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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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I just joined a couple of days ago, so thought it ws about time I pop in here to say hi. I've been having a bit of a read and review of the stories, and I'm impressed by the talented writers here. Really enjoyed what I've read so far.


I've been writing for a good few years now, had a couple of short stories appear in small press magazines, but what I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a novel published, that's my main goal for 2008, as it is for a lot of people, I expect.


Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself, and say I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums when I can.

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I just joined a couple of days ago, so thought it ws about time I pop in here to say hi. I've been having a bit of a read and review of the stories, and I'm impressed by the talented writers here. Really enjoyed what I've read so far.


I've been writing for a good few years now, had a couple of short stories appear in small press magazines, but what I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a novel published, that's my main goal for 2008, as it is for a lot of people, I expect.


Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself, and say I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums when I can.

Glad you're with us, Dravenn! I'm liking what I've read of your work so far. Good luck with that novel! Is that what you're uploading?

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Glad you're with us, Dravenn! I'm liking what I've read of your work so far. Good luck with that novel! Is that what you're uploading?

Hey corvus, yes what I have up on the site right now is the novel I've been working on, and I'm just after a few reviews to see if it's worth submitting anywhere yet. Thanks for the positive comments, and I'm about halfway through one of your stories at the moment, so expect a review soon.

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  • Site Administrator

Welcome, Dravenn! Don't forget to contact Joe (JSmith) to ask to be added to the Author group :) That will open up a few more forums for you.


Good luck with the novel, too! I think it's the dream of all the authors here to be published, though most of us will never do much about it. I hope you succeed :D

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Hello everyone.

Welcome to GA! It's always great to have new members! There are plenty of great people to get to know and plenty of stories to read!


I'm a prolific reader and sometime author. I've posted one short story already (and as soon as I figure out the mechanics of it, I'll post a link) and have a couple of longer ones I'll put up when they're done.


<---I even got my author status! See?


Hi nightpanthers27!

I see your author status! It's good that you like to read stories as well as write. I'm in a reader mode these days, but I will have a new chapter out soon! Also, if you need an editor, you can go into the Editor's Corner. It's also a good place to find a beta reader.


I just joined a couple of days ago, so thought it ws about time I pop in here to say hi. I've been having a bit of a read and review of the stories, and I'm impressed by the talented writers here. Really enjoyed what I've read so far.


I've been writing for a good few years now, had a couple of short stories appear in small press magazines, but what I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a novel published, that's my main goal for 2008, as it is for a lot of people, I expect.


Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself, and say I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums when I can.

Welcome to GA, and good luck with publishing a novel. The same applies to you with the advice I gave to Dion. Before I forget, you can pm JSmith about your author tag. :)
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I enjoy it here already, BeaStKid - people are so friendly. :)

Indeed, and that is the beauty of this wonderfull site... :)


Hello everyone.

Hi there, mate...Welcome to the site :)


I just joined a couple of days ago, so thought it ws about time I pop in here to say hi. I've been having a bit of a read and review of the stories, and I'm impressed by the talented writers here. Really enjoyed what I've read so far.


I've been writing for a good few years now, had a couple of short stories appear in small press magazines, but what I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a novel published, that's my main goal for 2008, as it is for a lot of people, I expect.


Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself, and say I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums when I can.

Welcome to the site, dude... :) It is great to have another author join us. :hug:


BeaStKid :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um, yeah. Hello everyone.


I actually joined GA a few months ago just as a reader; I didn't even know these forums were here. Then recently, while I was adding my story, I figured out there were the forums, and a few days later I found this topic, so I figured I might as well introduce myself. Even if it is three months late. :P


With that all out of the way, I'm hoping for more good reads (already've had a lot already!) and good feedback. Yay!

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Um, yeah. Hello everyone.


I actually joined GA a few months ago just as a reader; I didn't even know these forums were here. Then recently, while I was adding my story, I figured out there were the forums, and a few days later I found this topic, so I figured I might as well introduce myself. Even if it is three months late. :P


With that all out of the way, I'm hoping for more good reads (already've had a lot already!) and good feedback. Yay!

Never to late :) and welcome :D


You can post in any topic if you want.

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Welcome, Jonnie. I too did not post for a few months after joining. Since I did actually start posting, I have not stopped. :P


You could say that agian!!! hahahahahahaha


Anyway Welcome to GA!


Everyone here is great and I hope to see you around more!

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Um, yeah. Hello everyone.


I actually joined GA a few months ago just as a reader; I didn't even know these forums were here. Then recently, while I was adding my story, I figured out there were the forums, and a few days later I found this topic, so I figured I might as well introduce myself. Even if it is three months late. :P


With that all out of the way, I'm hoping for more good reads (already've had a lot already!) and good feedback. Yay!

Welcome to the forums, Jonnie! It's great to have you!


Umm.. Hey guys, I'm kinda new at this whole thing, any advice?

Hey Will! :)


It's awesome to have you! My advice would just be browse around and when you see a topic that interests you please post your thoughts! :D


Specifically you might be interested in the particular author forums (or eFiction forum) for the authors whose work you enjoy, and you might also want to check out the Teen Forum, and keep an eye on The Lounge, and Member Q & A.


If you have any questions please let me know.




Take care all,


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Welcome to GA, Will. I say just get into discussions about your favorite stories and jump into any topics that strike your fancy. There is actually a teen forum, and there is a lot of good advice there! Check it out. :)

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I just joined a couple of days ago, so thought it ws about time I pop in here to say hi. I've been having a bit of a read and review of the stories, and I'm impressed by the talented writers here. Really enjoyed what I've read so far.


I've been writing for a good few years now, had a couple of short stories appear in small press magazines, but what I'm really trying to do at the moment is get a novel published, that's my main goal for 2008, as it is for a lot of people, I expect.


Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself, and say I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums when I can.

Okay, I'm a little late for you, Dravenn, but better late than never, right?,,, welcome to the forum!!!


Um, yeah. Hello everyone.


I actually joined GA a few months ago just as a reader; I didn't even know these forums were here. Then recently, while I was adding my story, I figured out there were the forums, and a few days later I found this topic, so I figured I might as well introduce myself. Even if it is three months late. :P


With that all out of the way, I'm hoping for more good reads (already've had a lot already!) and good feedback. Yay!

Yeah, welcome to you Jonnie, great that you're finding good reads! don't hesitate to express your comment and post in those author discussion thread (or pm them) as they will appreciate it for sure. Also it's simple to say, but it's by giving feedback to other that you will get some in 'response'


anyhow,, Welcome again to the forum


Umm.. Hey guys, I'm kinda new at this whole thing, any advice?

Hey there, Will22 and welcome! I hope that you'll find yourself at ease here on GA!. Any advise, simply browse around, and don't hesitate to give your opinion on the topics in the threads (Forum and Member Q &A). Obviously, take the time to go on the eFiction and the GA authors and also don't hesitate to give you thought in those stories discussion thread.


Basically, don't hesitate to participate, and make yourself heard.

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Um, yeah. Hello everyone.


I actually joined GA a few months ago just as a reader; I didn't even know these forums were here. Then recently, while I was adding my story, I figured out there were the forums, and a few days later I found this topic, so I figured I might as well introduce myself. Even if it is three months late. :P


With that all out of the way, I'm hoping for more good reads (already've had a lot already!) and good feedback. Yay!


Umm.. Hey guys, I'm kinda new at this whole thing, any advice?

Posted Image

Welcome to you two.. :) Feel free to poke around in the forums... :)


BeaStKid :devil:

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I guess, I should have come here first, haha.


I got into GA from reading dkstories's Do-Over series in the last few months. They drew me deeper and deeper into gay fiction, so I guess you guys sort of seduced me, ha!.


By the way, I am writer as well, but I have not been able to write for the last 3 years anything concrete. I was a published short story and poetry writer back in high school. Recently, I have started to get into reading and my mind has started racing again, so I might eventually post some stories up.

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I guess, I should have come here first, haha.

No worries! We're just glad to have you! I've particularly enjoyed interacting with you in the Soapbox :D


I got into GA from reading dkstories's Do-Over series in the last few months. They drew me deeper and deeper into gay fiction, so I guess you guys sort of seduced me, ha!.

Dan is notorious for seducing cute, young guys (with his excellent stories of course!! :D )


By the way, I am writer as well, but I have not been able to write for the last 3 years anything concrete. I was a published short story and poetry writer back in high school. Recently, I have started to get into reading and my mind has started racing again, so I might eventually post some stories up.

YAY! Something to look forward to then!



Welcome W.L.! :D

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I guess, I should have come here first, haha.


I got into GA from reading dkstories's Do-Over series in the last few months. They drew me deeper and deeper into gay fiction, so I guess you guys sort of seduced me, ha!.


By the way, I am writer as well, but I have not been able to write for the last 3 years anything concrete. I was a published short story and poetry writer back in high school. Recently, I have started to get into reading and my mind has started racing again, so I might eventually post some stories up.


it's always a good idea to come here eventually to introduce yourself to the gang! :P Welcome W.L.... We'll all be looking forward to read your stories.

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:read: I guess I am just a reader and certainly not a writer. I do have a story to tell but I am sure it would be so confused in any way I could write it down that you wouldnt be able to follow it. I read all of Comsie's stories when I first came to his site about 8 years ago. I have not read any of them since, but plan to do so this summer; I guess it is my way of doing things. I like to see the whole story done completely so I can have a sort of closure about it.

I did find I was getting stories confused with each other because I had read them all in one on-going sitting. It took me days of course and I was feeling so emotional about them as well so I know it confused me about plots etc amoung the stories.


I am a geezer and I have been around the board for a long time but I guess I had never come here and registered. I am referring to Comicality's board. I know this is a seprate place from that!


I came here because I had been looking back in ASSGM's site to the stories put there 8 years ago. I came across some stories by an author who called himself Doom03 and I know he had been in the young gay authors site and had a site on Tripod way back them called Doom's Domain. I was just trying to find him again and came here to see if anyone had a link to his site now. It could be that he is not on line any more but that would be a major loss in my opinion. He was a good writer and I have some of his stories but wanted to see if he had written more on any of them since then. I am sure he did.


I know that sometimes we have lost some writers in tragic ways and I have been around to see some young guys leave us and it is always so sad to see that happen. Some have been lost to death and others have just given up on writting. Comsie seems to go on and on and I think he is one of the best I have read.


Anyway, if anyone has a clue as to how to reach Doom's Domain now, then give me an email. I am sure my data will show you how to reach me and I will of course come back here to read replies.

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