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12 minutes ago, MichaelS36 said:

Nothing like a nice granny in cuffs … LOL   just sayin.. :whistle:  I'd never arrest one.  

You would if you had seen my one granny drive! She was awful, and we kept taking both her licence and keys from her.  She seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of keys!

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14 minutes ago, MichaelS36 said:

Nothing like a nice granny in cuffs … LOL   just sayin.. :whistle:  I'd never arrest one.  

is there a story there Michael Sir?

hello Sirs and friends

good news at both of Phil's eye doctor appointments today, lots of smiling faces here!

almost home, one more quick stop

how's everyone doing?

2 hours ago, Kitt said:

What most don't understand is that 4WD does not mean 4 wheel stop.  

that happens here too on the wet roads, scares the poo out of me

Edited by mollyhousemouse
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6 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Apparently, I’m lurking in here today... I’m supposed to be writing, but I keep checking GA instead. :rolleyes:

I thought lurkers just lurkered and didn't talk??   So what are you really then?  LOL

Edited by Mikiesboy
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So, I finished watching season one of Sex Education. I loved it so much. There are seveal things about it that are so wonderful, but I’m gonna list a couple.


It has some absolutely amazing characters. From Asa Butterfield’s portrayal of the main character Otis, to Gillian Anderson as his sex therapist mum, to the character of Eric, Otis’s closest friend (who’s fantastically gay in the best of ways, and not the only LGBTQ character in the series), there are just so many great people. And while the show is funny, not one of these people lack depth. They’re all flawed. They all have their shit to deal with. It’s not all comedy. There were several points at which I was close to tears.


Style-wise, it’s just really interesting. The creators of the show have intentionally included a number of anachronisms that at first seem jarring but actually kind of pull you in, in the same way as the absurdity of some of the humour. The show is set in the present day, but clothes, interior decoration, and a lot of other things are very 70s in style. There are no modern cars, they all look like they’re early nineties or older. The main characters listen to vinyl records. There is practically no contemporary music. It’s just really nicely packaged and feels quite unique. 


Boyfriend said it’s like someone was inside my head. Kind of feels that way, given how much I loved it. If they had it would have been much gayer, though. I missed trans characters, though there was one who appeared very androgynous and may possibly have been genderqueer.


There’s another season in the works and I can’t wait. I really highly recommend it. I mean, it’s probably not for everyone, but give it a chance at least. :) 


...I should probably publish this as a blog post, shouldn’t I?

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14 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Now this ..made my fecking day....   to all rule breakers out there and the editors who love them... don't fecking stop:



I'm in complete agreement with his three rules to be broken.  I'm fairly sure that at least two are no longer rules, really.  Like "ain't", they've become part of the language.

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20 minutes ago, MichaelS36 said:

It was a pleasure. Good night. 

Goodnight, Mike. Thanks for the nice chat on your blog post. :) 


I’m probably heading to bed in a minute, too. Getting sleepy, and it’s late. Night, all! :hug: 

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6 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

I’m probably heading to bed in a minute, too. Getting sleepy, and it’s late. Night, all! :hug: 

good night Thorn

sweet dreams


4 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Good nite Dicsters!

good night sweetie

sleep well

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abstruse Audio pronunciation

adjective | ub-STROOSS  
difficult to comprehend : recondite


Look closely at the following Latin verbs, all of which are derived from the verb trudere ("to push, thrust"): extrudere, intrudere, obtrudere, protrudere. Remove the last two letters of each of these and you get an English descendant whose meaning involves pushing or thrusting. Another trudere offspring, abstrudere, meaning "to push away" or "to conceal," gave English abstrude, meaning "to thrust away," but that 17th-century borrowing has fallen out of use. An abstrudere descendant that has survived is abstruse, an adjective that recalls the meaning of its Latin parent abstrūsus, meaning "concealed."


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Morning, DiC! Still not feeling great. Cold still going strong, unfortunately, and my cough appears to have moved down into my chest, which is not much fun. Sticking with my resting at home scheme for the rest of the week.


That’s a great word, @Mikiesboy, and a good quote as well. :) 

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7 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Perhaps you need to visit the doc to make sure it is just a cold.  Mind you the 'cold' i had lasted a month .. take it easy.

Thanks, tim. Boyfriend’s cold lasted over three weeks, and he’s fine now. I definitely have the same one. I’m considering doctor, but honestly I think the problem is that I keep going out and doing things and don’t get the rest my body needs to get well again. So I’ll try this resting thing for the rest of the week, and if I don’t get better I’ll do the doctor thing.


Thankfully, Internet hugs are not contagious. :hug: 

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