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1 hour ago, Starrynight22 said:

Good morning all.  Hope it's starting out nice wherever  you are.  

It's a hot one here (everywhere around me. Heat wave in the US )


Tomorrow I am working a table at the county fair to talk about the mental health and addiction recovery services available in the county 


What do you all have going on next week? 

Trying not to melt into a puddle of goo. The heat and humidity right now is oppressive. This morning MrsGnomie sent me a screenshot of her weather out on the Oregon coast for the next week and I'm downright green with envy. Lol. Mid 60s in day. Low 50s at night. 

I'm working on finishing up the last story in my shifter series. Only 7 or 8 more chapters to go, I think. We'll see how it flows. I'm not sure if I'll get anything done for the anthology. Maybe something short. 

Stay cool at the fair. It's a great thing you're doing... educating people on mental health and addiction recovery services. We need it. ❤️

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1 hour ago, kbois said:


Stay cool at the fair. It's a great thing you're doing... educating people on mental health and addiction recovery services. We need it. ❤️

Thanks!  I started my social work career in community mental health and addiction services and even though I don't work in that setting daily anymore, I'm still passionate about ending stigmas and giving folk resources.  




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5 hours ago, Starrynight22 said:

What do you all have going on next week? 

Busy week coming up. Dentist 1st thing in the am Wednesday.  County fair also starts Wednesday, so most of the afternoon will be ferrying multiple customers to the fairgrounds. Have one going to a show Saturday. That's eventing, so most of the day S there are anywhere from 10 min to 3 hour breaks between the different disciplines. Sunday is a dressage show in the morning, followed by ferrying all the fair going 4H horses home again in the evening.


5 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

No more dental appointments until sept 5th..so still have a hole in my head.   


my last day will be Aug 31.

My new dentist thinks I am being unreasonable to just want whats left of my teeth out and replace them with dentures.  I explained that I am tired of putting thousands of dollars into each tooth to have it fail all over again. She asked what I mean. Take for example tooth # 4. Cracked it eating popcorn. Crowned. Abscess. Root canal needing a specialist because of the crown. New crown. Flossing one day and damn thing falls out. Surgery to remove root. Replace with bridge. Bridge fractures. Now she wants to remove one tooth of the anchor, and do a bigger bridge. Nope.  


I know how you feel waiting on that last day! Best thing I ever did was walk away from my last job for other people. 

Edited by Kitt
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1 hour ago, Kitt said:

My new dentist thinks I am being unreasonable to just want whats left of my teeth out and replace them with dentures.

Right?   My teeth are one of the banes of my existence.  We are going to a new dentist now. First visit he looks in there.. you've got a lot of dental work done here.  "Yes, I know" 

The one I've just had out was a root canal, then the crown had to be removed, then it was replaced by a resin tooth which was anchored and cemented to the next-door tooth. It was fine for a few years and then got infected, and this new guy said: It has to go. So now i still have a hole in my head.. if it wasn't right at the front, i wouldn't get it replaced.  He took impressions the other day and said I'm a good candidate for the Maryland Bridge because, luckily, my bottom teeth won't bang into it. I'm sick of them all, frankly. I floss and brush them, now i use a water flosser along with the string, and when i went last for cleaning, she said, oh, add this Proxabrush .. seriously i need to go to bed 20 minutes earlier just to do all this crap.


So, i don't blame you for asking for that. License to print money, sure we can fix that tooth at least 3 to 4 times! Think of the profits I'll make! 

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23 minutes ago, Kitt said:

It would not bother me as much if I ignored my mouth like my hubby does, but I do the brushing, flossing, regular cleanings, and still...

Sounds like me and my husband. He's the reason we meet our deductible by February every year. Me? I'm the one who waves my toothbrush at my teeth twice a day and every six months my hygienist says "I wish all my cleanings were this easy."  I'm just lucky when it comes to teeth. 

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3 hours ago, Kitt said:

It would not bother me as much if I ignored my mouth like my hubby does, but I do the brushing, flossing, regular cleanings, and still...

Did you know that if you are regularly kissing someone with poor dental health the germs can transfer and you can develop poor dental health? 


My dentist taught me that.  

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9 hours ago, Starrynight22 said:

What do you all have going on next week? 

Having visitors next week, but no firm plans as yet. Probably play it by ear - and the weather - as to what we end up doing. 

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47 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

Did you know that if you are regularly kissing someone with poor dental health the germs can transfer and you can develop poor dental health? 


My dentist taught me that.  

ewww ... kissed very few people before i met Michael but He has always looked after His teeth etc.

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3 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Having visitors next week, but no firm plans as yet. Probably play it by ear - and the weather - as to what we end up doing. 

:)  your brother?    i hope the weather stays nice for you

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50 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

Did you know that if you are regularly kissing someone with poor dental health the germs can transfer and you can develop poor dental health? 


My dentist taught me that.  

I can't imagine kissing someone with poor dental health would be very pleasant 🤢

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1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

:)  your brother?    i hope the weather stays nice for you

Yes, but my eldest brother this time. I’m hoping we have good weather as well. 🤞🏻

Edited by Reader1810
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10 hours ago, Starrynight22 said:

What do you all have going on next week?

Work on Monday. Laundry and grocery shopping on Tuesday. Work again on Thursday and Friday. Might take my kid to see a movie on Saturday.  :)

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34 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:



i have nothing to say about the human race today ... which i suppose says a lot

Some days the human race speaks for itself. Which says a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:



i have nothing to say about the human race today ... which i suppose says a lot

I’m reading this between the lines. I hear what you saying, tim.


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@Mikiesboy I may have met my match with Sasha’s lemon squares, but I’ve gotten his strawberry oatmeal crumble bars down to a T. Just took the latest batch out of the oven. Turned out pretty well if I do say so myself… :D 

I don’t know if you do it this way, but I took to weighing the oatmeal mixture to divide it between the base and the crumble top “equally”. Early on, I found eye-balling it just wasn’t working for me. 


Edited by Reader1810
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26 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

I don’t know if you do it this way, but I took to weighing the oatmeal mixture to divide it between the base and the crumble top “equally”.

i don't but that's a great idea!  They look delicious!!! 

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36 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

@Mikiesboy I may have met my match with Sasha’s lemon squares, but I’ve gotten his strawberry oatmeal crumble bars down to a T. Just took the latest batch out of the oven. Turned out pretty well if I do say so myself… :D 

I don’t know if you do it this way, but I took to weighing the oatmeal mixture to divide it between the base and the crumble top “equally”. Early on, I found eye-balling it just wasn’t working for me. 


That looks yummy 😋 

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1 hour ago, Reader1810 said:

don’t know if you do it this way, but I took to weighing the oatmeal mixture to divide it between the base and the crumble top “equally”. Early on, I found eye-balling it just wasn’t working for me. 

I should do the same for my snickerdoodle bars. Cinnamon-sugar between two layers of cookie dough, with more cinnamon-sugar on top. My son, Max, doesn't eat too many sweets because of his training as a dancer, but he loves snickerdoodles.  :)

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3 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

I should do the same for my snickerdoodle bars. Cinnamon-sugar between two layers of cookie dough, with more cinnamon-sugar on top. My son, Max, doesn't eat too many sweets because of his training as a dancer, but he loves snickerdoodles.  :)

no sugar in our house except at xmas when i make fudge for gifts.  otherwise a no no for health reasons. i don't have a health reason but i cannot eat forbidden things in front of my Husbands.  However, one of them, Dan does sneak me out for cake sometimes or a donut.  LOL

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59 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

i don't have a health reason but i cannot eat forbidden things in front of my Husbands.

When my husband and I first adopted Max, we took him out to a local place that served French-style breakfast/brunch. He ordered escargot, much to my horror! UGH!! I mean, I'm glad that he was willing to be adventurous, but why did it have to be SNAILS?!  :pinch: :lol:

Apart from that, Max usually likes an egg salad sandwich or some kind of chicken wrap for his lunch. Once in a while, he'll surprise me with a request for something new, which will often be added to my recipe binder. He rarely indulges his sweet tooth, except as a reward after a hard afternoon of ballet training, or for a special occasion.

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6 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

When my husband and I first adopted Max, we took him out to a local place that served French-style breakfast/brunch. He ordered escargot, much to my horror! UGH!! I mean, I'm glad that he was willing to be adventurous, but why did it have to be SNAILS?!  :pinch: :lol:

Apart from that, Max usually likes an egg salad sandwich or some kind of chicken wrap for his lunch. Once in a while, he'll surprise me with a request for something new, which will often be added to my recipe binder. He rarely indulges his sweet tooth, except as a reward after a hard afternoon of ballet training, or for a special occasion.

haha.. our nephew is like that. Not sure if he's had snails but he was nonplussed when we were out a Greek restaurant and he order the snapper. The waiter brought it, the whole darned thing, fins, tail and eyes. He devoured it.

Personally, no thanks.  The three of us each have a sweet tooth. Michael is diabetic, so we don't go there. i sometimes bake things that are diabetic friendly however.


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Have a good day all .. it will soon be August and i will start counting down to when i will give my notice.  This last week has been particularly awful.  Every customer i had was from some Hell i do not want to get to in my life. More proof, leaving this job is right. Hopefully i live until the end of August.

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