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What are you afraid of?

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I'd say my biggest fear is the dentist, yet at the same time I also have that fear of losing teeth. I have dreams alot that my teeth just crumble in my mouth and I'm spitting out teeth bits for half an hour. I think that's a somewhat sane fear so my weird fear is professional wrestlers. I can't even watch when a commercial comes on they all look mean and have no necks and sometimes wear weird masks and stuff. They just all really creep me out.

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I'd say my biggest fear is the dentist, yet at the same time I also have that fear of losing teeth. I have dreams alot that my teeth just crumble in my mouth and I'm spitting out teeth bits for half an hour. I think that's a somewhat sane fear so my weird fear is professional wrestlers. I can't even watch when a commercial comes on they all look mean and have no necks and sometimes wear weird masks and stuff. They just all really creep me out.

YES!!!! There's a guy named Kane who's a wrestler, and in his bio it says he used to be known as Issac Yankem DDS......that would be both of your fears wrapped up into one package

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YES!!!! There's a guy named Kane who's a wrestler, and in his bio it says he used to be known as Issac Yankem DDS......that would be both of your fears wrapped up into one package


I don't know..I kinda like it when hot guys stick things in my mouth. Maybe you just need a cuter dentist. :o

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I'd say my biggest fear is the dentist, yet at the same time I also have that fear of losing teeth. I have dreams alot that my teeth just crumble in my mouth

That's very sensable if you ask me! The dentist is my biggest fear too. I go about once every 3 years lol! But I take REALLY good care of my teeth, in fact I consider them one of my best features. I brush like 5 or 6 times a day, floss pretty often, and I don't drink any tea, coffee, or carbonated bevs (I'm strictly water, soy milk, fruit juices, and the occasional alcohol). So anyway I went about a year and a half or so ago, and got a really good report. He said "just keep doing whatever you're doing" so I was really happy and relieved (though just the exam freaked me out), anyway that night I had this horrible dream in which he said "oops, sorry about that, read the wrong report. It seems you've lost all your enamle, we're going to have to rip them all out" Then he chased me around the rest of the dream :(


Maybe because they have dead fly germs on them and theyre gross

Was gonna say the exact same thing

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I'm terrified of failure.

Sometimes, I want to give up before I begin in order to avoid any possibilities of failure.



I'm with you on this one Loki, the fear of failure is my biggest fear. Oddly, I'm also terrified of success. If I could find a way of not failing with out the stress of success... I think I would be a much better person (and writer).







Me too Shadows, but I think this goes hand in hand with some of my other fears. If I fail I will be rejected (by whom I do not know) yet if I succeed they may not like me, thus rejecting me there too.



I fear being restrained or cornered.


I have a mild fear of this, yet that fear can be played upon by the right person with interesting consequences.

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a couple fears of mine include..


loosing my mom


not being financially independant

not experiencing what I want to before I die


being a failure or not using my talents to their fullest potential

and the boo box


(you know, the boo box from the movie Hook? where they stick a guy in a box and put scorpions in the box with him. funny story, I was flipping through the channels sunday morning and I came to a clip of the movie Hook, and it was at the point where Hook was picking someone out to go into the boo box and the was dragging him down the isle, well instead of just flipping the channel like a completely rational person, instead I threw the tv changer on the floor and walked out of the room with my fingers in my hears humming to myself. haha. I felt really stupid afterwards. But that screaming is horrible for a childrens movie. Maybe I saw it when I was way too young. end story)

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Today I remembered I also have a fear of cockroaches.


I used to have the fears of failure and being alone, but then I realized that it was inevitable...and I got over them. I also used to be scared of dying...so I just don't think about it and most of time I'm alright.

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