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What are you afraid of?

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My two greatest fears in the world:





Strange but true. Anybody else want to contribute. I mean, you don't have to. You're just a bad person if you don't.


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I've never liked scary movies and I especially hate it when people get eaten...ehh...just freaks me out. Completely random...the fear of being eaten I believe is called Phagophobia, lol. I also dont really like spiders but I'm not gonna spaz out if I see one in public or something. Uhh...I dont like needles either...lol




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I fear weapons of mass destruction but that's because as a small child we had nuclear warfare drills where we hid under desks and were told not to look at the flash.


This fear has recently been reawakened not by Al Qaeda but by the good ole boy in the White House. George Bush strikes me as the kind of guy that might get drunk and say, "Hey ya'll, watch this!" (I'm FROM the South- I know these people.)


But seriously- weapons of mass destruction don't kill people, people kill people.


I should be able to own a neutron warhead or anthrax for home defense. Who knows? I might have to retaliate against the Smiths or the Jones.

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I tend to be claustrophobic, and especially when I'm in a place where I can't get out. Or if there is a lock or latch involved. For example, stalls in public restrooms make me kind of nervous -- but when you've got to go, you've got to go, so I can't avoid those. If I can avoid getting into elevators, though, I will. Not a bad thing, since stair-climbing is good exercise.



You're right Kitty, taking the staires is very good excerise. I remember reading that climbing up just 10 flights of staires was equivalent to......well something significant :P


I knew a girl a couple of years ago who got stuck in a restroom stall. She was the girlfriend of one of my best friends and we'd all gone out to the horsetrack for the evening. Anyway she had his phone with her and used it to call my phone so that we could come get her out. But while we were trying to figure out if it was really ok for us to go in there to help her this tough "cowgirl" in the next stall overheard her. Apparently she uttered the phrase "Stand back, honey" and then proceeded to kick the door open.


So anyway that's not such an odd fear. I mean if it had been some abandoned restroom and she hadn't had a cell phone, I guess she'd have had to crawl out on her belly or try to climb out on the toliet.


I've never liked scary movies and I especially hate it when people get eaten...ehh...just freaks me out. Completely random...the fear of being eaten I believe is called Phagophobia, lol. I also dont really like spiders but I'm not gonna spaz out if I see one in public or something. Uhh...I dont like needles either...lol


I used to like scary movies when I was a kid, but then around 17 or 18 I started empathizing with the people alot more, and it started to freak me out. Which sucks because just the other day I was thinking I wanted to watch the Scream trilogy again, but I think it'll upset me, weird me out or whatever.


Anyway I'm actually kinda fond of heights, I find them exhilarating. And I actually feel more "secure" in smaller spaces.


I used to be afraid of cheesegraters. That was probably pretty odd. It started out as a generalized blade phobia which I then projected completely and exclusively to cheesegraters, but I'm pretty much entirely over that now. Dentists still make me extremely uncomfortable. That's definitely my worst "concrete" fear. I can't stand going (Thus I brush like 6 times a day). I just want to get up and run when I'm in that chair. It's all the normal stuff too, like the drill etc. But you know what really freak me out? That little mirror and hook thing! :blink:


I'm still extremly anxious driving around railings; like for bridges and overpasses. But it's the railing (or wall in some places) that freak me out, it's not the height or fear of water. In fact even though I know it's safer WITH the railing, I'd probably feel more comfortable going over stuff without one. I think it's akin to how horses hate "just barely" seeing things in their peripheral vision......I dunno maybe I should get blinders lol.

I actually hate driving in general and am very nervous about it on an intellectual level. I'm also fairly uncomfortable doing it, but not usually that panicky, unless I have a near accident or have to put on the breaks fast. I drive with ALOT of distance between me and the next car. I'm perfectly willing to go fast, but I won't follow at all closely.


And it's hard to explain but I've got a slight anxiety problem when it comes to "Chaotic" situations. Like walking through the quad at school at lunch makes me nervous. And it's because everyone's making alot of noise and moving in different directions. I would have no problem if everyone was quiet and not moving, or all going the same direction in a fairly organized way. I just can't stand for their to be alot of people all being loud and doing different stuff. Actually I say I can't stand it but I do to some extent everyday. We talked about it once in one of my psyc. classes. I think my brain gets "over-stimulated" too easily. That's probably why I can't stand to listen to music while I read or write (like right now). Why I will not talk unless the TV or Radio is turned off or completely down. Why I can't stand "background" noise (unless it's very low and soothing). And why running water or appliances (or even AC's) make me tense. I don't even notice it until they go off then all of a sudden it's like "ahh" :D


It's weird because of that I'd actually be calmer giving a speech or something in front of a crowd of people all focused on me, than being in the same room with everyone being loud and random.

"Excuse me can I have your attention please!......nothing I just wanted you all to hush up for a bit :P:boy: "


Anyway take care all and have a great day!


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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hmmm.....I'd have to say there are two things at the top of my list:


1) being alone (losing my immediate family)

2) spiders...big black scary spiders...I will swear till the day I die, that they are all out to get me!

And it is my sworn duty to kill each and everyone that I encounter! :2hands: :D


Down with spiders! hehehe I am not usually the type of girl that screams at scary things...but show me a spider and I'm dancing on chairs screaming at the top of my lungs!!!


- Kaiten :sheep:



p.s. I forgot to mention clowns too. Did anyone ever see the movie "IT"??? My older brother let me watch it with him and his friends when I was little, fully knowing it would scare the bejeebers out of me and allow him to have a few hours with me out of their hair! Coniving little brats weren't they!!! ;)

Edited by buttershots
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My phobia is car accidents. Everytime I see one I get really nervous for some reason. Im not scared to be in one, Im just scared of seeing them on the way to wherever it is we're going. The other morning on the way to school we had to take a detour and when we came back out onto the road we normally take, we could see the accident and there was a car with a white sheet or something over the windshield, so I was super nervous for the rest of the day

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1 - Spiders.


2 - Crowds/open spaces/unfamiliar places.


Yep, arachnophobia and agoraphobia. Someone once asked me which one I hated more, spiders or people. I decided that, in the end, I'd rather be locked in a room with a bunch of spiders than in a room with a bunch of people, because you're allowed to kill spiders. If you start killing off people, though...well, society tends to look down on that. And you need more than a newspaper to do it, usually. Plus, the arachnids creep me out intensely, but the humans give me full-blown panic attacks.

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Being murdered by ghosts.


The sad part about that is that I'm not even kidding, I'm actually petrified of being murdered by ghosts.


(When you live in a town that's refered too as "that haunted town" by people from surrounding states ghosts become much more fact than fiction, I just happen to be terrified that some day one of them will murder me. I'm very very wierd. I know)

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Being murdered by ghosts.


The sad part about that is that I'm not even kidding, I'm actually petrified of being murdered by ghosts.


(When you live in a town that's refered too as "that haunted town" by people from surrounding states ghosts become much more fact than fiction, I just happen to be terrified that some day one of them will murder me. I'm very very wierd. I know)


I don't think you're weird. I'm afraid of ghosts also.

If I lived in a town referred to as that haunted town, I think my fear would've got me a long time ago.


You know kids sleep with their night lights on when they're afraid of the dark? Well, I sleep with my room lights on.

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I'm terrified of failure.


ooo...I'm kinda like that too. I cannot stand doing less than my best. I have not gotten a C since like 4th grade and I swear I'd like just lay down and die if I did, lol. I was about ready to kill my history teacher when I got a B+ first quarter. I think I was a measly 13 points away from that A-...and he wouldnt let me do any extra credit to get it up :( . Yea yea I know that it was my fault I got the B+ but yea..heh.

Edited by xander
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I don't think you're weird. I'm afraid of ghosts also.

If I lived in a town referred to as that haunted town, I think my fear would've got me a long time ago.


You know kids sleep with their night lights on when they're afraid of the dark? Well, I sleep with my room lights on.


Yeah, this town isn't exactly conducive to settling or comforting my fears...

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Oh, and getting my shoelace caught in an escalator. Imagine your foot/leg slowly being pulverized because your shoelace got caught and you can't get it out in time. What an ignominious way to die.



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completely letting go in public.


something my friends always try to pressure me to do, which usually means wearing hotpants and posing as a woman to go on a tour of Barnard, but they have been loosening me up bit by bit for a while.


also, alienating my friends by becoming emotionally abusive.


something that has gotten me in trouble before.

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1 My husband's cooking

2 Spiders and creepie crawlies

3 People in elevators (I have been stuck in elevators to many times to be afraid of then, its' the people I am stuck with, when they start pacing and talking to themself/crynig, that is when I wish I took the stairs)

4 OOhh I almost forgot BATS, I recently found out.....I was watching Blacula, it was 3:00am when I turned in to sleep, I heard some sqeeuks and flapping. I was thinking Dammit, why in the hell I watch that movie, now I'm hearing things. I was like wait a minute, I scream so loud, pulled the covers over me. My husband jumped out of bed all gun whole ready to kill whom ever was attacking. I heard him cursing cause I'm guessing the BAT hit him EEEEWWW. Anyways, he got it with a pillow case and set it free.

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