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An article in the Atlantic Monthly online version says that an amazing number of people use social media in the TOILET!!!! They cite a survey saying that 1/3 of young Americans do this. Are you one of them? What's so vital that you have to tweet or post while using the loo?


The whole article is here:



.Lol. I've posted from the loo...like twice. It's not that it was overly important. The conversation was just so interesting and I wanted to go.

And I'm going to stop here:)...


Well, when there's nohing else to do but do, you might as well do something. The trouble starts when you drop the wrong thing in there ...


My dumper is a tech-free zone.


You needn't imagine farting and flushing background noises with any of my posts.


My dumper is a tech-free zone.


You needn't imagine farting and flushing background noises with any of my posts.


To risk asking a very dangerous question, what kind of dumper is that?


An article in the Atlantic Monthly online version says that an amazing number of people use social media in the TOILET!!!! They cite a survey saying that 1/3 of young Americans do this. Are you one of them? What's so vital that you have to tweet or post while using the loo?


The whole article is here:



Here is the version with visual effect (using Sims 2, it looks like):



And here is one I found while searching for the restroom etiquette...



And forgive the really crude men humor of this one. :D



I hate to admit it, but I am a frequent bathroom phone browser. Mostly at work though. At home, I generally lose my phone the minute I walk in my door and don't find it until I'm ready for bed. It pisses my friends off, but I hate to be bothered at home.


Guess where I am. I don't understand why this is so weird?

#adultlife #beansoup #twothingsthataretoohardtodoatthesametime #icantbetheonlyperson


I can hardly be bothered to keep track of my phone, let alone add in the added worry that I might accidently flush it in the sewer. Not to mention that I'm lucky if i check my facebook twice a week to say hi to family, I couldn't see needing to check social media in the bathroom. I tried twitter, once, for about a day, i coulnd't find the appeal, in that day I learned just how many things that a person does that just aren't worth talking about, I mean really, the world needs to know someone had a ham sandwich for lunch?


Ummm noo.. lol. I've seen those pictures in the bathroom mirror... don't people have large mirrors in their bedrooms anymore? I do.. and a small vanity mirror in the bathroom. It's no place for a photo shoot or twitter update.. haha.

I seem to remember seeing a survey that found that 16% of people that own mobile devices do their online Christmas shopping while sitting on the toilet.

I don't know why this is surprising. Grafitti is one of the oldest form of social media on the planet and has been in toilets for millenia.

(Now I guess I really am showing my age...Posted Image )


What the hell? I really despise the Facebook era. Friendsing with 500 people you don't even know sharing every worthless little detail of your pathetic meaningless lives...and in the toilet now? Are people so desperate for attention and companionship that they can't even take a <INSERT WHATEVER> without someone holding their hand (psycho-socially speaking)?


You can do other things than write on Facebook/Twitter in the bathroom.

I just don't like to waste time so I read my rss feed.

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