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External Beauty or Internal Beauty?


Look or Personality?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. When you pick your potential love interest....

    • Go for the look.
    • It's inside that counts.

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What do you guys think? After taking the survey, please do a short elaboration if you can. Or if you want to do a percentage, that's fine, too.

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I picked it's what's on the inside that counts, but it's more inbetween. I picked that because it's really hard for me not to find something attractive about someone. I'm not picky at all when it comes to looks. But if someone came along that I got along with but I didn't find physically attractive, I couldn't be in a realationship with them. But getting along with someone is way more important than their perfect hair or abs. I'm pretty picky about personalities. Luckily I already found someone who's perfect personality and looks wise with me so I'm set b^_^

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Age old topic, but never discussed too much. Pretty wrappings are great, but who wants to unwrap a box of crap, and lies. I want to know a person, regardless of looks. Attraction comes form a chemistry, not from a glance, and OMG, he or she is gorgeous. Maybe so, but when u try to interact, they are very disappointing. Not saying they are a bad person, just proving that decorations are only a costume. Inside is the soul. JMO

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I heard it once said this way and it makes sense to me: what's on the outside gets you a date; what's on the inside gets you a second.


I suppose it depends on what you're looking for. ;)

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I heard it once said this way and it makes sense to me: what's on the outside gets you a date; what's on the inside gets you a second.


I suppose it depends on what you're looking for. Posted Image


I think that's pretty much what I think also, and that believe or not, hurt me more than anything.


Okay, I am going to say to me 80% is inside, and 20% outside. I am not picky on the outside, as long as I feel we're sort of compatible. I can't date with someone at all who I don't feel we have some sort of common ground or someone I cannot possibly respect. That to me is like the big thing. Unfortunately how could someone know what the person is REALLY like until you get to know them for a long while?


I've had some friends, who pretend to know me based on how I look.... That drives me nuts! INSIDE.... It's INSIDE that counts. Get into my inside!!! Know what I like and feel what I feel! Flower will one day fall apart and fade away. I am not only saying that because I am aging. Really. ;)

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For me, there has to be some sort of attraction there to get my attention in the first place, but once you have my attention, it's what is on the inside that counts. You can have a lot of fun with a pretty face and sexy body but if there is nothing between the ears and no soul in the chest then they're just and empty shell.

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I like a little of both. Posted Image


You selfish little shit.. :P lol.


I'll not try to make myself sound nice or anything... but the person can be insanely giving and beautiful on the inside, but if there isn't any physical appeal - they're better off friends. There has to be both there to form a lasting impression on the level you are asking. It is always nice to bring people into our lives that are beautiful on the inside though no matter to what end the relationship is. All depends on what you're looking for... a lasting relationship happens with compromise and an emotional bond that you're more likely to get from a person that you think has inner beauty. If you want a sex toy.. then what's on the inside doesn't matter as much. ;)


But then again... people can bypass someone's physical flaws completely when they get to know a person on the level it would take to know if someone is beautiful on the inside.


To summarize - I'd like to pick the beauty on the inside option, but I'm not one that is blind to outer attractiveness first.


I'm a married woman though and the husband has it all in my eyes.. ;) so I'm good. lol.

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So you're a bottom.


And you're Einstein.... Posted Image


Oh come on, that's about as obvious as Anderson Cooper is gay. But I am sure AC is beautiful on the inside....

Edited by Ashi
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What Krista said, and I'll add that how we perceive beauty can be pretty subjective and influenced by our feelings for a person. I'm convinced my friends are all better-looking than average, when statistically that just can't be true (given that I don't live in Hollywood) and that my SO is the best-looking guy on this earth.


Some people might call it overlooking the "flaws" but that would imply that I see them and choose not to, so it's not quite that. It's more that you look at the whole, both inside and out, and it's all part of someone you love, so it's all good.

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WHen I look for a partner, there has to be some attraction there.. some chemistry. However, I know of some gorgeous people, but because of their attitudes.. make them ugly. To be honest, the ones I find most attractive are the ones who do not know they are.. So I say it's 20 % looks and 80% what is inside.

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Some people might call it overlooking the "flaws"....


Oh, goodie, I love that phrase.


But seriously, I don't think I overlook my friends' "flaws" because that would imply I think they're..., well, let's not be impolite. :P Anywayz..., I guess sometimes I project a little bit, because I really want people to explore me (stop that, Y_B), so I keep things open and just observe people for who they're rather than who they appear to be. The result is usually like there is a little gem in everyone. And sometimes that little gem inside can hook me harder than the exterior.


I used be like, I want a guy who is tall and this and that... blah blah blah and all those appearance factors. Yeah, I still want my guy to be tall, and that's most of that 20% of look I care about..., but if the guy has no substance, share nothing in common with me, bores me to tears while I was trying my best at giving a polite smile (and still doesn't get the hint and stop to bore me), talk about how good he looks while ignoring me ;), I think I wouldn't care the guy looks good or not. I think finding a guy like that is much harder than finding a good looking guy.... But then I live near San Francisco.... We don't have a shortage of good looking guys around (which makes it more difficult to compete also, of course...).


I kept thinking about my Linguiça when I thought about my idea guy.... I don't think I'll ever find a boyfriend if I keep thinking like that.... But I could listen to him talking about his life and problems all day long, because he was so fascinating.


Anywayz, do you guys find it when a guy talks to you about something that concerns about them so deeply, they look lost-in-thought attractive? Or maybe a whole body blush when you tease them? I thought those are like the freaking turn ons....

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Everyone's got a different mixture of sugar, spice and everything nice, so it's gonna be a case by case thing...and the whole setting a % this and % that doesn't make much sense to me cuz like I've met people in the past who are soooo interesting I find myself just being blinded by that and I just wanna fornicate their minds. It's like those people someone can mention and you'd go "omg i LOVE [insert name]!!11!!1" and i've also met people who look like they came straight out of Santa's bag of goodies and I'm just like *pant pant pant pant what'd you say? huh? nvm, doesn't matter* either way i never dated any of them, except 1 and he was none of the above, so I'm gonna try it all out til I can go "ok, I like this and that" and "maybe not this and that." I'm 23 and that's how it izzzz...isn't it? If I meet someone tmr who I feel like I wanna spend the next 312 years with them, great...but that's as likely as if I woke up tmr with 2 dicks. So I'm gonna take whatever comes my way as learning experiences or just fun flings. I'm not worried about getting older and expiring on the homo meat market...shit I KNOW I'll be rocking and cocking all the way til 70 :D. If by then, I STILL haven't found anyone...hopefully I'll have enough money to be gay Hugh Hefner and I'll just pay Justin Beiber #45 to suck my dick.

Edited by Y_B
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And you're Einstein.... Posted Image


Oh come on, that's about as obvious as Anderson Cooper is gay. But I am sure AC is beautiful on the inside....


lol anderson cooper is quiet and less socialize

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Everyone's got a different mixture of sugar, spice and everything nice, so it's gonna be a case by case thing...and the whole setting a % this and % that doesn't make much sense to me cuz like I've met people in the past who are soooo interesting I find myself just being blinded by that and I just wanna fornicate their minds. It's like those people someone can mention and you'd go "omg i LOVE [insert name]!!11!!1" and i've also met people who look like they came straight out of Santa's bag of goodies and I'm just like *pant pant pant pant what'd you say? huh? nvm, doesn't matter* either way i never dated any of them, except 1 and he was none of the above, so I'm gonna try it all out til I can go "ok, I like this and that" and "maybe not this and that." I'm 23 and that's how it izzzz...isn't it? If I meet someone tmr who I feel like I wanna spend the next 312 years with them, great...but that's as likely as if I woke up tmr with 2 dicks. So I'm gonna take whatever comes my way as learning experiences or just fun flings. I'm not worried about getting older and expiring on the homo meat market...shit I KNOW I'll be rocking and cocking all the way til 70 Posted Image. If by then, I STILL haven't found anyone...hopefully I'll have enough money to be gay Hugh Hefner and I'll just pay Justin Beiber #45 to suck my dick.


Why is everyone who I call my twin brother always turns out funky? I think I shall stop declaring younger people as my twin brothers, no matter how much younger that could make me feel.... Because that's just like wrong.... I don't talk like you..., like ever. You really raised the bar. You made me feel I was raised in the 50's..., and I mean 1850's.... You are kind of intimidating. I think I shall die from heart attack very soon.... Wait, someone already did.... Maybe I'll just wait for another month for propriety reason.... And your taste is like bad.... I mean, Justin Bieber? Really? And you would pay to have him do that? :P


lol anderson cooper is quiet and less socialize


I am pretty quiet in RL. I am more of a listener. But nobody believed me.... Not even my co-workers in my previous jobs.... Online I can talk a lot, but not on the same level as Y_B of course....

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I love to see questions like this.


They make people like like clocks to be politically correct. :lmao:


It's about that AZZ ok? Always has, always was, always been about that Azz. Posted Image

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^ says the single 42 year old

(wait, is he single?...well I'm just assuming Posted Image)


And your taste is like bad.... I mean, Justin Bieber? Really? And you would pay to have him


I'm willing to lay down my babiez that most guys here would jump that bieber "Azz" if given the chance. Ok yeah, he's like the center focus of bandwagon mockery cuz he's got atrocious music and style and his whole THANG is just weird...like I cannot even look at that haircut without vomiting all over my keyboard...plus he's a music industry tool and keeps walking into glass doors...but pleazzz bitch, if you got someone who looked anything close to this come on GA and was for realz, the server would blowup with jizz thirsty crazy people...dawn of the dead style.......or at least just me Posted Image


And i'll be your twin brother...but that means I gotta get you a penis pump.

Edited by Y_B
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^ says the single 42 year old

(wait, is he single?...well I'm just assuming Posted Image)


Yes, he is probably single, just like you, just poking around the world.... Marriage isn't for everyone I suppose, but please, some of us do care about more connection than just friction..., so don't put down others or don't think the way you think.


The rest is just too inappropriate to answer. I am old, okay? I can't handle stuff like this anymore. My blood pressure is rising just reading it.... I feel sorry for your parents.... What did they do to deserve you? If I were your dad, I would go kaboom in two seconds.... I can't handle kids. Sorry, I just can't!


Anyways, Mr. jamessavik..., it's not always about azz, sometimes it's about....

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I love to see questions like this.


They make people like like clocks to be politically correct. Posted Image


It's about that AZZ ok? Always has, always was, always been about that Azz. Posted Image


I agree if by "that Azz" you mean sex appeal, because it's an important part in a potential love interest, which was the question.. But sex appeal is in the eye of the beholder, and it's made up of more than simply a flawless body or perfect Azz. Not that sex appeal and a perfect Azz are mutually exclusive, of course! Posted Image

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Yes, he is probably single, just like you, just poking around the world.... Marriage isn't for everyone I suppose, but please, some of us do care about more connection than just friction..., so don't put down others or don't think the way you think.


You misunderstood me a bit. I don't want this image of me like I'm one of those crazy slutty shallow people who goes around shoving people's junk in my mouth and not care about the "connection", that's not me at all. I was just saying because I have so limited dating experience, I'm not thinking about finding someone to settle down with permanently cuz I have no clue what I really want out of a long term boyfriend and my life's gonna be changing unrecognizably in the next coupla years anyways, so I'm kinda just "poking around the world" gathering bits and pieces of what I need to learn about myself and what I want out of people and my life. my idea with love is just like with making friends...you don't plan it, you don't dwell on it like it's some huge enigma and pull your hair out wondering why it's not working. You do your own shit in life and they come when they come and they do come. How many of your friends did you make because you were like "ok, I need to make a friend...I really like this person, I want to be their friend...ok, here goes...wish me luck"? At least I didn't meet my friends that way, I can't even remember how I met most of my closer friends esp the older ones. It's like the bond got built so subtly and gradually before I knew it we were hanging out everyday and it's like...how do I know you again? but most of my friends came from school, so I do know how we met, but you know what I mean? That's how I envision my love life to be, so I'm not even focused on dating. I would like to date but I don't need to. It's one of those things that'll happen when it happens and good guys come out of the blue, so no need to think about it like it's a goal or something. My #1 concern by far right now is getting my life set up and on a roll so I can have a good life in my late 20s going onto my 30s and 40s. I have no interest in living a mediocre life. never had it that way, don't intend on downgrading. I'm attracted to people who have their lives together and are happy with themselves...I'd imagine other people are too.


The rest is just too inappropriate to answer. I am old, okay? I can't handle stuff like this anymore. My blood pressure is rising just reading it.... I feel sorry for your parents.... What did they do to deserve you? If I were your dad, I would go kaboom in two seconds.... I can't handle kids. Sorry, I just can't!


LOL. So I take that as meaning you wouldn't wanna meet me if i ever go to Cali

Edited by Y_B
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I'm not picky, but there's got to be at least somewhat of physical attraction, but personality trumps it. I'd take an okay-looking guy with a great personality over a drop-dead gorgeous guy who didn't have anything else going on for him in a heartbeat. Because if all you have in common with someone is the fact that you like looking at them, it's not going to last in the long run.

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