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Will is going to have to deal with a couple of auxillary issues as well.  The fact he was in the tower when it was hit, is going to give him a weird cult status when he gets back to school.


Ooooo, Mark, did he get a lightening blot scar on his forehead???

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Well the third chapter dealing with the day of 9-11 confirms that the Danfield's were divorced.  I also noticed that Darius went to Jersey and looks like he will head to Virginia as well, but who can tell what our Machiavellian author will devise.


I don't see Cody being overly involved in his daughter's life.   Obviously, he remained in Caly when Jeanine and Hank moved to NYC. I think this last chapter tipped Mark's hand and somehow, Tiffany will end up raising her along with Riley.  


Shocks like the sudden loss of your husband or father or mother take time to assimilate and the day isn't half over yet.  All telephone service remained spotty, especially on or to the east coast for more than a day.  Claire and her brood will be frantic along with the rest at Escorial.   As will people at Brad's, Stefan's and Robbie's companies. although it seems at least Stef's personal assistant does know he and Brad are safe.  

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I thought I'd take a moment here in this forum to thank all of you who posted reviews.  The last four chapters generated over 80 reviews for the story, and propelled 9.11 to the third most reviewed story on GA (from 8th).  Thanks!  Your sharing and feedback is what makes this fun.  :worship:

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The terror level on this latest chapter dropped but in some ways the level of sadness is much more pervasive now.  I am not sure that anyone has really started to deal with the issues that they will all face individually or collectively; not enough time has past yet.  They are all still running on fear and adrenaline.



JP is the MAN.  To be able to arrange safe passage off the island that quickly after an unimaginable disaster like this; I would bet the card the cop took and called the number on had to either be a cabinet level secretary or a director of one of the big three security agencies.  The island shut down quickly after all this happened and no one got on or off except for emergency or military personel.  The fact that he could handle all of this while dealing with a personal tragedy of this magnitude says so much about him as a man...



Brad, Will, and Darius just don't know what to do.  They want to hold onto hope about Robbie, Jeanine, and Hank but they have to know on some level that there is just no way they survived.  They want to honor those that gave their lives trying to help but they have to know that in the short term civilians just wouldn't be allowed to step in.  They want to keep each other safe but they don't want to imagine that anything else could really happen.  With Ella showing up, Darius may have someone that he feels he has to take care of and that may keep him in a more managable frame of mind.  Thank God, they have JP.



Stef and JJ just seem to be along for the ride at the moment.  I think Stef will snap to but he was much closer to the terror than JP and he feels things in a different way than JP does.  JJ just hasn't started to process anything yet but when he does, everyone better watch out.



Matt is going to have a really hard time with this.  He really got only three years with his biological father.  Robbie gave him unconditional love and support and that is not something that is easily replaced.  Wade had finally got to a good place with his father.  They had worked their asses off to get past the abuse and appeared to have done so successfully.  Wade will be heartbroken but I think in the end will deal with the Senator's death easier than Matt will with Robbie's.  I hope they can fully lean on each other but I have to wonder how firm the foundations of their relationship is right now.  When we last saw them, Matt seemed really bothered by how obsessed Wade had become with Brad after sleeping with him.  I hope they can come together and work out their grief together without it causing a wedge in their relationship. 



I hope that taking care of Maddy will help Tiffany overcome her grief at losing Jeanine.  I think Tiffany still really loved Jeanine but is was more the kind of love where you just really wanted the other person to be happy rather than the romantic kind.  I had thought about Tiffany taking Maddy earlier but unless Jeanine names her in her will, Tiffany really has no claim to custody at all.  I do think some people are really underestimating Cody in the scenario.  I really don't see him developing a sudden paternal instinct because I think we would have seen some sign of it before now but I do think he will be involved.  Cody had a really demanding job and by all accounts is very successful at it; you don't get to that level of success without a great work ethic and a great deal of personal responsibility.  I really can't see him taking or even wanting full custody of Maddy; but I do think he will want a great deal of input on where she ends up...  I personally like the idea of Claire and Jack taking her but that is really up to the pen of Mr Arbour.



I would really like to get a little bit of Claire's point of view again.  I am sure that JP during his calls has made sure that Claire and been advised of who survived and who did not.  I think it would be good to see her reaction as well as John and Marie's...



Thank God the Senator's divorce was final...  I think Elizabeth will still have her machinations but it will limit her in some ways....



I would think these chapters would be almost as hard as the last few but I do hope we get to move forward with another one soon...  Thank you so much for how you have handled not only the subject matter and the writing but the posting schedule as well...

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JP is the MAN.  To be able to arrange safe passage off the island that quickly after an unimaginable disaster like this; I would bet the card the cop took and called the number on had to either be a cabinet level secretary or a director of one of the big three security agencies.  The island shut down quickly after all this happened and no one got on or off except for emergency or military personel.  The fact that he could handle all of this while dealing with a personal tragedy of this magnitude says so much about him as a man...


.  JJ just hasn't started to process anything yet but when he does, everyone better watch out.


  I do think some people are really underestimating Cody in the scenario. 


I would really like to get a little bit of Claire's point of view again.  I am sure that JP during his calls has made sure that Claire and been advised of who survived and who did not.  I think it would be good to see her reaction as well as John and Marie's...


I would think these chapters would be almost as hard as the last few but I do hope we get to move forward with another one soon...  Thank you so much for how you have handled not only the subject matter and the writing but the posting schedule as well...


First off, my apologies for the miss spelled words in my review - I really should have waited till morning to write it on a real computer rather than attempt it in the middle of the night on a 6" tablet!


I agree, the fact that JP managed to arrange a car to get them off the island was in itself a minor miracle but you are somewhat mistaken. Thousands of people were evacuated from the city through out the day, the vast majority by water taxi and the commuter ferry services that were beginning to become popular at the time,hundreds of private pleasure boats took people across the bay five and ten at a time, and hundreds literally walked across the bridges. Yes vehicle traffic was severely restricted, but that was more to keep the roads open for emergency vehicles than any thing else. When they re-opened the majority of the roads is when the officials began thinking about additional attacks, the "kick em when they are down" thing, and they set up checkpoints, to make sure people going in were people who belonged. The closer you got to ground zero the more stringent the checks.


I certainly hope someone will have the presence of mind to be watching JJ closely in the coming days. After the way he reacted to his coaches death, I think its going to be one hell of a ride when his mother and Robbie's untimely passing finally sinks home. As i said before, I hope someone has his shrink on speed dial!


While i agree, Cody wouldn't be my first choice of who to raise Maddy, He IS her father, and I can't see him just passing her off to anyone else either. He may have agreed right at the start that he would take a backseat and let Janine and her partner ( at that time Tiffany) raise the baby, and allowed the move to Jersey without argument,but that doesn't mean he had no interest in her or that he would abdicate his parental rights at this time. Just because Mark did not tell us about what if any involvement he had with the baby to this point doesn't mean it did not happen. My brother was scared to death of my daughter till he was sure he would understand her if he held her too tight or something. Babies terrified him. He was afraid of breaking them! I can easily see a strong man like Cody thinking the same way.


I would also like to see a few paragraphs from Isadore's point of view. The effect Robbie's death has on Frank will be devastating. He is the only child Frank still had regular contact with. It will also be interesting to see how Mark goes about filling in the extended family like Gaithan and Wally about Ella and the rest of the family. Somehow I can see Gaithan driving east to find his sister even as we discuss it.


Well said Centex. We are all appreciative of how much Mark has posted in the last week, and how well written it has all been. I am not sure I could have tolerated the emotions dredged up to do the research and be able to write these scenes as he have done so well.

Thank you!

Edited by Kitt
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Another great chapter. Just a short note I wanted to put here for consideration. How about the moment between JP and Wade. I recognize that they are kindred spirits and that they understand each other deeply. Watching JP almost crumble while taking to him over the phone, however, was surprising and crushing. Anytime a person answers the question "Are you alright?" with "No", I feel surprised. We are almost conditioned to respond in the affirmative to the question despite our real condition. I worry for JP sometimes because he is such a bulwark for the family. Even for Stef, his partner, JP serves as an emotional foil for Stef's sometimes wildly changing emotional state. It is heartening to see that JP has someone he can seek comfort from in a non-romantic way. A confidant.


These small exchanges make the entire book come alive in the page...err, screen. :-D

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Late to the responses, but I have been reading, and feeling and mourning alongside everyone.  Much has already been said that reflect my thoughts on Robbie and the others, so just a simple thank you and excellent job to Mark for sharing his amazing talent, by making these people come alive from the pixels on the screen.

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Stef and JJ just seem to be along for the ride at the moment.  I think Stef will snap to but he was much closer to the terror than JP and he feels things in a different way than JP does.  JJ just hasn't started to process anything yet but when he does, everyone better watch out.


I do think some people are really underestimating Cody in the scenario.  I really don't see him developing a sudden paternal instinct because I think we would have seen some sign of it before now but I do think he will be involved.  Cody had a really demanding job and by all accounts is very successful at it; you don't get to that level of success without a great work ethic and a great deal of personal responsibility.  I really can't see him taking or even wanting full custody of Maddy; but I do think he will want a great deal of input on where she ends up...  I personally like the idea of Claire and Jack taking her but that is really up to the pen of Mr Arbour.



Thank God the Senator's divorce was final...  I think Elizabeth will still have her machinations but it will limit her in some ways....

 JJ worries me. We've seen him explode and implode, and I'm honestly not certain how he's going to handle losing both Jeanine and Robbie on the same day. I think Tiffany might be of help there; it would give her some distraction as well.


I agree with you on Cody. My best guess was that he kept Maddy with him and Brad's house, but that was when Robbie looked like he'd make it. As it is, I'm not certain, and besides, Jeanine did the primary caregiving, so that probably wasn't a realistic choice anyways. I also don't know about Claire and Jack. While I'm sure he's met them, I don't get the sense that he really interacts with them beyond holidays. JP and Stef might work; he knows Stef and Will, and they like Brad would certainly have enough money to hire any help they needed. But that would also mean moving Maddy to Palo, so I don't know. Maybe he'll simply hire a nanny and try to set up a household for Maddy himself. No matter what happens, I think Will will involve himself in her life, and probably drag JJ along behind him kicking and screaming. Specifically, screaming "I hate babies! They're gross! Why do I have to do this WHYYYYY?"


I disagree about Elizabeth though, but that's just me being ornery. The divorce being final makes sense, follows along logically, blah,blah,blah, whatever. I think it'd have made for a more interesting story, but apparently not. Also, I think Wade is going to be involved peripherally (probably very, as in off-camera-one-sentence-in-an-otherwise-unrelated-moment) with the new senator as he or she sets herself up as his replacement, if for no other reason than to give the new senator access to some of Senator Danfeild's home files, and his mother would give us a ready-made plothook to explore it for a future story.


As it stands, the biggest play she could make would involve Beau, I'd think, right? She could try to limit Wade's access to Beau, take control of his finances as a wedge between them, or in a move to force Wade to move home, or any other concession she could think of. And Beau might not automatically take Wade's side, if she did attempt to cause trouble, because he may not recognize the plot when he saw it. On the other side of this, Wade is probably in no mood to take ANY of his mother's crap, and might respond somewhat aggressively.

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Remembering the way people felt after 9-11, how they treated each other a little nicer, drove a little bit less aggressive, were polite......  there may be an opportunity to figure out what is in Maddy's best interest amicably.


The trouble with the sale of Goodwell not being final is that Beau, the sister and Wade are probably the main beneficiaries of the Senators estate so they share the property equally. Elizabeth will use her daughter to keep Goodwell out of Wade's possession. As to Beau, he must be 16 by now? Elizabeth can only mess with him for so long and if she pushes too hard, Wade has the lawyers to mess with her and tie her up until Beau hits his majority.


And remember that the day of 9-11-01 was just the first of many shocks that reverberated for a while. The stock market went into free fall when it first opened after 9-11, there were companies that went bankrupt when liquidity dried up and many industries (insurance, banking, airlines, cruise lines and hospitality) that took big hits. Some companies (high tech & defense) went through the roof.


Like I said.....  I hope this book goes on for a bit, at least through Christmas...  or that the next book doesn't skip too far ahead. There are too many characters from the last three books that I am emotionally invested in and want to see where their lives go and intersect.

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I disagree about Elizabeth though, but that's just me being ornery. The divorce being final makes sense, follows along logically, blah,blah,blah, whatever. I think it'd have made for a more interesting story, but apparently not. Also, I think Wade is going to be involved peripherally (probably very, as in off-camera-one-sentence-in-an-otherwise-unrelated-moment) with the new senator as he or she sets herself up as his replacement, if for no other reason than to give the new senator access to some of Senator Danfeild's home files, and his mother would give us a ready-made plothook to explore it for a future story.


As it stands, the biggest play she could make would involve Beau, I'd think, right? She could try to limit Wade's access to Beau, take control of his finances as a wedge between them, or in a move to force Wade to move home, or any other concession she could think of. And Beau might not automatically take Wade's side, if she did attempt to cause trouble, because he may not recognize the plot when he saw it. On the other side of this, Wade is probably in no mood to take ANY of his mother's crap, and might respond somewhat aggressively.


I considered a lot of options with the Senator's demise, and one of them was having Elizabeth step in and finish his time in the Senate until a new person could be elected.  That's not an unfamiliar occurrence to this resident of Missouri, as we had that happen when Mel Carnahan died.  The problem is that the storyline in Paternity makes that almost an impossibility.  It would be tough for any governor to appoint a woman who was involved in a campaign finance scandal AND who had locked her mother up in a nursing home for several years just to control her money. 


Remembering the way people felt after 9-11, how they treated each other a little nicer, drove a little bit less aggressive, were polite......  there may be an opportunity to figure out what is in Maddy's best interest amicably.


The trouble with the sale of Goodwell not being final is that Beau, the sister and Wade are probably the main beneficiaries of the Senators estate so they share the property equally. Elizabeth will use her daughter to keep Goodwell out of Wade's possession. As to Beau, he must be 16 by now? Elizabeth can only mess with him for so long and if she pushes too hard, Wade has the lawyers to mess with her and tie her up until Beau hits his majority.


And remember that the day of 9-11-01 was just the first of many shocks that reverberated for a while. The stock market went into free fall when it first opened after 9-11, there were companies that went bankrupt when liquidity dried up and many industries (insurance, banking, airlines, cruise lines and hospitality) that took big hits. Some companies (high tech & defense) went through the roof.


Like I said.....  I hope this book goes on for a bit, at least through Christmas...  or that the next book doesn't skip too far ahead. There are too many characters from the last three books that I am emotionally invested in and want to see where their lives go and intersect.


This is actually a huge challenge for Wade.  Like a true aristocrat, he has strong ties to the land, and Goodwell means more to him than it does to his siblings.  Or his mother.  He almost had it securely in his hands.  Now it remains to be seen how things will be divided up. 

Edited by Mark Arbour
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As to Beau, he must be 16 by now? Elizabeth can only mess with him for so long and if she pushes too hard, Wade has the lawyers to mess with her and tie her up until Beau hits his majority.


     Beau was stated as being 15 when we met him around late 1998, so in late 2001 he should be 18. I'm guessing he's either started college or is about to, because Wade mentioned Beau being a senior in high school in Paternity. So Beau should inherit the land no problem, though the problem is that Beau isn't that strong against his mother and probably won't be much help to Wade.



This is actually a huge challenge for Wade.  Like a true aristocrat, he has strong ties to the land, and Goodwell means more to him than it does to his siblings.  Or his mother.  He almost had it securely in his hands.  Now it remains to be seen how things will be divided up.


    It's going to be interesting to see the fall-out, because Wade had some pretty set plans about his life going ahead. Being with Matt, raising Riley, graduating from Stanford in the spring of 2002, and going to law school, like at Cal or UCLA. This all puts everything into question, because Wade's finding himself forced to step up as the head of his family at the ripe ol' age of 21.



  JJ worries me. We've seen him explode and implode, and I'm honestly not certain how he's going to handle losing both Jeanine and Robbie on the same day. I think Tiffany might be of help there; it would give her some distraction as well.


     This is his first year skating as a senior on the circuit, so at the very least he'll have some good distractions.


     I have a feeling he'll bury this all down deep, focusing on getting himself to the '06 Olympics, and then when he doesn't get a medal, THAT'S when we'll see him explode.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think the Senator knew that and maybe he divided his property up giving Wade Goodwell, and the other two the remaining  parts of the estate. I would think he wrote a new will just after the divorce. . As for Robbie I think he give Darius and Will his stock in the company they were going to be on the board Nonvoting members before this. Any other assets would be divided between JJ and Matt.

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Reactions to this loss: I think you've seen the beginnings, when Billy ( Claire's twin) died Brad didn't cry. those are the people who have the most problems down the road. When my mother died in 1978, I was 27 and I got through everything because of my stepfather and then fell apart after. Like JP I knew we wouldn't be able to make it through those days if I feel apart. People act differently with death. Even the hardest person to read JJ I think is a lot stronger than we think. Just from the short part we got from him. At first he was withdrawn, then he remembered that this family loved him. How bad everything has with his coach, it gave him the strength to make it through hard times.

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It will be interesting to see how this impacts Matt's relationship with the Carrswolds.



     I could see this making Matt get closer to them. Maybe he'll decide to go to U Chicago for a master's degree in economics to be nearer to them, thus utilizing Stefan's recently renovated Chicago condo? Which makes me wonder if that happens, would Wade change his plans about going to either UCLA or Cal for law school? (I mean, in 2002 Chicago was ranked 6th while Northwestern was ranked 12th as law schools, so it's not like he'd have to settle for mediocre.)


     .But....would a condo in Boys Town be remotely anything resembling a decent place to raise a kid?


      9/11 is hitting right when Matt and Wade are in the middle of making major decisions in their lives as seniors in college. That's pretty interesting. They made a committment at the end of Paternity, but they made it without really thinking hard about "what happens next?", as 20-year olds usually are wont to do. I love that the major questions Matt and Wade are going to have to wrestle with have absolutely nothing to do with jealousy over other potential love interests and the like.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I suspect we will not get to the settlement of the Senator's estate in this book of which I suspect there are several more chapters.  We are still not through that fateful day.  Property settlements aside (and there is much to consider) the well-being of the surviving members will be of prime concern.  Someone mention that just a couple weeks prior we were all chilling out in Maui and now the awful, overwhelming events of that tragic day has changed everyone's perceptions about what is important.  Another comment mentioned that everyone tried to be nicer (for a while) and I think that will be reflected in the story too.  


Mark has a clear vision of how he wants to portray the family and their reactions and interactions.   I suspect that if he holds onto it, we will continue to be moved and care deeply about this fictional extended family.  

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I have to say that these last few chapters are absolutely the very best of Mark's writing for me. I'm never struck as much by the you-are-there action elements as by the development of the interpersonal relationships. Watching this powerful family begin to come terms both with their own grief and with the ramifications of several deaths is especially gripping. I'm not usually one to get weepy while reading, but this is really hitting me.


On a different note...


     I could see this making Matt get closer to them. Maybe he'll decide to go to U Chicago for a master's degree in economics to be nearer to them, thus utilizing Stefan's recently renovated Chicago condo? Which makes me wonder if that happens, would Wade change his plans about going to either UCLA or Cal for law school? (I mean, in 2002 Chicago was ranked 6th while Northwestern was ranked 12th as law schools, so it's not like he'd have to settle for mediocre.)


     .But....would a condo in Boys Town be remotely anything resembling a decent place to raise a kid?


We lived in Chicago at the end of the 90s. By the time we moved in 2000, Boystown/Lakeview was attracting increasing numbers of young straight couples with children. You would see them out and about frequently, especially at marquee events like pride. The Andersonville/Edgewater area, which had long been a popular area for lesbians, was becoming more broadly queer at that time, too. I knew many gay men who left Boystown for Andersonville about that time.


Of course, Boystown remained and is still very much a gay area. I suspect it would be a great place for Matt and Wade (and Riley and Tiffany and...). It's a lot more convenient to Northwestern than the U of C, though.

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How many Chicago condos have there been? I was thinking the original was farther north than Boystown. Did that get replaced with one in Boystown?


If Wade gets a master's from Chicago but not a PhD, it would more likely be an MBA than a master's in economics. And some of the classes can be taken in the evening program north of the Loop (same professors as on campus). The commute from Boystown to U of C in Hyde Park isn't that bad if you avoid rush hour, less than a half hour. And I think there would have been a law school professor named Obama there in 2002.

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How many Chicago condos have there been? I was thinking the original was farther north than Boystown. Did that get replaced with one in Boystown?


If Wade gets a master's from Chicago but not a PhD, it would more likely be an MBA than a master's in economics. And some of the classes can be taken in the evening program north of the Loop (same professors as on campus). The commute from Boystown to U of C in Hyde Park isn't that bad if you avoid rush hour, less than a half hour. And I think there would have been a law school professor named Obama there in 2002.

Now that is probably a fair bit of temptation for Mark, well done. And according to Wikipedia, you are quite correct. He was teaching constitutional law concurrently with his tenure in the Illinois Senate.


Instead of beating a dead horse, I just wanted to say I really, really liked the interaction between Will and JJ. We get pieces where they act as the brothers they truly are, and this was one. I love all such moments.

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Seriously, I think I am going to invest in Kimberly-Clark; they make Kleenex.  I think for me the last two chapters have been sadder in some ways than the chapters that actually dealt with the deaths.  Those chapters were full of sorrow but you were so caught up in the horror of it that it registered differently. 


I really think that the way Wade was notified was just a little out of the ordinary.  It may have been because of the sheer number of people killed and injured in the Pentagon attack but you would have thought for a senior US Senator; there would have been a little more of the personal touch.  I am so glad that Wade and the Senator had done so much to repair their relationship.  That should make this easier at least in the long run for Wade to deal with this. 



The issue of Elizabeth is rather moot until we know the terms of the Senator's will.  Beau should be at least 18 based on the ages given in past stories, this make Elizabeth's control really limited.  I don't think anything but money will control Mary Ellen and she would probably sell her part of the land, if she is left any, just to get the cash.  When Nana was declared competent; she got back control of the major trust that had been set up for both Mary Ellen and Beau.  Wade already has control of his.  Elizabeth has a large trust and probably additional resources but I would susptect that the money in any of the three trust that children have will dwarf hers.  I am sure that Elizabeth will try and cause problems but Wade and Nana really do control considerable more money, influence, and power than Elizabeth can muster.  On top of that, they could provide evidence to have her arrested on a variety of charges.  I really don't see where she will end up being anything more than a nuisance. 



Matt is going to be torn between the horror of losing Robbie and trying to help Wade overcome the loss of his father and any fall out from having to deal with Wade's family.  I think Robbie gave Matt something to anchor himself to but I was never sold that they had a true father/son relationship.  Matt always seemed to view Robbie more as a favorite uncle or beloved older brother.  I think he will be heartbroken but his father, the man that raised him, is still alive.



Frank is devestated and will continue to have fall our from Robbie's death.  I just hope that he can overcome it and that he and Isidore can make what time each of them have left something really special.  I have to wonder if we will get a look at Robbie's brother or sister with everything that will be going on after his death.  I believe the brother sort of sided with their mother and became a member of her church but the sister just sort of disappeared in the late 80's or so.  I don't know that anyone has heard from her since.  I hope someone slaps the shit out of his mother if she has the indecency to show up at any of his services...



Darius has Ella to take care of.  I don't know if they are going to end up back together but as long as he has her to focus on; he can put off dealing with a part of his grief.  I think it will be interesting to see the road ahead for Darius...



JJ is the one that I really worry about.  Him breaking down and crying and showing that side to Will shows just how devestated and alone he feels.  If you think about it; Jeanine and Robbie were the two that really pushed him and encouraged him in the skating, other than Matt who introduced him to skating.  I could actually see him just walking away from the skating.  That would not actually be an unusual reaction to everything that has gone on with him.



Stef is still clearly shaken by everything that has occured.  I don't think he has even started to deal with his feeling or reactions to what has occured.  I do think he will let Brad take the lead on the issues with Ander-Hayes.  Stef cares about the company because of his past with Greg but I don't think he is as tied to it as he once was.



Brad is staying busy so he doesn't have to deal with the loss of Robbie.  He thinks if he stays busy enough it will keep everything at bay, but this never works and usually makes the crash much more severe when it does happen.  I thought the seen at the end with him in bed with JJ on one side and Will on the other was just perfect.  It was like a snapshot from the past from happier times.  I think that Brad will do what he can to honor Robbie's wish for the way that Ander-Hayes is run.  I don't see anyone that Robbie left anything to trying to really challenge what Robbie's wishes were for the company.



I am so happy that Will was able to get through to John.  I really believe that Will and John will always be best friends and will always be there for each other.  I did love John's overheard comment to Marie...  I am so glad that Will realizes how much he means to Claire.  I really do feel that she will step in to try and help Will and the others in any way she can.  I thought the way that Will held JJ and just let him cry and lash out says so much about their real relationship.  If anyone ever doubted how tight the two of them really are; they just needed to witness that.



JP is a tower of strength but I do believe that he will need reinforcments soon.  I think he will reach out to Wade when he finds out about the Senator and do what he can for him as well.  In so many ways, Wade is more like JP than any of his own children.  JP will stay strong as long as he has to then he will take time to grieve in private after he has been there for everyone else....



Outstanding work, Mark...

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From the time the first plane hit until now, we as readers, have been on the edge of our seats. What you have done is brought us back to that awful day. We were in the towers, trying to get out, praying that we didn't not lose anyone. The horror of the day lived again. Even if we only saw it on TV from thousands of miles away, we were there. Now we have to live with the aftermath of that day. The loss, the pain, the shock. Only your skill in story telling could have brought us this story in the way you did. Yes some are upset with Robbie's death and to lesser degree Hank, Jeanine and the others, but as we morn them, we can see the best in these characters we love. Will's thoughtful act at the hotel, to the comforting his dad or JJ. The strength of JP to protect his broken family. An amazing story in the middle of such horror and sadness. It must have been so hard to write, but it easily has been your best work. It been a hard week for all of us but we thank you for helping us through it.

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How many Chicago condos have there been? I was thinking the original was farther north than Boystown. Did that get replaced with one in Boystown?


If Wade gets a master's from Chicago but not a PhD, it would more likely be an MBA than a master's in economics. And some of the classes can be taken in the evening program north of the Loop (same professors as on campus). The commute from Boystown to U of C in Hyde Park isn't that bad if you avoid rush hour, less than a half hour. And I think there would have been a law school professor named Obama there in 2002.



Now that is probably a fair bit of temptation for Mark, well done. And according to Wikipedia, you are quite correct. He was teaching constitutional law concurrently with his tenure in the Illinois Senate.


Instead of beating a dead horse, I just wanted to say I really, really liked the interaction between Will and JJ. We get pieces where they act as the brothers they truly are, and this was one. I love all such moments.



I have to say that these last few chapters are absolutely the very best of Mark's writing for me. I'm never struck as much by the you-are-there action elements as by the development of the interpersonal relationships. Watching this powerful family begin to come terms both with their own grief and with the ramifications of several deaths is especially gripping. I'm not usually one to get weepy while reading, but this is really hitting me.


On a different note...



We lived in Chicago at the end of the 90s. By the time we moved in 2000, Boystown/Lakeview was attracting increasing numbers of young straight couples with children. You would see them out and about frequently, especially at marquee events like pride. The Andersonville/Edgewater area, which had long been a popular area for lesbians, was becoming more broadly queer at that time, too. I knew many gay men who left Boystown for Andersonville about that time.


Of course, Boystown remained and is still very much a gay area. I suspect it would be a great place for Matt and Wade (and Riley and Tiffany and...). It's a lot more convenient to Northwestern than the U of C, though.


Some clarification on this.  Jeremy isn't a Chicagoan, and got confused between the place where Max lived (and Lark freeloaded) which was in Boystown, and the Condo JP/Stef/Marcel lived in, which was in Evanston (or close to it). 


Wade's made his plans pretty clear as far as school goes:  he's going for Law (JD), not an MBA. 

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   Thanks for the clarification. The closest I've ever gotten to being in the Mid-West was being in Pittsburgh. I totally thought Stefan's adventures in 1995 Boystown meant that he lived there.You gotta admit, Mark, the Obama connection WOULD be pretty interesting. And there's no way that Obama's election isn't eventually going to become pretty important to the characters, because racial justice was a huge part of what the original CAP story was all about.


   Yeah, I was assuming that Wade's getting a J.D. and Matt would get a MA or higher, likely in economics. Chicago or Northwestern are good for both, right?



JJ is the one that I really worry about.  Him breaking down and crying and showing that side to Will shows just how devestated and alone he feels.  If you think about it; Jeanine and Robbie were the two that really pushed him and encouraged him in the skating, other than Matt who introduced him to skating.  I could actually see him just walking away from the skating.  That would not actually be an unusual reaction to everything that has gone on with him.


     My view of JJ is that he's very comfortable with the temperamental, "I want all of the M&M's in my hotel room bowl to be green" kind of act. But when it comes to sincere emotions, it's something he runs away from.


     I can't see him dropping skating, though. JJ's invested too much and has given up too much for him to drop out now. He's given up school, friends, time with his family, and his childhood innocence for the dream of someday getting an Olympic medal. It's probably going to be the thing that helps him deal with it and not concentrate too much on his parents dying.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Think of how empty the Malibu houses are going to be. A few stories ago it was Greg, Stef, Brad, Robbie, Jeanine, Tiffany, Darius, Will and JJ. Now the two houses are just Brad and JJ. Might this be a catalyst to move Will back to Malibu? Or Cody & Maddie? Jeff?


9-11 can change where everyone was going to go to school. Wade may feel an obligation to step in as Beau's surrogate father and move to VA to go to the University of Virginia Law School or Georgetown, or Yale or Harvard if that is where Beau is going to go to college, or maybe Beau will come west because Wade is at Stanford. Or maybe where Matt goes for graduate school, USC or UCLA for his MBA will effect Wade decision more, he winds up one of the So Cal law schools and that house in Malibu starts to fill again.


In any case, I am not sure I see the two of them in Chicago. Matt might be comfortable back  in the Midwest, but I think it would be awfully tough to move back to the Midwest once you've escaped. Wade is more a coastal guy so I see him left coast or right coast, but not in the middle. As to Obama the law lecturer, friends and colleagues who had him for a teacher called him pretty cold and distant. He wasn't Bill Clinton who made everyone his best friend in five minutes and didn't build a network like Clinton did, he had a small tight circle in Chicago.

Edited by PrivateTim
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Seriously, I think I am going to invest in Kimberly-Clark; they make Kleenex.  I think for me the last two chapters have been sadder in some ways than the chapters that actually dealt with the deaths.  Those chapters were full of sorrow but you were so caught up in the horror of it that it registered differently. 


I really think that the way Wade was notified was just a little out of the ordinary.



The issue of Elizabeth is rather moot until we know the terms of the Senator's will...... I really don't see where she will end up being anything more than a nuisance. 


  I hope someone slaps the shit out of his(Robbie's) mother if she has the indecency to show up at any of his services...


  I did love John's overheard comment to Marie...



JP is a tower of strength but I do believe that he will need reinforcments soon.



Outstanding work, Mark...

OK - First off, my apologies to Mark AGAIN. I have no clue how I changed Wade's surname that way and reviews do not give us an edit option to correct my screw up!


Add stock in red remover eye drops !


Wades notification was a tad unusual and extremely insensitive!


Elizabeth Dansfield a nusance?  Mosquitos are a nusance too and carry diseases. Millions are spent in a futile effort to control them every year.


I would hope Robbie's mother would have the sense to avoid any memorial services but i think it more likely that the "punishment for being gay" angle more likely. I can see Will being the one to smack her upside the head. Can I give him a nice baseball bat for the job?


I also loved John's comment to Marie.  The first thing went thru my mind was "OH, smack!" Maybe that will shock her into re-evaluating a few things.


And we have seen two towers crumble in this story already. Here is hoping the family is enough reinforcement for JP.

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