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So, hey there everyone. First post and all, ya know. :lol:

Me be foreign, any mistakes not my fault. Blame crappy school system. :thumbdown:


Also, I have to confess to being a complete Domaholic. Considering changing your start page to the Desert Dropping site must be a give-away, right? *not remembering list right now*


Anyways, finally things are moving along. AND, we now know what colour (oh yeah, i spell british sometimes. it's not my fault. comes naturally) Seth's hair is. Yay! :great::music: :king:






Edited by Jesper
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Luke is JEALOUS!!! :blink:


Luke has it bad. :music: Now if he'd only say something direct about it. :stupid: Really nice description of Seth too. Maybe his mum keeps cocker spaniels and he'll run into a reformed Denis at a dog show.


And Chey, who sees all and knows all, likes Seth, but not as much as she likes Luke.

Edited by Alan
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Ooooh, I loved this chapter! I sooooo wanted them to kiss!! Luke was definitely jealous, I wonder how long he'd been sitting there watching them?!


Welcome Jesper!

oh yeah, i spell british sometimes. it's not my fault. comes naturally

Lol, that's because it's the right way!! :D

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over rory... lol... what would that be called. a dog fight? or cat fight. its over a guy... a catdog fight?

Edited by Bao
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damnit damnit damnit damnit. This is cruel. I have to leave in five minutes and I haven't had a chance to read it yet! ARRRRGH! And I'm going to a homophobe environment. This is really really really annoying.


//shadows who will not out himself for a story. will he?

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This was sooooo good. I wanted it to never end. But like Dom said, shorter stories, faster postings! I'm so confused. I really think again that Luke wants Rory. We saw it as protectiveness, not jealousy, with Aaron. But he has no reason to not like Seth, he was just defending him!


Luke is quickly becoming annoying to me. He was going on and on about how Seth liked Rory, but now he's gonna be jealous? Make a move Luke!

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I kind of disagree with you Vic. I think the "natural" fit that Luke is means he has a more brotherly affection for him, and so less complicated by the need to impress him. That's not to say he won't wind up in Luke's bed at some point, I'd actually be pretty shocked if that was the case, but with Luke he needs a brother, someone who can look out for him (since he obviously can't trust his own judgement), not a boyfriends wiht his own needs.


On the other hand, Seth he likes mostly because Seth likes him, or at least that's how I'm reading it. Again, this is filtered through Rory, master of delusion, so I'm not sure, but I have found myself more attracted to someone simply because they amde it clear they wanted me.


To Dom: It is really great that you are bringing out these chapters at such a fast rate. I really appreciate the personal energy you are putting into entertaining us all, and I doubt that I'm alone in that.








over rory... lol... what would that be called. a dog fight? or cat fight. its over a guy... a catdog fight?


I say just catfight, 'cause that was the first thing to pop into my head when I finished the chapter.

Edited by B1ue
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Well dang. This is something else. I like story lines more where there is an evil female trying to start something, since it's pretty obvious exactly where that will lead. It does better for my blood pressure. Instead of this every chapter thing with...is it Luke or is it Seth. :wacko: I'm still pulling for Luke, but there was some nice interaction here with Seth. Kind of tense and all.


Luke is definately jealous. Can't wait for that conversation. If he and Rory ever get around to having it that is.


It was good to see some nice time spent with Eddie, and that he is opening up more.


Natural is in and comfortable is out.


Another great one Dom. And really if you need someone to read the very last chapter of this story, you know just to test what public reaction will be...you just let me know. It's the least I can do. 0:)

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That wasn't jealousy Luke was experiencing, it was shocked surprise that Rory took the initiative and invited Seth over. Rory and Seth end up together, Luke is still in the role of BFF. There is no mystery guy for Luke. He threw out that 'I'm interested in someone else' comment just to show Rory he (Luke) had no interest in Seth.


Sharon (PSO-less)

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Now hold on, everyone. Let's just think things through before we chastise Luke for not being forward with his feelings for Rory (if Rory is the mystery guy). You heard it straight from him -- Luke doesn't think Rory is interested. And from Luke's point of view, Rory's having a grand old time flirting with Seth, going to Seth's house, swimming with Seth, sharing "moments" with Seth, etc. Why would Luke come forward and tell Rory how he feels, now, of all times?


Luke doesn't know what's going on in Rory's head -- that's our blessing (or is it a curse?). You just have to look at it from his point of view. What are the reasons that he should, or would tell Rory how he feels? They are slim to none.


"Well, then why is Seth being so forward? Rory's been less than polite to him, and Seth still didn't give up! He's the best!" -- well, Rory and Luke live in the same house. It doesn't mean anything to Luke if Rory shows up everyday without a reason. It does to Seth -- and he's "monopolized" the situation. Plus, I really don't think Seth is being too forward (he may have been at the end there with the dirt, but whatevs). Luke has a lot more to lose by telling Rory how he feels and being rejected -- their solid friendship could turn sour at the very least (at least that's what Luke would have to prepare himself for -- REMEMBER, he doesn't know how Rory feels about him. He's not a mind-reader.).


Seth's stealing glances at Rory while they play video games -- whoopedy doo! C'mon, I don't really see that as being forward. Rory and Luke have concocted this idea that Seth has the hots for Rory, which is probably true! But, I think Luke's dropped enough hints to get through even to Rory. It's Rory's fault for not giving Luke the same attention as he does Seth, and I think that's because his entire outlook on his love life changed after Aaron. I think Luke cooled his jets because he thought Rory needed time to get over Aaron -- Luke knows what it feels like. Seth sort of swooped in, and stole his proverbial thunder. Luke's just a little disappointed that after all he's done for Rory, Rory doesn't even look at him like that. He'll get over it, or maybe he won't. I guess only chapter 25 will tell. (or 26, or 27, or 28 .... or 52, or 53, or 54 ... etc.)

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... Luke is still in the role of BFF.


Okay oh wise one....If Dom is following a similar formula, where's the Janie or Marissa?


I could see that Angela is the Lacy/Bree...but there isn't an evil B*tch...unless that role is filled by Aaron(tls).


Take Care

Edited by naper_vic
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Hmmmm.....first it was TLW, then TOU, and now DD......hmmm. Each one seemilngly better than the last.

This could get downright troublesome....somewhere in all of this I must get things done....ahhh what a life....time on my hands to read all these fine stories.

However, this one is becoming a real problem....I AM ADDICTED TO IT.... I can't see a problem with a couple hundred chapters....don't ya think...maybe one every other day...I'm sure Dom can handle that...... :blink::funny: :wub:


As to who ends up with who.....I think that is why this story is so good ...all the possibilities......more I neeed more

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I still think that Rory will end up with Luke. The quote that you pulled actually proves the point more.


-Everything seems natural with Luke- As in natural fit, ball and glove, perfect for each other!!!!!



Sorry to disagree with you Vic, but just because it's natural doesn't mean they like eachother......going to the bathroom is natural too, but that doesn't mean I want to hook up with my.....well, you know what I mean :lol:

Anyway, I just wanted to make one quick declaration.....Seth is offically HOTT!!!!

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I'm new on the board, so I don't yet know what everyone is saying. But here's my opinion:


I really think again that Luke wants Rory. We saw it as protectiveness, not jealousy, with Aaron. But he has no reason to not like Seth, he was just defending him!


I'm also with those who think that Rory is Luke's mystery person, but I think Luke has plenty of reason to not like Seth - at least from a self-interested point of view. Luke didn't have to worry when Rory was with Aaron. Everyone knew what an asshole Aaron was. Luke just had to wait around until Aaron showed his true colors, then help Rory pick up the pieces. However, both he and Rory have admitted that Seth isn't a jerk. He's in much more danger of losing Rory now than when he was with Aaron. I'm sure that was brought home to Luke pretty hard when he found them in the pool together.


I understand why Luke's hesitant to say anything, but it's his own fault. His little line in chapter 10, "No offense, Rory; I mean, you

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Guest Prowler

First off why should Rory feel Natural around Luke if its a Brotherly thing? Rory's never had a brother.

That would make brotherly into an unnatural feeling for Rory.


Luke likes Rory and Seth realized it at the pool. I think the question is will Seth point it out to Rory like Luke pointed out Seth's attraction to Rory.

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Definitely jealousy.


Poor Luke, first he sees Rory picked up by his ex, then he sees Rory picked up by his ex's ex. He needs to be more on the ball if he wants Rory by the end of the story.


By the way, does anyone else think its creepy that Rory and Seth think they are alone and are about to have this intimate moment and all of the sudden Luke is sitting on the other side of the pool cross legged staring at them with a blank expression. That would certainly freak me out...

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