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No quiet morning reading GA for me :(

I thought my neighbour had bought a super powered whippersnipper edger thingy but I was wrong. This thing was loud, bluefish loud. I poked my head outside and some guys are slicing into the concrete footpath across the road.

It sort of disrupts the pleasure of a morning cup of tea 

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14 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

@raven1 Hey, Terry!  :hug: How are you and Aod?

Hi @Page Scrawler:hug: We're both fine.  We hosted dinner last night for Aod's sister, her girlfriend, and two other friends.  I was up reading until 1 AM, so I slept in today.  How are things at your household?

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13 hours ago, clochette said:

I heard south east Asia is the main producer of frog legs for cooking... :whistle:

Hi Evil Fairy!  :hug: Frogs are very prolific here and eaten by some older Thais.  It seems that France is at the top of the list followed by China for consumption of the delicacy.  I'm sure some young Thai men would like to nibble and lick frog legs but definitely wouldn't eat them. :D

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13 hours ago, clochette said:

They're married with a kid now... so sexy time has to be written in the calendar in advance to happen once per month and even less sexy screaming -_-

They can schedule the film shoot from when the young one is having a sleepover with friends.  I do remember a certain French lady offering to be behind the camera to make a film with them in it.

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15 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Aloha All its 28f/-2c its damn cold!:yes:

Damned Albert! That's friggin bluefish cold!  I suggest staying in bed with several covers and your personal heater snuggled tight.  Say Hi to Steve! :hug::kiss:

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13 hours ago, clochette said:

Hey Mister T :hug: we're doing good though the November depression is coming for us... grey cold and wet weather makes it so it's almost night at 5pm... so depressing. But thing are ok, we're currently cuddling on the couch under a plaid and sipping a hot cocoa. 

What about you and Aod? 

That's the kind of weather that made me flee Oregon to live in Thailand.  We do have grey wet weather here, but never cold.  

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13 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

Thanks Terry :hug:

Just about to go to bed here. I hope you enjoy whatever is left of your evening

Hey Bucket, :hug: I did enjoy the evening and stayed up late reading.  Hope you had a good sleep.

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7 hours ago, Drew Espinosa said:

Would we be safe if we did a mashup of Just Friend and Let's Try? 🤔

Hi Drew! :hug: I'm glad you two didn't get distracted from the project!  I like the mashup idea.

7 hours ago, spike382 said:

That would be quite a feat since there 2 totally different vibes, Just Friend is more pop/soft rock, much sweeter and romantic.  Let’s Try has that sultry vibe with hard rock riffs… we can make it work. 

Hey Spike! :hug: I know you two could make it work.  The music seems a natural fit as it will fit the slow romantic kisses that result in hardcore panting.

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6 hours ago, Headstall said:

Hey, all. I'm not ignoring you, but I only have little bits of energy... doing way better, though. I posted Chapter fourteen of Bearpaw today. :)  Check it out if you're interested... the sequence of chapters, which I screwed up, has been corrected. :hug: 

Hi Gary. :kiss: I'm going there next after finishing the comments.  Hope you wake up and feel even better with more energy.

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6 hours ago, bignick said:


He started recording the docuseries: A Hobbit Is Born. :gikkle:

:blink: :o (cancel my ticket)

Don't listen to Clo, Nick!  She's being evil today.  I think it is the weather and only having Looping to cuddle.  I would be careful if you go to France.  Thailand has a lot of frogs, but they aren't a popular food item.  The real danger would be a trip to France or China.

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Good Morning/Afternoon All! :hug:  It took me a while, but I finally made it through all the crazy comments.  All the Good Day gifs are boring, so I though you might like this.

forest GIF

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28 minutes ago, raven1 said:

Don't listen to Clo, Nick!  She's being evil today.  I think it is the weather and only having Looping to cuddle.  I would be careful if you go to France.  Thailand has a lot of frogs, but they aren't a popular food item.  The real danger would be a trip to France or China.

Are you saying I'm frustrated? <_< (well yeah maybe :rolleyes:

Frog legs might be a French delicacy as you say but very very few people actually eat them. I think escargot are more common.

Anyway i don't eat frog legs so Nicky's would be perfectly fine with me :P

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1 hour ago, raven1 said:

How are things at your household?

Things are good. I have the day off tomorrow. The restaurant will be closed for some annual maintenance and upkeep on the building.

Max also has a ballet class tomorrow after school. He said that during class one day, he found his science lab partner (the would-be bully), sitting in on Max's dance lessons, observing things. After ballet class ended, the kid approached Max and apologized for his earlier behavior.

Apparently, his older sister had been watching a ballet documentary, and some bloody, blistered feet were shown after one girl pushed herself too hard. So, he wanted to see if ballet really is that tough, and he was stunned at how flexible Max can be during the warm-up stretches. He's been a bit warmer now, asking Max how the training is going, etc.

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7 minutes ago, raven1 said:

The day extra day off from work means you have time to fill tomorrow.  Any plans for it? 

Oh, nothing, really. I thought I'd do some early Christmas shopping in town, maybe have lunch with Uncle Mickey.  :)

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