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[dkstories] Do Over Series - Help me!

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Hi guys! I am in love with these stories. My only problem is that some chapters (and all story introductions) are missing so I am having some trouble following parts of the story. I have finished Do Over, but I don't understand Sean Rule's story other than he is gay and a fellow student. When reading Do Over and Sean came back with some extra involvement in the story, I shrugged it off because I can live with missing a few things. However, now I am reading Redux and I feel like I missed 10 chapters! What was the set up with china that meant Davey had to come back? Who IS Sean Rule? Can anyone fill these gaps or help me with the link between these two amazing stories?

thank you :)

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Ok - so, to try and clear things up...


Do Over - the first "Book" of the Do Over series, starts with Davey Jones going back in time to July 31, 1981.  He's sent back by a mad scientist and the scientist's assistant - a "guy about my age, who almost seemed familiar".  (DO Chapter 1)  Davey travels from timeline 1 to timeline 2.  Eventually, the main threat to Davey and the country comes from the USSR and Alexei Shevardnadze.


In Do Over, Chapter 38, we have Brian's diary and the details of who the lab assistant is.  The lab assistant goes back in time himself, changing timeline 2 to timeline 2A, which ends with a military coup killing Shevardadze and Davey and Brian living happily ever after...  err...  kinda.


Do Over Redux is the second Book of Do Over. In the first few chapters, we find out that the Chinese figured out who the lab assistant is, captured him and by threatening the life of his boyfriend, got his assistance in creating a new Do Over machine.  Before it created a time bubble to send a Chinese agent back in time, Davey Jones was part of the team that stormed the building and got send back as well, this time to March 1981, going from timeline 2A to timeline 3.


Hope this helps - if you need more, let me know.

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