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*Looks around furtively :unsure:


Ummm... I haven't posted here before but I was stalking the raccoon and he came in here. :wub:

If they'll let YOU in that proves they have absolutely NO STANDARDS at all.


Damn. Didn't Groucho Marx say he wouldn't want to be in any club that would have him as a member?



Welcome, Paulie. Now, there's the door. Vamoose :)

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Hey I'm not a new member.

Just an old one that has stumbled back across this haven of a website, and is hoping for the same warm welcome as before.



Welcome back Demic. :)


Have fun! :wub:

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hi everyone...i am a new convert (?) to Gay Authors. i've been writing for many years now, and although i have several poems on gaypoetry.com, i've never written a non-fiction or fiction gay piece. i guess that means this is my "coming out" as a gay author.


i am in connecticut, and i'm actually not out, though i am working on that even at this moment, as i type this and let you all know that i am gay. hopefully, i'll be able to learn from many of you and perhaps i'll even have a little insight that i can share.


i am also an editor, which i do as a part-time job (wish i could do it more). i look forward to a long association.



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hi everyone...i am a new convert (?) to Gay Authors. i've been writing for many years now, and although i have several poems on gaypoetry.com, i've never written a non-fiction or fiction gay piece. i guess that means this is my "coming out" as a gay author.


i am in connecticut, and i'm actually not out, though i am working on that even at this moment, as i type this and let you all know that i am gay. hopefully, i'll be able to learn from many of you and perhaps i'll even have a little insight that i can share.


i am also an editor, which i do as a part-time job (wish i could do it more). i look forward to a long association.



Welcome to the site, George! :D


It's great to have you :)



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Welcome to the site, George! :D



thank you all for your greetings...i feel much more at home now. in my limited efforts at wrapping myself in this gay life, i've had few opportunities to meet and befriend other gays or lesbians, so your greetings are very well received here!

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  • Site Administrator

Hello my name is Richard and I'm new to this site, also I new to writing and want to learn as much as I can and get as many pointers that others can share with me.

G'day, Richard!


Check out the Writer's Corner and Editor's Forum. If you contact Joe (PM JSmith) and ask for "Author" status, you'll be able access more of the site that caters for the writing community.


Good luck!


Graeme :D

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  • Site Administrator



I'm new here..Thank you for accepting me into this forum. Excited for my first post . :)


See y'al 'round. :worship:

G'day, lisabrown14! :D


If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)




Graeme :wizard:

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I'm new here..Thank you for accepting me into this forum. Excited for my first post . :)


See y'al 'round. :worship:


Welcome to the site; look forward to hearing from you on the forums. If you enjoy reading, check out the "Anthologies" tab from the home page for a great sample of short stories that are representative of the best the site has to offer. Larger collections are at "Hosted Authors" and "eFiction" tabs. Authors live on air, water, and feedback from readers...and there are plenty of opportunities to provide feedback. Again, welcome!

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I'm a newbie to this forum, but not a newbie for my favorite Gay Author 'DomLuka'. I've had a link to his stories since 2006 when, he was right at chapter 9 of 'Desert Droppings'. I remember being 18 and thinking 'Holy shiz, I can relate to his stories'. I've been a lurker for too long now, so I decided to join. (Hope I'm not too late)


Hullo everyone! I'm Estevan.

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