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10 things every man should know


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My additions:

Learn how to read a contract.

Learn basic sewing.

Learn how to properly cook a steak.

Learn to listen instead of hear.

Learn dueling etiquette and how to defend your honor against vicious rogues and rapscallions.

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James Savik's 10 tips for young men (I'll make more if you're hot)


1. Pull up your pants so you don't look like a prison punk.


2. Know exactly what those Chinese characters mean before they become your tattoo. Unless you read and write Mandarin, you really wouldn't know the difference between "wisdom and strength" and "little bitch".


3. Know what to do in a fight. Kick balls or clock somebody with a brick. The object is to get away without scars, not to win an MMA trophy.


4. Know how long to take shit and when to say "up yours".


5. Own a knife.


6. Know the basics of handguns. Ignorance kills.


7. Have some idea of what you will do if the shit hits the fan. Don't wait until you are covered in it and the fan is sitting there slinging it across the room.


8. Wear the right shoes in the right size. Looking Cool doesn't mean SQUAT when you are on your feet all day.


9. Sometimes you just have to have the steak.


10. Never, ever, even accidentally have sex with one of your significant other's siblings.

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And above all) Respect your Momma and realize that every woman in this world, no matter what, is more right than you are in any argument and situation.

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And above all) Respect your Momma and realize that every woman in this world, no matter what, is more right than you are in any argument and situation.

Not when she's married to/living with a drunkard like my mom's boyfriend is. -_- my mother is not right, especially not more right than all three of her kids, and the rest of her family...

I personally think, "Respect all women, or honor thie mother and father" is better too... You don't have to agree with them to respect or honor them.


I think the real words should be, "Realize you can't win an argument with a woman." :P

"nor can you win every argument, or every battle. It is better to tactically withdrawl than loose."

Also "Even when you are right, you are wrong... especially when reffering to your boss verses you."


Oh every pair of shoes you wear when standing on end will eventually cause your feet to hurt no matter how comfortable they are to begin with (I know this from standing for six hours or more on a concrete floor)


:o kicking in balls in unhonorable :o I'd hit them with a brick, a shank or bottle though :P


Know when Not to fight, and when the battle is even worth fighting.


Know the difference between dressing fancy and being a gentleman. the Cloths don't make the man, the Man makes the cloths.


Personal thought:

Never Lie, not saying something is ok, allowing others to assume is ok... but out right lieing not a good thing... ESPECIALLY in a relationship.

Meh my friends call me brutally honest now you know why... :P

Edited by Celethiel
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I can cook a little, I can tie a tie but not a bow tie, I don't want to ask a girl on a real date, I only like one cologne and I only like it once a year, the only woman in this world that's more right than me is my Mom, and I like burgers more than steak.  Don't get me wrong, pizza beats everything, but even I can't eat it every day.  The interesting thing to me is, there's something in most of what I eat that's also a part of pizza.  Bread, some kind of meat, onions, cheese, peppers, tomato, mushrooms, olives.  Anyway, if there were only ten things I should know I'd be all done learning by now.  I'm pretty sure there's a thousand times that many things I need to know.  The problem is every time I get busy learning something it don't take long before that one thing has turned into six or seven things to learn.  The more I learn the more complex everything becomes.  It's like some kind of magic or something.  It's sole purpose seems to be to keep me wondering what everything's about.  If I ever do finally learn everything I need to know, I'm going to be pretty bored.  I think that's going to happen about as soon as the pope decides to come out.  So, the most important thing I can ever know is, I don't really know much!

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I actually found that list really sexist (am I allowed to say that, or is that straying into the territory of politics?), against both genders. But maybe I'm just hypersensitive.

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I actually found that list really sexist (am I allowed to say that, or is that straying into the territory of politics?), against both genders. But maybe I'm just hypersensitive.



Two words: "Bro' Code!"

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My question is, why does it always seem that it's a woman who's telling us what guys should know? 

Possibly because we do often know things that you don't (whether it's nature or nurture) and so can more easily see the effects of you not having this knowledge/skills. A chef can perhaps identify that a novice cook keeps failing because he doesn't have knowledge of the smoke points of different oils but the novice cook doesn't know what's going wrong.


Equally men should be able to identify some of the things that women should know. For example, men keep telling me that I should learn how to check my tire pressure- I didn't even know that people did this.

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My question is, why does it always seem that it's a woman who's telling us what guys should know? 


I think, historically, men have been telling women what they should know/be like to just as great a degree, so, I dunno... Personally, I find the idea of 'These are qualities men should have' and 'These are qualities women should have' preposterous and slightly offensive. Can't we just stick to 'These are qualities that people should have' and leave it at compassion, love and self-insight?


Or, leave it to Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick.

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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And above all) Respect your Momma and realize that every woman in this world, no matter what, is more right than you are in any argument and situation.


Um, that is the reason I'm gay :)


Why deal with that on a daily basis and suffer the consequences when you don't adhere to it :P


You know I'm right Krista and you are so wrong :lol:

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I think, historically, men have been telling women what they should know/be like to just as great a degree, so, I dunno... Personally, I find the idea of 'These are qualities men should have' and 'These are qualities women should have' preposterous and slightly offensive. Can't we just stick to 'These are qualities that people should have' and leave it at compassion, love and self-insight?


Or, leave it to Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick.

But you can be a very well-intentioned, non-dick person but have no redeemable knowledge or skills or insight.


If men and women split up a few skills that they have to know then they can specialise more instead of vaguely knowing it all. Much more practical for society.

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I think anyone who has the ability to think knows what they need to know and do.  It doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl.  That only matters if you decide you want kids.  Everyone's life is different, and everyone has their own needs and priorities.  The only thing people "need" to know is that the people around them are not like them, and they deserve some respect regardless of whether or not you agree with the way they navigate their lives.  People who have the view that they know what's best for others are people who have no clue.


  The best thing for everyone to do is live their own lives in the best way they can manage and allow others the room to do the same.  It doesn't matter if you agree with their ways or not, it's their life, not yours.  If they ask for advise, fine, give it.  Otherwise get yourself focused on your own life and give others the respect you think you deserve.  It's the people who think they have all the answers and try to shove them on others who create all the friction in society.  Don't let yourself be one of them.

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Okay, I just wanted to put my two cents worth into this discussion and personally I think they apply to everyone, regardless of gender.


1.       Don’t pay attention to lists of things you should or should not do.

2.       Blaze your own trail.  People that follow the rules rarely change the world.

3.       Go barefoot as much as possible.

4.       Wear comfortable shoes when you have to wear shoes.

5.       Learn how to de-escalate a situation so you don’t have to kick someone in the groin or hit them over the head with a brick.

6.       Carry a Leatherman tool, because you never know when you will need a pair of pliers or a bottle opener.

7.       Don’t dress up for a first date, it creates a false impression.

8.       Don’t take any shit and don’t give any either.

9.       Walk, don’t drive.

10.     Pay attention!

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Okay, I just wanted to put my two cents worth into this discussion and personally I think they apply to everyone, regardless of gender.


1.       Don’t pay attention to lists of things you should or should not do.

2.       Blaze your own trail.  People that follow the rules rarely change the world.

3.       Go barefoot as much as possible.

4.       Wear comfortable shoes when you have to wear shoes.

5.       Learn how to de-escalate a situation so you don’t have to kick someone in the groin or hit them over the head with a brick.

6.       Carry a Leatherman tool, because you never know when you will need a pair of pliers or a bottle opener.

7.       Don’t dress up for a first date, it creates a false impression.

8.       Don’t take any shit and don’t give any either.

9.       Walk, don’t drive.

10.     Pay attention!


Damn, I'm out of likes... This is a list I can get behind!

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  • 2 months later...

Be a thoughtful gifter. Notice the girl likes something. One time she'll say, 'Oh, I love this bracelet. Oh, this blouse is so pretty. Oh, this is such a cute little pot for my house.' Just remember one of those times. File it away. Go buy that thing. Wait three months. Give it to her. She will be yours forever."


This is bull. My uncle gave me a pair of socks at christmas once, which was given to him as a present 3 minutes earlier. That man had no shame in regifting gifts.


And for this part:  She will be yours forever.


Really? This is crap I gave an ex girlfriend my body, my virginity, a gift that mattered to women and the minute I told her I was gay, she broke up with me. I mean, I don't get it. You give them a home, you bring them food, you provide shelter, you give them your body and soul, and look what happens. They still want you to be straight. Women . . . They're so difficult, complicated beasts. And that's why I'm gay.



I'm kidding. I'm not a sexist chuvanous pig by the way. Just an insensitive prick to some.

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