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I assumed JJ would go into acting or modeling, or both, after he retired from skating. He has the looks and the contacts for either, although he'd have to hit a couple more growth spurts in order to go very far with modeling.


Yeah. 5'6" is just not going to cut it as a male model. It's barely possible for a female model to be that short.


As for his looks, it's been funny to see JJ become aware of his looks. He's good-looking, but always in a little kid way. People finally seem to be responding to him as a good-looking young man, rather than as a cute little kid. Which means he probably no longer looks 12. Yet another neat contrast as compared to Will, who's been treated as a fully-grown hottie since he was 13.


I kind of figure JJ will go into acting. I think it would suit him. He's apparently a decent singer, which can only help. He probably would be a great dancer, as well. And oh look, he has access to a TriBeCa loft house. He can have one hell of a fun life in New York City.


I could also see him branching into fashion. I can sooooo see him getting into that mid-Century modern look that Mad Men makes popular again circa 2007-2008.


In any event, I can't see JJ in some 9 to 5 job. I also really can't see him coaching. Because it's been made abundantly clear that JJ can't stand kids.



I don't see JJ's being interested in anything as tedious as modeling.


Aside from the height problem, modeling requires you to be very, very comfortable with your body, and people constantly appraising your body and face. I don't think JJ would be comfortable with that kind of attention.


Also, his scars from cutting would probably make it problematic.

Edited by methodwriter85
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The scars would be a problem for, say, runway modeling, but I was picturing him more as a magazine ad kind of guy, in which there is photoshop. As far as scrutiny, he works under similar conditions right now, and is starting to realize how good looking he is becoming. I think by the time all this took place, he'd be fine.


At the very least, there are underwear companies that would love to snap up someone well known to the gay community, even if he himself is mostly straight. They probably wouldn't use him much, since I don't think he'll bulk up beyond "tightly muscled" even if he does gain extra height, but a celebrity shoot or two would draw in some extra attention.


Edit: That or he could one-up Will and become a porn star. That would depend on if they have a rivalry at that point, or if the rest of the family were constantly comparing him to his "mature, settled" younger brother.

Edited by B1ue
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I always assumed JJ would use his fashion sense for something, but not modelling. Maybe he could become the personal fashion adviser to the rich and famous. Stef could help him - or Claire. :lol:


Modelling seems too much like hard work for JJ. He wouldn't be front and centre.


Porn star, maybe but it would be the ones with high production levels and good story lines  :rolleyes:

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Modelling seems too much like hard work for JJ. He wouldn't be front and centre.


Very good point. Male fashion models aren't really treated like stars, and the female supermodel era seems over. And it really does seem like absurdly hard work and a cattle herd. And by current standards, for him to get into modeling at mid/late 20's seems a bit off.


If he's going to do something with fashion, I see him making a fashion line. But then again, as Mark explained to me once, JJ doesn't really care about getting other people to dress better, like Claire or Stefan do. So I'm not sure how that works.


Maybe JJ will just doing the New York City socialite thing for a few years after he gets out of skating. Lord knows he really doesn't have to worry about working for a living. I can totally see him just coasting for awhile and enjoying a fun, jet-set life of a trust-fund kid.

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I definitely see his wanting his name on something ridiculously expensive and exclusive...a JJ Schluter original (whatever that turns out to be). Advising other people's fashion choices is a service industry, no matter how rich or famous they are. I can't see JJ's choosing a career that involved any sort of service, even if he could get away with being bitchy to his clients.

Edited by impunity
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I definitely see his wanting his name on something ridiculously expensive and exclusive...a JJ Schluter original (whatever that turns out to be). Advising other people's fashion choices is a service industry, no matter how rich or famous they are. I can't see JJ's choosing a career that involved any sort of service, even if he could get away with being bitchy to his clients.



     I can sooooo see him doing Mad Men-inspired clothing. That mid-century modern look just feels so JJ.

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I can't see JJ's choosing a career that involved any sort of service, even if he could get away with being bitchy to his clients.


Yes that was also my reservation about the idea, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, even JJ may eventually grow up and mellow.  :lol:  But I can certainly envisage you being right. Maybe he can be one of those trendsetters who blog about fashion and events and food ? I'm sure JJ will love having admiring fans follow him on Twitter etc.

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Yes that was also my reservation about the idea, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, even JJ may eventually grow up and mellow.  :lol:  But I can certainly envisage you being right. Maybe he can be one of those trendsetters who blog about fashion and events and food ? I'm sure JJ will love having admiring fans follow him on Twitter etc.


Oh yes that would work. JJ is Perez Hilton  :devil:

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JJ's future in large part depends on how he does on the ice.  The more famous he becomes, the more choices he will have.  He also has lot's of money so I don't see him doing the continuing grind of the  Ice Capades but he may do the odd "Stars on Ice" and then perhaps open a facility and take in some students of his own.   I keep thinking that to operate at the level Mark has already described takes a ton of discipline, a ton of practice and a flair for developing routines.  Since he was introduced to the ice by Matt, this has been his main focus in life.  It's not like he has to stop and do something else to continue to afford his lifestyle.

Edited by Daddydavek
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Perhaps working in conjunction with Tiff?  He can choreograph, she deal with the actual coaching of kids, and run their own training facility?  I cannot picture him actually trying to coach a moody diva teenager like himself!

Edited by Kitt
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I think JJ would find it amusing that you all think he needs a job. :P


My original question was about his future. I can't see him heading down the Aunt Claire socialite fundraiser route either. Given this family I doubt he could get away with doing nothing.


He spends a lot of time training, preparing, practicing. It gives him purpose and credibility. He is good at it. When that goes, what will he do? It might have been a discussion in Flux but there was talk about the transition programs that support the team sports but what will there be for JJ?


I had and still have no idea where his character is likely to head. I am however crossing fingers that you do, Mark. :)

Edited by Bucket1
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Hell hath no fury...

I take it the above is in reference to JJ and I must agree.  However, it is a double edged sword as it may well torpedo his relationship with Alex as well.....

Oh well, that is a problem for Arbour to sort.  

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it is a double edged sword as it may well torpedo his relationship with Alex as well.....


and if JJ ditches the douchebag and the devilspawn at the same time, is that a problem?


But how would this affect his skating ? :unsure:   Very badly is my prediction, but if Alex grovels and continues to pay attention to JJ (which he's likely to do even after being snubbed), it may work out. After all, MaryEllen will be gone in a week and Alex will be in Boston with JJ.

Anyway, I have faith JJ will be able to deal with the bitch, even if she is a lot more devious than him. Should be fun to watch (since I cannot take this drama triangle seriously).

And JJ being 'unobtainable' as a mostly straight guy may make him even more irresistible to Alex.

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Anyway, I have faith JJ will be able to deal with the bitch, even if she is a lot more devious than him. Should be fun to watch (since I cannot take this drama triangle seriously).

And JJ being 'unobtainable' as a mostly straight guy may make him even more irresistible to Alex.


ME maybe more devious but JJ is much more motivated

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I think JJ would find it amusing that you all think he needs a job. :P


    JJ would think along the lines of, "I have a ten million dollar trust and I'm going to win the Gold Medal at the Olympics in 2006. I'll be raking in sponsorship deals when I'm 20, and I have some very promising shares of Google. Why the hell would I need something as plebeian and banal as a job?" I really do think he's destined for the jet-set party trust fund kid lifestyle once skating is done.


    I like that while JJ may like women, he's also totally able to get his bitch on the way most women can and most guys can't. (I grew up with 3 sisters and I went to a high school that was 70 percent female- believe me, I know female bitchiness. LOL.) It'll be fun to see how he fights back against MaryEllen.) He's going to get back at MaryEllen in a totally covert, bitchy way and it's going to be funny to watch.


     And I liked that even though JJ was infatuated with Mary Ellen, he still pretty much had her number as being a horrible person, but it was okay, because she's a great lay and she wasn't horrible to him. Until she was, and then JJ was over it like that. JJ tends to have better instincts about people, as opposed to Poor Man's Son Will, who tended to be an optimist about everyone and will often give people second or third chances.



              “You do suits better than I do,” he said.  He was trying to be nice, but he was actually right.  I think part of it was that I was more relaxed in that garb, but my features and body seemed to work better with more formal wear.


     I've always liked that contrast with Matt- that's he's basically a big musclebound blue-collar cornfed Mid-Western jock, but through fate grew up with the manners and airs of an aristocratic family. Meanwhile Wade looks the part, much more than Matt does.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Will the real Mary Ellen please stand up?  Oh wait - she just did. Too bad for her JJ was standing on the other side of the door!


Fasten your seatbelts, the ride is about to get interesting.

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I don't know... As the Princess to the Earl, isn't she is SUPPOSED to say the Earl was The Man?


Edit: Its supposed to say Slut to the Earl. I am getting my adjectives mixed up. :)

Edited by mmike1969
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I don't know... As the Princess to the Earl, isn't she is SUPPOSED to say the Earl was The Man? 

And just how would you feel if you were "the cute puppy" in question?


What surprised me is that Alex had to know JJ had not left the suit and could probably hear every word.

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