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1 hour ago, Fae Briona said:

Training for new systems --  I just went through that joy (didn't help the trainers had no clue what they were doing and changed the rules almost constantly for two years).  I hope things get better for you @rickproehl.

The new person we hired to handle some of the extra workload so the rest of us weren't going nuts accepted another job on campus.  :(  We're now  arguing with the Dean's Office about getting a replacement authorized and the new dean is being a jerk about it.

Nephropathy has been killing me today. Afraid my knee is starting to pinch the sciatic nerve.  Hope I'm wrong; time will tell.

I'll stop whining now.

Fae sorry to hear your knee is hurting it’s no fun when you hurt. 
the new billing system is iVue and right now it is as clear as a raging blizzard. So taking it a step at a time and getting a little better. So my focus is to “kick the tires” forget the book. I’m not alone so I feel good about this plan. I talk with the boss and we had a good talk. He said I was doing better than I thought so hang in there. 
Fae I hope you get your help so good luck. 

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Good Sirs and friends


My wish is that you had a great night and you have a Great Tuesday.

I want to share with you this thought as we start your day.

Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Focus on your character, not your reputation.

Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes

Hi How is your day?

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1 hour ago, Kitt said:

Hubby said, and I quote, "Yum, but i don't think that is what he meant by take a few days off."

That was my thought as well. You just don't know how to sit still, do you Kitt? :P

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1 hour ago, Kitt said:

Afternoon all.  Took doc's advice an put in for a few days off. Seems i managed to pull a hamstring.  Got lots done yesterday. 13 pints of spiced cranburries and 7 pints of fresh applesauce ready for the freezer. Hubby said, and I quote, "Yum, but i don't think that is what he meant by take a few days off."

You have my address for mailing purposes, right?

May I suggest day drinking and binge watching as an alternative? Stay down for a couple of days!

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@Kitt were you stressing the leg? were you relaxed? did you enjoy yourself? then good for you. 


of course i would have been confined to the bed or couch with heating pads and/or ice packs

i'm off to bed now so good night Sirs, good night friends

sleep well

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8 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@Kitt were you stressing the leg? were you relaxed? did you enjoy yourself? then good for you. 

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of course i would have been confined to the bed or couch with heating pads and/or ice packs

i'm off to bed now so good night Sirs, good night friends

sleep well

Night molly

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Good  Sirs and DiC friends 

Good morning,  

I hope you all have a Great Wednesday 

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is stronger than any obstacle.


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I would like to express the right to reply as it came up in my notifications, comments on the new READ IT option to add to story chapters. It rather surprised me that anyone would take this negatively, but that only goes to show that you can't predict reactions or cover every angle.

The intention of READ IT is to allow two things: to bookmark where you've read to (without necessarily liking, loving, being angry or sad), and perhaps more importantly to be able to tell authors I read your chapter (page views don't equal read chapters). 

If I click the READ IT button I'm letting the author know I'm reading his/her story, I'm not telling the person who wrote it, "your story is shit." Really, if I thought that, I wouldn't be reading it, and I'd keep those thoughts to myself. I might think it's shit, but other people may love it. I was told my first venture into writing was absolute crap, to go away and come back when I'd learnt how to write, so I know what criticism feels like.

I'm sorry if you interpret READ IT as a negative impression for a story, I think it adds value to the other buttons, when you click LIKE or LOVE, and all I can say is what was intended. The symbol of a tick is surely positive. We wouldn't really add a negative button, but obviously some of you see it that way, perhaps you might try to see it positively?

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Suffice it to say, that some in your thread of requesting that abomination was wanting it as a negative reaction. Otherwise, you're not worth the time to respond to. 

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16 minutes ago, Brayon said:

Suffice it to say, that some in your thread of requesting that abomination was wanting it as a negative reaction. Otherwise, you're not worth the time to respond to. 

Woah, I feel as if I stepped in an ant bed; the political and emotional aspects of this option are beyond my awareness and I have not researched the item now available. I just see the label assigned to the emoticon and thought it a great option.

I have found that on occasion the comments can get emotional or jaundiced by our own beliefs. For example, I may sometimes agree with the sentiments of the posting but find the context to be too simplistic to apply so broadly. But likewise I feel it discourteous or conceding to ignore; therefore I acknowledge I’ve read it but choose not to comment, reply, or summarize my emotions into the five previously available emoticons.

Am I missing an introduction to this option that implies or states it is a negative 👎 opinion or reflection on the comments?

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6 minutes ago, Philippe said:

the political and emotional aspects of this option

It all boils down to that first word. Politics. There are some Promising and Signature/Classic level authors who feel that their shite doesn't stink, and look down upon those in the lower tiers. There are some in the Normal tier that feel the same way. When you read some of these authors posts, reviews, and comments you can see their backhanded responses and know of whom I speak of. So getting a check mark from them will be like saying, "thanks for posting your shit story, now go read mine."

GA as a whole is great, and I love the interaction with others. But a few holier than thou asshats have tainted my perspective of the place. 

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10 minutes ago, Brayon said:

It all boils down to that first word. Politics. There are some Promising and Signature/Classic level authors who feel that their shite doesn't stink, and look down upon those in the lower tiers. There are some in the Normal tier that feel the same way. When you read some of these authors posts, reviews, and comments you can see their backhanded responses and know of whom I speak of. So getting a check mark from them will be like saying, "thanks for posting your shit story, now go read mine."

GA as a whole is great, and I love the interaction with others. But a few holier than thou asshats have tainted my perspective of the place. 

I’ve never written or posted anything; strictly just comments for me. But I’ve noticed stories generally have a lot of readers but only a few, percentage-wise, make comments or use the emoticons at all.

I personally feel the emoticons can be used more freely to reflect the my emotions within the context of, and towards, the characters and storyline. However, when used on comments/reviews the emoticons reflect more on personal views of the commenter; and/or from storyline to reality. I can sometimes find myself totally agreeing with and cheering someone’s comments until the very last sentence of which then they spin the context to make it a political agree or bandwagon plea; READ IT is very handy then! 😂 Religion, politics, etc...

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15 minutes ago, Brayon said:

In other news... having a bad mental health day. Before even coming  to GA, it was bad, and getting worse. 

So, I will leave.

Take care of yourself, best wishes to you!

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13 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@Kitt were you stressing the leg? were you relaxed? did you enjoy yourself? then good for you. 

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of course i would have been confined to the bed or couch with heating pads and/or ice packs

i'm off to bed now so good night Sirs, good night friends

sleep well

Most of the work was waiting while fruit simmered. I worked till I felt like I needed to sit, then sat till I could not sit any more. Every second or third round I sat on the ice pack.  Leg felt better, and having accomplished stuff I have not had time for felt great!

As for you being confined to the sofa, your auto immune thing would make it much worse!

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Ok ladies and gents.  Lets mark "read it" down to a difference in opinion and move on.  It was just such an difference in opinion that forced me out of another forum I used to enjoy, and would hate to see anyone decide they were no longer comfortable here because they see things differently.  Our differences are what make us, us.

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10 hours ago, Kitt said:

Most of the work was waiting while fruit simmered. I worked till I felt like I needed to sit, then sat till I could not sit any more. Every second or third round I sat on the ice pack.  Leg felt better, and having accomplished stuff I have not had time for felt great!

As for you being confined to the sofa, your auto immune thing would make it much worse!


I’m glad you are taking care of yourself but be careful. We have done many a load of dishes while sitting down at the sink. It’s not a shame to sit and cook. 

Edited by rickproehl
Missing word
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