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1:00 am EDT... and I finally got my week 2 paper submitted for school. I didn't get the reviewed copy back until 9:30 pm tonight. UGH.

Week 3 starts tomorrow, well, at 2:59 am, and I'll have another research paper due next Monday.


Sleep well everyone.
time to get my ass in bed.

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Morning, DiC! Happy Tuesday! :hug:


4 hours ago, BHopper2 said:

1:00 am EDT... and I finally got my week 2 paper submitted for school. I didn't get the reviewed copy back until 9:30 pm tonight. UGH.

Week 3 starts tomorrow, well, at 2:59 am, and I'll have another research paper due next Monday.


Sleep well everyone.
time to get my ass in bed.

Good job on the paper, A! Hope you got some well deserved sleep.

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opusculum Audio pronunciation

noun | oh-PUSK-yuh-lum  
a minor work (as of literature) — usually used in plural


Opusculum—which is often used in its plural form opuscula—comes from Latin, where it serves as the diminutive form of the noun opus, meaning "work." In English, opus can refer to any literary or artistic work, though it often specifically refers to a musical piece. Being a diminutive of opus, opusculum logically refers to a short or minor work. Unlike its more famous relation, however, opusculum is most often used for literary works. The Latin plural of opus is opera, which gave us (via Italian) the word we know for a musical production consisting primarily of vocal pieces performed with orchestral accompaniment.

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4 hours ago, Kitt said:

Good morning all! Hope your days go better than mine has started!


Ughhhhh ... sorry, Kitt.  That sucks.

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27 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

Good afternoon everyone. I wish you all a great day... :) 

@Kitt I hope your day got better after that rude awakening. 

@Wayne Gray Wow to that storm Denver supposed to get. It’s sunny but very windy for tim and me. 


Sunny and windy here, too. Paul and I went for a walk around the lake. It was nice, but we got a bit cold.

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9 minutes ago, MacGreg said:

Yeah, I've heard... Really, Spring snowstorms are common in Colorado and nothing to be shocked about, but we went a few years without and everyone seems to have forgotten. Plus, we have a hell of a lot of transplants who are clueless.

However, I can certainly do without a repeat of the recent Bomb Cyclone. 

Good news is that my windshield is replaced. 

Similar to this area and the sometimes persistent rains.  When people think "California" they don't realize that our winters and springs here are punctuated by atmospheric river events.  I live in the far northern portion of the state.  San Francisco is Central, not Northern California.  The university students here are often surprised when it rains, hard, for a week.  Hey, to me it's just great writing weather.

Glad your windshield is fixed up.  And we can hope you avoid another Bomb Cyclone.  😳

Edited by Wayne Gray
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16 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

Courtesy of a local Tex-Mex chain:

What do you call queso in a to-go bag?



I wish there was a "groan" reaction, lol.

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14 minutes ago, Wayne Gray said:

I wish there was a "groan" reaction, lol.

:facepalm:this is close, but I know what you mean about it being a “like” option. 

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40 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

Courtesy of a local Tex-Mex chain:

What do you call queso in a to-go bag?

  Reveal hidden contents

A mobile app :gikkle: :gikkle: :*)


I had to think about the punchline for a second before I got it. Still not sure I did. Lol

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14 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

Sir, and Thorn

a mobile app, like for your phone, or an appetizer (app) that is mobile because it's in a to go bag

That was my conclusion. But then I was envisioning a bag full of queso, and it no longer seemed like an appetizing app.

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sean had a wild hair and bought Mozzarella N' Marinara flavored Ruffles potato chips, which I'm currently munching on for lunch. Like eating fried cheese sticks dipped in tomato sauce, but crunchier. Not horrible, but strange. 

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9 hours ago, Kitt said:

Open Rant


I get ONE day a week off (sometimes).  I understand when an emergency happens getting a phone call or text outside of "normal" business hours. I also understand that "normal hours" on a farm are earlier than what most think normal.  But does one particular coworker, who knows Tuesdays are supposed to be my day off, really HAVE to text me before the sun comes up asking for paperwork I subbmitted three days ago?  Can she not actually LOOK at her email to see if it's there before waking me? 

OK, so I reply that I already sent them, she answers to please send a test email to ensure my stuff to her is not going into spam. Ok, I get out of bed, fire up the computer, and open my email program. Send her an email saying ok, I am now awake and at my computer. Sent an email to the other recipient of the paperwork in question asking if he got them. Get a reply from him saying yeah he got it. (Used email rather than text as it would not wake him if he were not up yet).  

NOW I get a text back saying "OOPS sorry, the papers are here"



 End Rant


Good morning all! Hope your days go better than mine has started!

I feel your frustration. It's hard to reset your mind after that, especially if the text interrupted your sleep cycle.

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1 hour ago, MacGreg said:

sean had a wild hair and bought Mozzarella N' Marinara flavored Ruffles potato chips, which I'm currently munching on for lunch. Like eating fried cheese sticks dipped in tomato sauce, but crunchier. Not horrible, but strange. 

I've had those before. I liked them.

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At the stroke of midnight April 9th/10th to the stroke of midnight 10/11th, I'm 90% sure I'll be offline. I'm going to attempt to take the day off. No school, no GA, no Writing, no Watching Kiddos... just me, by myself, chilling, and HOCKEY.

Having said that... my email will be on, so if you shoot me an email, or a PM, I'll respond. 🙂

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1 hour ago, MacGreg said:

sean had a wild hair and bought Mozzarella N' Marinara flavored Ruffles potato chips, which I'm currently munching on for lunch. Like eating fried cheese sticks dipped in tomato sauce, but crunchier. Not horrible, but strange. 

I miss simple carbs.  *sigh*

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Just now, BHopper2 said:

At the stroke of midnight April 9th/10th to the stroke of midnight 10/11th, I'm 90% sure I'll be offline. I'm going to attempt to take the day off. No school, no GA, no Writing, no Watching Kiddos... just me, by myself, chilling, and HOCKEY.

Having said that... my email will be on, so if you shoot me an email, or a PM, I'll respond. 🙂

Good.  Take care of yourself, man.  Sometimes that means disconnecting.  🙂

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1 minute ago, BHopper2 said:

At the stroke of midnight April 9th/10th to the stroke of midnight 10/11th, I'm 90% sure I'll be offline. I'm going to attempt to take the day off. No school, no GA, no Writing, no Watching Kiddos... just me, by myself, chilling, and HOCKEY.

Having said that... my email will be on, so if you shoot me an email, or a PM, I'll respond. 🙂

Sounds like a good plan. 

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