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The first post is always the most difficult, right? *laugh*


Hi everyone. I registered here in the hopes of learning good writing skills both by the splendid example of the other writers, and by being able to ask questions that are (hopefully) not too bothersome. I look forward to browsing the forums and learning all I can.



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The first post is always the most difficult, right? *laugh*


Hi everyone. I registered here in the hopes of learning good writing skills both by the splendid example of the other writers, and by being able to ask questions that are (hopefully) not too bothersome. I look forward to browsing the forums and learning all I can.





Welcome to ga drift :)

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The first post is always the most difficult, right? *lauh*


Hi everyone. I registered here in the hopes of learning good writing skills both by the splendid example of the other writers, and by being able to ask questions that are (hopefully) not too bothersome. I look forward to browsing the forums and learning all I can.




B)........Welcome, may your stay be pleasant and forthcoming in here.

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The first post is always the most difficult, right? *laugh*


Hi everyone. I registered here in the hopes of learning good writing skills both by the splendid example of the other writers, and by being able to ask questions that are (hopefully) not too bothersome. I look forward to browsing the forums and learning all I can.





Welcome to the site. Sounds as if you have set some excellent goals for yourself. I believe you will find many folks happy to discuss any questions you might have. There are excellent forums for both writers and editors and, as you said, many examples of excellent writing. If you've not tried the "Anthologies" tab, I recomment that as a place to start. It contains examples of short stories, poetry, and plays from some of the best writers on the site.

Again, welcome.

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I am new to this but love this site. Hope to become a more active member!













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Hi folks!


Another newbie here.


Actually, I've been lurking around occasionally for... umm... Well, let's just say, that I can remember With Trust being updated from time to time.


I just read a post on the blogs that I absolutely had to reply to, so I thought I might as well stay around - if only to improve my bad English that has gotten more than a little rusty since I finished high school.


Oh, that really is my guitar in the avatar pic and some of you might even have read about it

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I am new to this but love this site. Hope to become a more active member!



Hi folks!


Another newbie here.




Welcome to both Neon and Blackguard. It's always nice to have new folks with new talents. Looking forward to hearing more from both of you. (Blackguard...how about putting up some of your music?)

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Wow, thank you all for the nice welcome!

I feel pretty silly now for not joining sooner. :*)


I absolutely like your red guitar!


Thanks a lot! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who likes "geezer red" (actually it's called Dakota Red by Fender). :great:

By the way: Did you choose your screen name as a homage to a certain rock band from Toronto?



Welcome to both Neon and Blackguard. It's always nice to have new folks with new talents. Looking forward to hearing more from both of you. (Blackguard...how about putting up some of your music?)


Thanks for the nice welcome!

As for posting some clips of my playing: I'm a total klutz about anything digital and the results I got from fiddling around with Reaper and Audacity were awful at best. But I'm really trying to overcome my aversion to modern technology and maybe share a bit of my music one day.


Just hope that I'll be out of my Bobby Lee Rodgers phase by then...




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Hey guys, newbie here, enticed by great writing and mostly complete stories! Not just having so many stories to read, but finding that unlike most places on the net, the majority of them actually end up finished = love! Just started posting my first story in efiction and hoping to post more and start commenting on other people's stories soon, just waiting for work to settle down, bleh. Glad to be here!

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  • Site Administrator

Hey guys, newbie here, enticed by great writing and mostly complete stories! Not just having so many stories to read, but finding that unlike most places on the net, the majority of them actually end up finished = love! Just started posting my first story in efiction and hoping to post more and start commenting on other people's stories soon, just waiting for work to settle down, bleh. Glad to be here!


Welcome, Kalen!


Good luck with the writing :) You may want to PM JSmith and ask to be added to the Author's group. That will give you more access to some of the sections of the forums for helping writers.


Also, putting my Anthology Coordinator's hat on for a moment :wizard: the next GA short story anthology is coming up next month. The theme is "Something Unexpected" is you'd like to put in a story. You can find the submission details here. The anthologies are open to everyone, so don't be shy!


Graeme :D

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Welcome, Kalen!


Good luck with the writing Posted Image You may want to PM JSmith and ask to be added to the Author's group. That will give you more access to some of the sections of the forums for helping writers.


Also, putting my Anthology Coordinator's hat on for a moment Posted Image the next GA short story anthology is coming up next month. The theme is "Something Unexpected" is you'd like to put in a story. You can find the submission details here. The anthologies are open to everyone, so don't be shy!


Graeme Posted Image


Thank you! That's good to know! Considering how long it took me to rub what little brain cells I have left together and figure out how to link my efiction and forum accounts, the internet would probably have ceased to exist by the time I figured out about there being a separate Author's Group on my own. I'm quick like that. And I will definitely check out the anthology stuff. By the way, I just read Fall Creek Lessons recently, and its one of my favorites! I loved the whole thing you did with writing out bits and pieces of the other characters' thoughts at different points in each chapter. Brilliant idea. Green with envy here.

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