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Lets play hypothetically of course

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Depends on what website it would be on, I'm not going to be on some crappy $1 site, if I'm gonna be a porn star I better be bigger than Trevor Knight :P


If you are forced to choose between saving your dog from a fire or your cat, who would you save?

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Uncircumscribed all the way. It's already a tiny little thing, what will be left of it if you remove the skin! Talking about  myself 'course.


Now, hypothetically speaking, would you kill a child molester on sight or will you torture him to oblivion first?

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If I was forced to live forever, I'd go into cancer research and make sure I was the one that discovered a cure! :)


If you were pulled over by the cop for what you knew was going to turn into a speeding ticket which you knew was going to push you to the limit of the points on your license (assuming of course you live in a country that issues points to your license), would you take the chance and try bribe the officer to forget about it, or just cope to the fine and take the points.

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In nearly 50 years of driving, I've only had two speeding tickets.  (I've been very lucky!)  Missouri does count points and I haven't a clue how it works as it was never an issue.  And in answer to your question, I would not try to bribe the policeman.


Same Question:

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Yes! I have and will try everytime to get out of a ticket (It doesn't always work but it has a time or two)


If you could start life over again with the family you were raised by or be raised by another family ( you don't get to pick the new family just like you didn't get to pick the people who raised you)  would you stick with your family or choose a new one?

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Yeah, I think my answer would be exactly the same as Daddy on this one.

When I was young, everyone's family seemed better than mine. But as I grew up and grew closer to my folks, I'm sure damn glad I was brought up in the family I was, so I guess now, I'd choose to stay right where I am.


If you had a toss up between having a Tiger as a pet, or having a Husky, and bearing in mind their upkeep and cost of food/vets bills etc, which would you choose to have?

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Husky. Tigers are expensive, prolly. Plus, tigers call attention...


If you were to be forever trapped--unaware--in a single dream /world/, what would you prefer it to be? (An idealistic utopia, a disturbing dystopia, a private sanctuary--etc; be detailed, though. ;))

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  • 1 year later...

I'd want to be trapped in a dream where I could make any character I read come to life. That would lead to the sexiest orgy imaginable XD 


If you could choose to live in the world of one of GA's stories, which would you choose and why?

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A great purge of the unworthy!!


No, not really. I'd really just order it first.




God, so many jokes to make.


If you could have any one wish granted, what would it be?

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  • 5 months later...

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