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snapback.png Reply from Mark Arbour (author)

You know, everyone can rant at Alex, but once again, he hasn't done anything wrong. He slept with Mary Ellen when he and JJ didn't have a formal commitment, but he told JJ about it to the degree that JJ let him. The problem with Alex is that he follows the letter of the law, but not the spirit of it.
Mark, I hope you didn't think I was ranting about Alex. I agree that he did nothing wrong. However, I think it was rather stupid of him not to ensure proper birth control. I would think, with his Title, he would be a constant target of opportunists. I would also think he would be raised with warnings of this sort of thing. He has allowed ME to get the better of him, despite that. Maybe he didn't know of ME's past behaviors or reputation, but that shouldn't matter... he should automatically default to caution in sexual situations. As far as not telling JJ about ME...you are right that he wasn't required to and JJ didn't want to know. But knowing ME would be at Goodwell, I think he would have been wise to prepare JJ for any kind of comments or attentions from ME so that JJ wouldn't get blindsided. I like Alex, and I think he has been good from JJ, but this is some serious shit and JJ needs him right now. I hope Alex overcomes those ingrained manners and goes to console and support JJ. Everyone at that table knows why he excused himself so I hope it is Alex to the rescue so he can see first hand the impact this has had on JJ, who is, for all intents and purposes, his partner. I thought this chapter was outstanding Mark. Cheers...Gary



I didn't think that you were, I merely used my response to your review to more fully explain my own thoughts on Alex. 

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I think it was rather stupid of him not to ensure proper birth control. I would think, with his Title, he would be a constant target of opportunists. I would also think he would be raised with warnings of this sort of thing. He has allowed ME to get the better of him, despite that.


I agree completely, Gary. Alex was stupid and now his past has come back to bite him in the ass. Serves him right, but JJ is paying the price too.

How about slipping some ergot into Mary Ellen's morning tea? Although I guess that won't solve everything, since JJ may still feel betrayed.

Edited by Timothy M.
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While I would hope that Alex is the first to jump up and and go to JJ, I think he is too shocked to be the first to react. And he's from the wrong line of Grangers. If he was a descendent of George's he'd already be there! Hopefully Will realizes what JJ could do at a time like this. Why Will? Cause it's always Will! I love Brad but sometimes he's a little slow when it comes to his kids.

I do have one question. Who's Trevor? I'd look but by the time I looked through a million chapters of CAP I would have forgotten what I was looking for. Thanks in advance.

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 so that JJ wouldn't get blindsided.

Judging from the way Alex did not react prior to the announcement that he was the father, I would say he was blindsided as well. We do not know IF he failed to use contraception or if said contraception failed, or if ME chose to deceive him about the use of contraception. It would not be the first time a woman lied about being on the pill, or even used a straight pin to make sure a condom failed.


I think it is way too soon to be condemning Alex for stupidity regarding contraception. I'll be the first to holler "What were you thinking" if they failed to use any sort of protection, but till we know that he gets the benefit of the doubt.

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While I would hope that Alex is the first to jump up and and go to JJ, I think he is too shocked to be the first to react. And he's from the wrong line of Grangers. If he was a descendent of George's he'd already be there! Hopefully Will realizes what JJ could do at a time like this. Why Will? Cause it's always Will! I love Brad but sometimes he's a little slow when it comes to his kids.

I do have one question. Who's Trevor? I'd look but by the time I looked through a million chapters of CAP I would have forgotten what I was looking for. Thanks in advance.

Trevor, I think is a cousin of Wade's that is also a great friend. I also believe he is mostly straight but has had sex with Wade when they were younger...

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Judging from the way Alex did not react prior to the announcement that he was the father, I would say he was blindsided as well. We do not know IF he failed to use contraception or if said contraception failed, or if ME chose to deceive him about the use of contraception. It would not be the first time a woman lied about being on the pill, or even used a straight pin to make sure a condom failed.


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I think it is way too soon to be condemning Alex for stupidity regarding contraception. I'll be the first to holler "What were you thinking" if they failed to use any sort of protection, but till we know that he gets the benefit of the doubt.


I guess you're right. And Alex probably didn't bring condoms, since he was not expecting anything to happen at Wade's home. Also she may have kept the condoms and inseminated herself, if they did not have sperm-killing agents on them.

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Judging from the way Alex did not react prior to the announcement that he was the father, I would say he was blindsided as well. We do not know IF he failed to use contraception or if said contraception failed, or if ME chose to deceive him about the use of contraception. It would not be the first time a woman lied about being on the pill, or even used a straight pin to make sure a condom failed.


Exactly Kitt, which is why I said he should only use a condom that HE provided...I tell my sons the same thing with newer girlfriends...and never rely on them being on the pill...and they are not nobility...Cheers...Gary


EDIT: I said 'condom he provided' in my review

Edited by Headstall
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I am going to go on record and say I don't believe Mary Ellen is preggers for a lot of reasons, just two of which are 1) I think a woman as active as she is would either be on the pill or using other devices and 2) Alex is not so stupid as to not wear a raincoat.

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I am going to go on record and say I don't believe Mary Ellen is preggers for a lot of reasons, just two of which are 1) I think a woman as active as she is would either be on the pill or using other devices and 2) Alex is not so stupid as to not wear a raincoat.


Ohhh, very devious, I believe you may be right ! That means she's doing this to create havoc. But would she really destroy Wade's Thanksgiving ? And what would be the gain - plus she will get a lot of enemies ?

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We are speaking about a woman who allowed herself to be beaten to a pulp to further a scheme of her mothers. I think saying something on these lines just to stir the shit at a family dinner that was otherwise going too well so far would not be out of the question.

Edited by Kitt
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I believe that Mary Ellen is pregnant and that she entrapped Alex.  However, I doubt seriously that it turns out as she or even her mother may hope.


Again,  I suspect Mark has some plans that will play out in due time. He is a wily sort himself...


Despite JJ's bitchy personality, he is in a high-stress sport/occupation at a young age and has undergone more trauma than most.  That he has endured and succeeded as much as he has,  speaks volumes about his resolve and dedication to training and practice.  Therefore, I am most worried about him.


Darius was not a surprise.   Neither was Will or Grand's reaction.  Indeed, I suspect the whole family was shocked.   That Mary Ellen chose on top of that to make her declaration was all the more shocking and upsetting.   I do hope that she is properly rewarded with a little karma in kind of her own.

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Thanks everyone for the info on Trevor. I remember reading about a cousin but I thought that was Travis. Are they brothers?

I think Mary Ellen really is pregnant and that she did it on purpose. For what, who knows. To be tied to royalty? Elizabeth made her? She's just a stupid skank?

Next chapter should be really good!

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Thanks everyone for the info on Trevor. I remember reading about a cousin but I thought that was Travis. Are they brothers?

I think Mary Ellen really is pregnant and that she did it on purpose. For what, who knows. To be tied to royalty? Elizabeth made her? She's just a stupid skank?

Next chapter should be really good!


Travis and Trevor are brothers (Travis is younger) and they are the sons of Jeff Danfield's sister. 


I think that if Mary Ellen is pregnant, she did it on purpose.  And regardless of what we may think of her lack of morals, she's not stupid. 


One more point:  The Duke of Suffolk is a member of the nobility (or aristocracy), not royalty.  Royalty's a notch higher.  :P

Just the next chapter? It's gonna take at least the next chapter to resolve the immediate fallout, and a few more just to work out the rest...


Ah, the voice of a seasoned Arbour reader.  :P


I think the next chapter should yield a lot of answers, but not all of them.

Edited by Mark Arbour
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snapback.png Reply from Mark Arbour (author)




I did some research on possible testing before birth when I wrote "Paternity", and found that basically it's too dangerous to be worth the risk. I suspect that in this case, they'll have to go ahead and get married, but if Alex isn't really the father, there will be all kinds of hell to pay (read: money).


Mary Ellen had to have planned this out, although I'm not sure she was focused on Alex. It's possible she was planning to seduce Matt again. Alex may have just been a lucky coincidence.

In that case, I take back what I said in my review. She wasn't lucky, she hit the fucking jackpot: one of the most eligible men currently in the US, and probably the only one who can't afford to wait for paternity testing.


I'm still a little confused by her motives, though. Why would Mary Ellen -- 21 (or thereabouts) years old, beautiful and rich -- be so desperate to marry that she'd settle for Matt who probably doesn't have that much more money than she does? Also, there is ample precedent that men in this family don't marry the women they knock up, and she isn't exactly in a position to be able to force Matt to marry her against his will. And why rely on Wade's bringing home someone decent to catch a husband? Has she so exhausted the pool of eligible bachelors that she can't find one herself? Or does she just need the baby to get control of her trust fund the way Wade got his with Riley? After all, she is the woman who let herself get beaten up for a measly (by CAP standards) $2 million.


I'm also not sure where all this "hell to pay" money is going to come from. Doesn't Wade control most of the Danfield fortune at this point? I certainly don't see his coughing up to preserve Mary Ellen's "honor".


I hope all this doesn't sound critical. I should stop asking questions and just enjoy the ride. :)

Edited by impunity
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1) Yes, The Duke is an eligible bachelor. But if you are digging for Gold, you are going to find out too late that his family is cash poor.


2) Poor JJ. :(

Did No One think to search his things? Yes it's a pocket knife but come on. If I got caught with drugs, not only would I be made to take piss tests but someone would be searching my stuff on a regular basis.


3) Cabernet Wine for Thanksgiving Turkey? Seriously? Moonshine would of been a better selection.


4) Darius sounds like one of those gun-ho military officers that I really hated. BTW: Hate to say but Most junior enlisted are NOT impressed.

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I did some research on possible testing before birth when I wrote "Paternity", and found that basically it's too dangerous to be worth the risk. I suspect that in this case, they'll have to go ahead and get married, but if Alex isn't really the father, there will be all kinds of hell to pay (read: money).


The only danger is miscarriage, and since Alex doesn't want this baby, why the fuck should he care? He should tell her to get a test, and if she doesn't, she's on her own and he will refuse to recognize the child.


In fact, he should tell her she's on her own in any case, and he doesn't give a shit about her being pregnant. Since she's richer than him, she can't even ask for child supports. She may consider him an anonymous donor and if she tries to go public on this, she'll regret it.

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This is America. We do things the Jerry Springer way. They don't have to get married now. All Alex has to do, in order to be "proper" is to set aside the $$$/£££/€€€ in a trust account to cover "expenses" of pre-natal care and the like. If it's NOT his, the cash goes back to Alex.

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All Alex has to do, in order to be "proper" is to set aside the $$$/£££/€€€ in a trust account to cover "expenses" of pre-natal care and the like. If it's NOT his, the cash goes back to Alex.


But is there a law that says he has to do this ? Or just 'moral obligation' ?

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The ironic thing is that for all of her horrendous behaviors and actions of the past... and present... The Granger family would likely find her "suitable" because of her American blue-blood-lines. Being a slut can be overlooked, since she comes from such a prominent and wealthy family. When you throw the devious Mommie Dearest into the mix and let her loose on the head of the Granger family, if she wants a marriage between Alex and ME (now, Mommie Dearest in waiting), then my guess is...a marriage there will be. The fact is, no matter what the circumstances, and it would appear that Alex is the father, this baby is a Danfield, and thus, a bigger player than most other babies would be in the Granger and the public's eyes. The battle is on to find the best possible father for this future Danfield, and even if someone of lesser stature came forward to cast aspersions on ME's claims of abstinence, money talks and it may not be enough to stop the evil machinations of Elizabeth Danfield. What matters to me, is what this may do to JJ. My heart breaks for him. Yeah, he is not the nicest person on the planet, but there are some pretty awful reasons for that. He was on his way professionally and personally...what happens now?

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You gentlemen are getting a tad ahead of yourselves with statements of Alex's family being cash poor. While there was a lot of speculation when we first met Alex as JP was researching their family archives, nothing was actually stated one way or the other. The child may very well be ME's way to get control of her trust fund, an attempt to latch onto nobility, or even just dumb luck that she has decided to take advantage of.


In any case to announce things at dinner like that in front of JJ when it was pretty obvious he and Alex were together was cold. I hope one of the family has the sense to follow him up to his room! 

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I don't think Mary Ellen would know about Alex and JJ's relationship. Both have too much to lose by sharing this information outside the immediate family. They usually have their own bedrooms. My guess is they are sharing due to a shortage of available rooms, just as Will and Zach are.

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