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I'm in GayAuthors Heaven

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Has anyone else noticed the increased level of activity here at GayAuthors lately?


Just in February so far:


- Hosted Authors Dom and Dan posting several updates each

- New Hosted Author Topher updating his latest

- Authors Viv, TheZot, Rhawes16, & Lugh posting installments of their stories

- And new author putting himself out there - LittleBuddhaTW


Thanks to ALL of you for sharing your talents (gifts) with us.


Activity in Live Chat, the forums, as well as the BLOGS is also way up!!!! So thanks to everyone for making GA such a fun place to come to.


Take Care®,




P.S. - And for all you lurking newbies...Post, Blog, & Chat. We'd love to hear from you.

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I sorta have to agree... this is a very positive atmosphere to explore various topics in literature.


The feedback is really nice too.... thanks to everyone who has done so -- for anyone.






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I've also really enjoyed my time here so far, and everyone has been very friendly and supportive. At first, I just came here to read DomLuka's stories, but then started participating in the Domaholics forum, then started up a blog, and finally decided to do some writing of my own ... and it's all been a lot of fun.


So, thank you to everyone at GA for all the hard work you do! :worship:



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Now if I could just remember to go into the live chat.....I only seem to think about at really obscure times when no one's around.
Ah, but remember the rule for group chat -- the probability that someone enters the chat goes up with the number of people in the chat. (I've yet to decide whether it's a fixed constant per person or not) The more people in it, the more likely someone new'll show up.


That means if you want someone to chat with, even if the chat room's empty go pop in and hang around for a while -- there's a good chance that someone else who feels like maybe chatting will drop in because they see there's someone in already. The room speaks a "Welcome" when someone new shows up, so you can minimize the window and still know that there's someone else who's arrived, assuming you've got sound turned on in the chatroom (which is the default) and your computer's sound is enabled.



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Apologies for my belated response... but I was in the snow! ALL weekend! Brrrrrrr!


Well, I am absolutely LOVING writing and the responses I get from the readers is awesome. I've heard things like 'what a great story' to 'I NEED more now!' and people saying that they can relate or have experienced similiar things in their own lives. Whatever the reason they're enjoying it or reading it, doesn't really matter, as long as in the end it helped them in some way, by either bringing a smile to their face or letting them feel again, or just for entertainment.


There are a lot of great authors popping up all over the place and I know, I for one was definitely nurtured and motivated by another author so, I really try to do the same! There is so much support and communication here and that makes it even better because we can talk to each other, support each other.


Thanks for the warm welcome, and kind words I have received... even if I am a girl :P


Hugs, Viv

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Well, Kevin, there's this Story Anthology thing coming up ... as a matter of fact, here's what you wrote in the Anthology theme poll thread:

Is that a little Freudian slip there? I don't want to put you on the spot, but should I issue a little challenge to you? ;)





LOL Kitty! :lmao:


I think I'd be a little nervous to try with something so many people would read, but thanks for giving me something to think about...I guess if inspiration did strike I'd try to submit something :)

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