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What is your tipple?

Yettie One

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either cider or perry, fruit flavours are best




bourbon (Uncle Jack, Cousin Jim or Mr Bulliet are our favourite friends)


but if i'm feeling refined then i'll be drinking Napolean Mandarin. orange flavoured brandy, designed especially for The Emperor, and produced only at one small distillery in France. fab stuff

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I was introduced to my first hard alcohol by my stepfather, Glenfiddich Scotch, which kind of ruins you for anything less.  I don't drink it a lot, but I really appreciate a good Scotch or whiskey.   On a regular basis since I live in the unofficial beer capital of the USA with more breweries than any other city, I like beer, mostly dark beers, a good Porter or Stout.  In the summer I am drinking some lighter IPAs an the like, but I really don't drink that much, maybe one or two beers a week.

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I was introduced to my first hard alcohol by my stepfather, Glenfiddich Scotch, which kind of ruins you for anything less.  I don't drink it a lot, but I really appreciate a good Scotch or whiskey. 


I was once shouted out of a party for adding sugar and coke to Glenfiddich....

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Oh lord.  Where has this thread been all my life?  XD Poison of choice is vodka.  Preferably Grey Goose, but I'm REALLY partial to Hypnotiq.  I'm also a HUGE wino.  Hell, I'm 21 and Stateside people know how important that year is.  I'll essentially drink anything.  Since I've been in China, special occasions call for something called Moutai and that is like drinking fire.  But it's so good. <3  That being said, I think it might be prudent to say that I only drink on special occasions.  Everyone be safe out there!


Cognac is something that I cannot stand, as well as Jager.  No.  Just no.  Like drinking paint thinner.  BLECH.  And I haven't found a beer I like yet.

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Oh lord.  Where has this thread been all my life?  XD Poison of choice is vodka.  Preferably Grey Goose, but I'm REALLY partial to Hypnotiq.  I'm also a HUGE wino.  Hell, I'm 21 and Stateside people know how important that year is.  I'll essentially drink anything.  Since I've been in China, special occasions call for something called Moutai and that is like drinking fire.  But it's so good. <3  That being said, I think it might be prudent to say that I only drink on special occasions.  Everyone be safe out there!


Cognac is something that I cannot stand, as well as Jager.  No.  Just no.  Like drinking paint thinner.  BLECH.  And I haven't found a beer I like yet.


Fruli - strawberry beer. it rocks

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I was once shouted out of a party for adding sugar and coke to Glenfiddich....


:o Och nae, yae dinnae  :o


North of the border they'll cut off vital parts of your anatomy for committing such sacrilege.  Being half-Scottish I can see where they are coming from :)

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:o Och nae, yae dinnae   :o


North of the border they'll cut off vital parts of your anatomy for committing such sacrilege.  Being half-Scottish I can see where they are coming from :)


I think they were gonna, but i run away quite quick...

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depends what im aiming to do! if im out with friends to have a good time then its shots. all shots... if you can shot it, ill shot it :P sambucca, tequila, vodka, jager, slivovice, sours, thats generally my poison of choice. that said, Eristoff Black used to be my weapon of choice but died a death during freshers week - the thought now makes me want to throw up


if im drinking socially its normally a fruit cider like kopparberg or rekorderlig, a cocktail like a cheeky vimto, or a spirit with a mixer of red bull/monster/etc. :)

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depends what im aiming to do! if im out with friends to have a good time then its shots. all shots... if you can shot it, ill shot it :P sambucca, tequila, vodka, jager, slivovice, sours, thats generally my poison of choice. that said, Eristoff Black used to be my weapon of choice but died a death during freshers week - the thought now makes me want to throw up


if im drinking socially its normally a fruit cider like kopparberg or rekorderlig, a cocktail like a cheeky vimto, or a spirit with a mixer of red bull/monster/etc. :)


Ouchies.  Slivovice is like drinking turpentine :lol:


I tried it in Prague . . . once . . . never again.

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Ouchies.  Slivovice is like drinking turpentine :lol:


I tried it in Prague . . . once . . . never again.


my best friend is czech and brews it himself. made the mistake of letting him cheer me up in a drinking session after a bad breakup - 4 shots of that later and thats the last i remember of that night, and im by no means a lightweight :P


its cheap and effective, and you can ignore the taste after a bit. like absinthe, its sour, but i think drinking it with sugar just makes it worse :P

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  • 3 months later...

My choice of cocktail is a Sezerac. This is how I make them: US measurements


2 oz rye whiskey - I use Rye 1 because I cannot find Sezerac rye in Boston

3 dashes Peychaud's bitters

2 dashes Regan's orange bitters

1 tsp simple syrup - I use equivalent sugar substitute

1 tsp absinthe


Mix the rye whiskey, bitters and sugar or sugar substitute in a glass. Add ice cubes, stir 30 seconds and remove ice cubes. Add absinthe and twist of lemon, swirl and discard lemon twist. Drink


Gin and tonic in the summer. Occasional gin martini (double olives) in the winter. Red wine for dinner anytime.

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Malibu with pineapple juice.


 I usually just get mike's hard lemonade or vodka and OJ though.


I cannot take shots anymore. The last time I tried to take a shot I threw up. Not because I was drunk, but because of the taste. 

Edited by obscene cupcake
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I like to drink the blood of the sinners (or people who wear fluorescent fanny packs, same thing) who would dare defy me, mixed in with a little red wine. The simpler authorities can never tell the difference, which keeps the peace in Pleasantville.

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For a cocktail, I like bourbon and orange bitters which I guess in some quarters is called an old fashioned.


Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight

orange bitters


gum syrup and an orange peel


My favorite bar serves this with a single, overly large hand carved ice cube in a simple glass to nice effect.  No cherry or lemon.  Hate cherries in anything: food or drink


Mostly though, wine is my alcholic beverage of choice, especially (sorry Califorina!)  Australian or New Zealand reds. 

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Mickey's drink reminded me that I started with 7&7 as my drink.  (Seagram's 7 and 7-UP) way back in the mid sixties.


 Now I like a bottle of wine with my meals and it varies depending on what we eat.  


For just knocking back, it's a Bud Light or Busch beer.  

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