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19 yo to lose his virginity in public as "performance art"


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He has the temerity to foist his hangups upon us in the name of art, which might be fine if he was at least aware of himself, but well ...


Ahem, no-one's compelling anyone to take the slightest interest in the forthcoming attraction, so he's not exactly foisting anything on anyone :lol:


You can't compare American/European sexual culture with that of India. Of course it is going to be different because the two cultures are radically different overall.


Ahem, "European sexual culture" isn't the the same as US sexual culture, for example nudity is widely seen as sexual in the US and widely seen as not sexual across Europe. Also it hasn't (yet :funny:) been standardised by the EU :P

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Ahem, "European sexual culture" isn't the the same as US sexual culture, for example nudity is widely seen as sexual in the US and widely seen as not sexual across Europe. Also it hasn't (yet :funny:) been standardised by the EU :P


True. Americans pretend to be prudish in public, but we're just as wild and crazy when others aren't looking. :P Europeans have gotten past the whole thing of being ashamed of sex, which means its lightyears ahead of America's public attitude toward sex. But all in all, both Europe and America are far more liberalized sexually when compared to most other corners of the world. 

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True. Americans pretend to be prudish in public, but we're just as wild and crazy when others aren't looking. :P Europeans have gotten past the whole thing of being ashamed of sex, which means its lightyears ahead of America's public attitude toward sex. But all in all, both Europe and America are far more liberalized sexually when compared to most other corners of the world.


Looks over at Asia, porn being sold on the street and hooking being standard practice does not make us less liberal :P


Singapore is probably the harshest country on standards though, but it's small compared to the roaring sex trade of india and other asian nations. Carnal pleasure is disliked, but unlike western nations, it is part of the social fabric.

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Looks over at Asia, porn being sold on the street and hooking being standard practice does not make us less liberal :P


Singapore is probably the harshest country on standards though, but it's small compared to the roaring sex trade of india and other asian nations. Carnal pleasure is disliked, but unlike western nations, it is part of the social fabric.


Sex trade aside, Hindu culture in India elevated sex to high art with the Kama Sutra and temple sculptures like this ...



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It's kind of sad when you think about it.  The young man apparently never has had a close loving relationship in which he wanted to give himself to another.   So to replace that with "performance art" seems like a poor second choice in my humble opinion....

I agree, hell, I'm 21 years old, PROUD virgin, I'm not that desperate to lose it and go fuck around, in front of a hundred people no less, not happening! Is he crazy? VIRGINITY in itself is an art, art of preserving your pureness for the one you love. I think this guy has been peer pressured by his friends or the people around him, he already lost his self respect. I would rather wait a long long time for a man to love me, marry me and lose it, than to perform it live for the world to see. If you're gonna do it once, at least make it special.

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I think the art piece is meant to be "penetrating" :P


For some odd reason, I think ancient Asian sculptors have more works to lesbians than gay men.


Poetry on the other hand do more for gay men than lesbians in the far east :o

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Haha. Another excuse not to be a op


If his partner can get hard with 100 strangers watching it will be a miracle. Or his partner has some 'splaning to do.


Wake me when it goes viral.


There's a thing called pornography for that matter. When a dozen people in a set idly looks at you while you exemplify the mating rituals of a humpback whale - get paid for it - and pretend that you're straight with your co-humpback whale as you act out roles lived in the mind of E. L. James who wrote this fabulous book called 'Mommy Porn', as what the hundreds of thousands of people who ordered from Amazon describes it to be.


Someday, dissecting a live person in front of 100 people shall be called 'art'. I shall call this "The human integration of the psycho-cannibalistic mind of Jeffrey Dahmer. Part 1. Scene 1. End Scene. New Scene. Exit-Stage-Left-And-Right. North and South."


This guy surely puts one-night-stands to shame with his 'OFF WITH YOUR JEANS! LET'S GET IT ON!!!' kind of thing.

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Looks over at Asia, porn being sold on the street and hooking being standard practice does not make us less liberal :P


Singapore is probably the harshest country on standards though, but it's small compared to the roaring sex trade of india and other asian nations. Carnal pleasure is disliked, but unlike western nations, it is part of the social fabric.

Maybe you should ask Totallyy, who's from Singapore, about the sexual standards there :P before making offhand comments about it...


And by the by it wasn't ten years ago that you could go down to the gass station and buy a Playboy, here in Small Town Montana... -_-

I find that sexual openness goes up and down like the tide especially in the United States...

for instance the Victorian Era in the U.S. was preceeded by a very sexually open time period...

and the 60s, and 70s were fairly open sexually...

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Maybe you should ask Totallyy, who's from Singapore, about the sexual standards there :P before making offhand comments about it...


And by the by it wasn't ten years ago that you could go down to the gass station and buy a Playboy, here in Small Town Montana... -_-

I find that sexual openness goes up and down like the tide especially in the United States...

for instance the Victorian Era in the U.S. was preceeded by a very sexually open time period...

and the 60s, and 70s were fairly open sexually...


How much open do we really need before this guy's performance becomes a staple at Chucky Cheese. Haha. I don't condone it but my eyebrows are frowning a bit and I can't help it - my values are controlling my liberality. It's verboten it's verboten, says my stuck-up value system.


I mean, moral relativity will always apprehend this as a classless attempt to rationalise art with the carnal pleasures of men, or the symbolic reflection of religion imposed upon virginity. I want him to do it for the sake of empowerment blah blah blah, but I also want him to stop because he might become a porn-star someday if he pushes this through. I'm such a hypocrite. I can't decide. HAHAHAHA!

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If you're interested in why what where and how, here's an interview Clayton Pettet has given with CBC


Click the "listen" tab just below his pic to hear the interview with him and also with Therese Shechter whose movie How to Lose Your Virginity has just been released. It's a serious discussion, answers a lot of questions raised in this thread and does raise some interesting points.


And if you've not yet applied for tickets... then you're too late! :lol:

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Maybe you should ask Totallyy, who's from Singapore, about the sexual standards there :P before making offhand comments about it...


And by the by it wasn't ten years ago that you could go down to the gass station and buy a Playboy, here in Small Town Montana... -_-

I find that sexual openness goes up and down like the tide especially in the United States...

for instance the Victorian Era in the U.S. was preceeded by a very sexually open time period...

and the 60s, and 70s were fairly open sexually...


The world is definitely a lot more prudish right now than it was 30, 20, even 10 years ago, both where nudity and language is concerned. All you have to do is look at movies aimed at teenagers now and then. The original Fame had tonnes of nudity (read: tits) and swearing, as well as dealing with abortion, drugs, severe depression, sexual abuse and homosexuality, and came out in 1980. A lot of the stuff in there would not be seen as age appropriate to high schoolers today. Hell, I watched 10 Things I Hate About You the other day (yes, I occasionally like watching chick flicks, sue me), and the amount of swearing and sexual humour in that otherwise benign rom com probably wouldn't be put in a film like it today (except possibly in indie movies).

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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"10 things" is not representative of all rom com, "looks over to a classic of our generation" American pie was raunchy, racy, and funny for all the right reasons.

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"10 things" is not representative of all rom com, "looks over to a classic of our generation" American pie was raunchy, racy, and funny for all the right reasons.


I have to admit I mostly just found the American Pie movies kind of exhausting to watch... 

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I have to admit I mostly just found the American Pie movies kind of exhausting to watch...


It is fast pace satire on american standards.


Its humor spawned off an entire generation of irreverent american movies with sexual and cultural themes like Orange County and even Eurotrip :P

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Having created performance art and in the process of preparing an art piece for conferences across the UK, I think could probably weigh in here.


The thing is yes it could be seen as a guy just getting off in front of a crowd of people. Yes he is 19.


Coming from an artistic point of view, its real art. It's live. it's living. The entire point of performance art is that it can only be performed once. His work is essentially the ultimate piece of performance art because you can only lose your virginity once.


I would never go that extreme myself because well i'm not built that way - but kudos to him for thinking in such a way.


I personally think making claims that most 19 year old don't hold their V card still is presumptuous. There are people out there who wait for the right moment and don't want to rush it.


Thinking in terms of my own work, with my two dual pieces The Unfinished Journey and The Unrehearsed Journey, I tackle different ways of the singular event. Unfinished makes audiences make decisions on a non physical journey, followed by them recreating the journey live.


Unrehearsed is literally that. Unrehearsed. 10 rooms with boxes with 10 envelopes with 10 pieces of paper inside. Each with different pieces of information. Literally 10,000 different possible shows. Multiply that by the average 12 performance run, within my work there is a 1 in 120,000 chance of getting one specific show.


Sorry hope I didn't bore anyone xD I just love performance art xD

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The entire point of performance art is that it can only be performed once.


This is not entirely true, Johnathan. While this particular performance of losing his virginity can only be done once, many artist re-stage events again and again. If one were to be absolutely technical about it, one could say that each performance is unique bearing in mind different audience, different venue or different frame of mind for the artist and yet the basic premise remains the same each time it is repeated. Each time a work is performed it is new for the audience that is viewing it but it doesn't mean that it has to be a one off performance to be performance art.

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If one were to be absolutely technical about it, one could say that each performance is unique bearing in mind different audience, different venue or different frame of mind for the artist and yet the basic premise remains the same each time it is repeated. Each time a work is performed it is new for the audience that is viewing it but it doesn't mean that it has to be a one off performance to be performance art.


Spot on Ron :P Speak to any musician or actor and they'll tell you some performances are magical, others just don't go so well despite rehearsals and practice. Maybe no-one will know why, or maybe it'll be reasons including those you gave. That's the appeal of live performance art, it's unpredictable and "of the moment" :)


But there's another risk with this particular event ... they can't exactly rehearse or practice :lol:

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Spot on Ron :P Speak to any musician or actor and they'll tell you some performances are magical, others just don't go so well despite rehearsals and practice. Maybe no-one will know why, or maybe it'll be reasons including those you gave. That's the appeal of live performance art, it's unpredictable and "of the moment" :)


But there's another risk with this particular event ... they can't exactly rehearse or practice :lol:


I believe that you are referring to performing arts (meant to entertain) rather than performance art (meant to stimulate thought, evoke emotional response), Zombie. Johnathan was speaking to performance art which is what this young man is doing. I wasn't really disagreeing with Johnathan as much as I was pointing out that some performance art is indeed repeated at different venues.


A theoretical but awful made up example...  Two young men wallow naked in mud on a stage in the round, surrounded by an audience. The men are then pelted by fruits and vegetables by audience members which they then rub on themselves and each other as they engage in sex. The piece ends at climax and is supposed to represent the fecundity of the earth, and mankind's sterility and destruction of it.


This is performance art and it may never be repeated again. Or it can be repeated somewhere else in the world and even though it is the same basic act, the variables of time, place and different audience would still make the performance in part, unique. But only in part.


Johnathan writes, 'The entire point of performance art is that it can only be performed once.'


I replied that this was not entirely true and it isn't but I also gave examples of how it is not entirely false either.


I am sorry if my original post was confusing.

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Point taken :) Although I did say I gave up trying to define art a long time ago :P And even with "performance arts", while accepting what you say, it seems difficult to give a comprehensive definition with terms like "live performance", "happening" and so on, and setting out where the boundaries lie exactly. The dance critic Sally Banes wrote "by the end of the 1980s, performance art had become so widely known that it no longer needed to be defined; mass culture, especially television, had come to supply both structure and subject matter for much performance art; and several performance artists, including Laurie Anderson, Spalding Gray, Eric Bogosian, Willem Dafoe, and Ann Magnuson, had indeed become crossover artists in mainstream entertainment.” Certainly the idea of shock is important. But however it's defined, if this is even possible, the risk of not being able to practice and rehearse for this particular "event" remains :lol:

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to this, where is he going to go on from there... be a performance artist...

.... a performance hooker :o

something else...


as to you being built that way JC

Maybe we should ask your boyfriend ;)


He'll probably fade away into obscurity lol


Or become super famous like Ulay or Abramovic xD

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the reality is most who work as creative artists never achieve commercial success as artists :(


as for the question "where is he going to go on from there" that's why I posted #87 the link to his interview with CBC which pretty much answers the who what how why where

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