjoy yourself. Posted Image

Edited by Yettie One
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1) All of the stories I have read on here focuses on the storyline, characters, background, their friends, family, situations etc. Unlike nifty where 90% of the stuff I read on there is some mega-orgy where there is at least one sex scene in each story in a series.


2) I like the forum, and chat, being able to converse with others in the gay community in relative anonymity. (Relative being the internet.)





...hmm... dunno. I'll have to get back to you on that :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I prefer the quality of the stories. I also have not heard any authors complaining about there work being stolen on this site. What i have heard is that the new change to posting was difficult after the switch and many of my favorite authors have either not reposted their works or posted anything new. I hope you move here because I miss you writing and after 10x of reading the same stories even I need new content.

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  • Site Administrator

Personally I prefer the quality of the stories. I also have not heard any authors complaining about there work being stolen on this site. What i have heard is that the new change to posting was difficult after the switch and many of my favorite authors have either not reposted their works or posted anything new. I hope you move here because I miss you writing and after 10x of reading the same stories even I need new content.


The switch last year was hard for everyone; most people dislike change and it was a complete departure from the old system for both hosted and promising/authors. I think the system is actually pretty user friendly for the most part and other than minor formatting issues I don't get too many 'I just can't figure this out at all' pm's anymore. While posting is certainly more complicated now, the ways of getting a story available for readers is much greater.


Another thing that members might not be aware of is that part of the staff, and some lovely volunteers, moved hundreds of stories that were not moved by authors themselves. Either because they had abandoned them or the site, or they just weren't around then. Some authors came back after the move and many more just never posted anything else. I just want it to be clear that just because some stories were moved doesn't mean the authors did it themselves and then abandoned GA due to a complicated posting system. It's entirely likely that we moved those stories for them.


Just yesterday we had 3 new stories posted on GA, 2 serials and one short story. We also had 2 chapter updates to ongoing stories. On average each week you can find at least a handful of new stories started and many more updates. Check out the tags and genre listings to find new stories or old ones you might not have read before. Unless their preference is extremely narrow, a reader should be able to find a huge supply of stories to keep busy.


I definitely agree, though, that will only be easier if more authors join and post on GA.

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Perhaps we need a system that encourages some form of feed back.

The more you wanna read the more you have volunteer some form of feedback ...

of course one can argue that would deter readers who just want to read stories well that can be the risk

many do forget that about the labor and sacrifice that writers do to provide us with their outlet of their labor of love

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Perhaps we need a system that encourages some form of feed back.

The more you wanna read the more you have volunteer some form of feedback ...


That would be horrible. You can't limit people's access to stories on a site that's free and all about reading stories. And you wouldn't even really be getting anything to balance out the trouble that would cause. All that'd happen is people who normally wouldn't review would start leaving small, bare bones "good chapter" comments. If I was gonna post something here, I'd rather have two or three sincere reviews than 50 afterthought reviews that people only bothered with so tey could read another story.

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HH5.... how many stories do you read and review?



oh yeah.... this is how many:



Posted Image


Joined 09-October 08

Author: Author · 0 stories · 5 reviews · 0 total words

No website available.



Put your money where your mouth is.... REVIEW.

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Have just read all through the post. I have been a member for a while and I am also thinking of posting a story and having read the comments here I will get round to it very soon.


I hope I will get lots of help and support .... It does sound as if I will.



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Hi Rob,


First 'fangal squeal' I'm so excited to see you post, and I hope you stay here at GA, It really is an inspiring place to post stories, I find it challenging. I read other stories from really amazing writers, and it just makes me want to write better. What more can you look for in a writing site. :)


I can't wait to read more of your work!!

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