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Morning or night?


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Friends, city folk, Lego enthusiasts, lend me your sneers!


To shower in the morning or the night? That is the question!


Whether tis nobler to the nose to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous BO at the breakfast table or when woken in the middle of the night, or take arms against a sea of dirt in the evening, and by opposing end them?

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It depends. Some mornings I need a shower to wake up, some nights I stay up too late to shower (the pipes are noisy and neighbours complain), but in general I prefer night.


I prefer night in everything, as evidenced by the fact that it's 3:30 AM and I'm still awake, watching deleted scenes from The Thick of It and eating pork rinds. 

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i dont do labels :P i always shower at LEAST once a day, but that could be 5am, 10am, 2pm, 5pm, 10pm or midnight haha.


During my semesters I have a really odd university schedule, so some days ill have nothing on so i will stay up all night the night before, sleep until 4pm and then get up and shower haha, and some days i have to get up at 6am to fit in lectures which will be chock-a-block until 8pm so ill shower then instead.


When im at home im an insomniac, so just whenever i feel like it really :) but like i said, always at least once a day, normally twice.

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I've been told it's not good for you to shower more than once a day. If you wash too much you kill off your natural bacterial flora, leaving you wide open for infections. I've also heard that it's even less good for women to shower too often, because too much humidity can cause, well, unpleasant side-effects in certain intimate areas. 


Also, washing one's hair with shampoo every day is, apparently, both unnecessary and not good for the hair. I have a friend who only washes his hair once a week, and it's the most magnificent mop of brown curls I've ever seen. He's a hotty.

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Both. Morning to wake up and tame my rather unruly curls (grumbles) and night 'cause i spend a ton of time in the garden, woods, or martial arts classes and am a mess by the end of the day.


Sometimes 3 times, if i'm going from woods to evening activity, even if evening activity is the gym.

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Normally I'm a morning shower person.  But if I have a migraine, it will be whatever the most convenient time to get in the shower, lol.  However.  As for hair washing.  If I only went one day a week and washed my hair, I would look like kid rock.  I have really oily hair, so yeah, once a week is NOT going to cut it.  I wash my hair everyday because if I don't, I will legit look like I don't HAVE shampoo in the first place :P

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If I've had a rough day and am a bit ripe, then the nighttime shower it is.  Otherwise, I prefer the morning shower to help wake me up and get me going. 

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I usually wake up allergic and cranky1. I need:

  • A Shower
  • Caffeine

In that order.



foot notes:


1- I know this crankiness comes as a great shock to all concerned.

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Without coffee I wouldn't find the shower in the morning, so dope first, then water and as long as nobody talks to me before my first coffee I'm nice. When I run I'll shower in the evening.

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:yawn:  I am not a morning person, I hate mornings and to take a shower in the morning - forget it !! I prefere to shower (or much better, take a bath) in the evening :yes:  :2thumbs:

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Dear tbot, You have posed the question, poetically even, yet we have not heard of your answer to it. Are you truly looking for advice, dear Sir? I may have some for you... To whom am I kidding, of course I have advice and I'm going to let you have it.


Shower in the morn, thereby ending the useless slaughter caused by your careless sling and odiferous arrows. Begone that malodorous whiff of discontent under the sheets by washing those offensive points in the sink. Defend yourself and by opposing end them.


There's something very nice about the warm clean scent of a man under the sheets. I don't need the extra wake-up call in the morning either.


We won't be forgetting about me, will we. I will stand against the inquisition and answer your question.       I. Don't. Stink.       And, no, that is not a conceit of mine. Every man who has stuck around long enough to notice has commented on it. "You never smell", they say. I get what they mean. If you were to put a shirt I've been wearing all day over your head and took a big whiff, you would know I have a smell. Just saying by the way, I'm not offering try outs. The scent is warm and clean, kind of like that man under the sheets I was talking about earlier. I had a boyfriend that liked a bit of ripeness but quickly learned that I did not. I was quite vociferous against it and he soon cleaned up his act, for 18 years.


So, me, the question, the answer. I do shower every day at some time during the morning or evening. I'm, ambishowerous.

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Okay. I shower twice a day, usually. When school's in session, I shower at 6 am and then between 6pm and 10pm. When school isn't in session, I don't shower till 9am and then 7pm.

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I shower twice a day or sometimes thrice a day in summertime: as soon as I wake up, and as soon as I get home. For me it's basic hygiene. And I prefer if the water is freezing cold in the morning. I noticed that it gives my skin a radiant glow and pumps up my blood for the day - keeps me perky.


I like to smell good. It's common courtesy for those who can smell me. And I don't mean that you'll smell bad if you only have a shower once a day. I'm only referring to my over-compulsive tendencies to smell appropriately because my olfactory glands is very sensitive and my nose gets irritated if it happens to catch a whiff of someone's bad body odour. 

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shower in the evening, sleep with towel on pillow, hair dries overnight. I refuse to blow dry, too girly. Cris blow dries though... which is weird.


He likes his hair fluffy. :P I blow-dry if it's really necessary, like if I'm going out just after showering and it's winter. But my hair isn't that long, so it's usually no problem.

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I shower in mornings, nothing wakes you up like a morning shower, I may also shower at night, although I preffer baths then... sooo much more relaxing...


If you're lucky enough to have a bath...

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Dear tbot, You have posed the question, poetically even, yet we have not heard of your answer to it.


That's because I didn't want this thread to become a debate. I feel rather strongly about showering before beddy time in the typical Japanese way, you know, shower in a place removed from the bath tub so the tub can remain clean, then soak in a bath or hot spring afterwards. Obviously, just like any courteous person, I clean up more frequently if necessary. Especially in the summer, I especially love those Gatsby face and body wipes that feel deliciously cold. They are a lifesaver at work or school. Also, I make sure not to turn on the air conditioner after a shower because I know it wrecks havoc with your body's internal temperature control and I don't want to sweat profusely at night.


That last part is the the debate I got into before I started this thread. I think it's kind of na-na-na-nasty to go sleep dirty so to speak -- to grace the sheets of one's bed with the dirt of the day. But the debatee disagreed; this person argued that it's equally nasty not to clean off the sweat from sleep. I claimed different people sweat different amounts at night and if you're smart about it, it's a negligible amount that's about equal to that your body naturally sweats a bit throughout the day, though it isn't noticeable or bad enough to require immediate action. We went back and forth, and on and on.


The argument materialized because I was telling him how I've been reading a lot of English writing lately and how I sometimes feel a little weirded out that the characters go to sleep without showering. I wonder if the opposite is true when people who are used to a morning shower culture (the Irish Springers, you could call them) read Japanese stories where the characters often don't shower when they wake up (the Sekken Densetsu, you might say).


I realize of course that in first world countries, it's a moot point. Most people are clean enough where it really doesn't matter that much and it's more of a preference.

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The Irish Springers, huh. Hmmm, that reminds me of something. No relation to the Spaniards, right? No, of course not, that would be too much of a coincidence.


A shower followed by a bath seems a great luxury. I love to soak in the tub. I haven't had one in years. Shower will have to do.

Edited by Ron
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A shower followed by a bath seems a great luxury. I love to soak in the tub. I haven't had one in years. Shower will have to do.


Ex housemate of mine does this.... EVERYDAY. our first flat had one bathroom, i have a tiny bladder and she used to spend upwards of 4 hours in there! the only thing that used to get her out was the threat that i would piss in the kitchen sink...

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