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2 minutes ago, spike382 said:

Sure you can.  

Gary, you're crazy when you accuse me and Drew of being "in love".

See, easy. :P

Now that is the one word for crazy!:yes:

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On 7/26/2024 at 5:36 PM, Albert1434 said:

I am trying to write a story and I wonder if it is good enough or if it is long enough for a first chapter?

Chapter 1 

A Journey to Egypt 

In the year 1854, Sir Reginald Thorne, a 32-year-old gentleman of striking appearance, prepared for an adventure that would take him to the ancient land of Egypt. Reginald was a handsome man with short blond hair and mesmerizing ice-blue eyes. His impeccable sense of style and good taste in clothing made him stand out in any crowd. 

Reginald’s journey would begin aboard the grand sailing ship, The Majestic Swan. The ship was a marvel of engineering, with its tall masts and billowing white sails that caught the wind with grace. The hull was painted a deep navy blue, adorned with golden accents that gleamed in the sunlight. The deck was polished to a shine, and the ship’s figurehead, a beautifully carved swan, seemed to glide through the water. 

As Reginald approached the gangplank, he took a moment to admire the ship’s grandeur. With a confident stride, he boarded The Majestic Swan, nodding politely to the crew members who greeted him. He made his way through the bustling deck, where sailors were busy with their duties, and descended a narrow staircase to the lower decks. 

Reginald’s stateroom was located towards the stern of the ship. It was a cozy and well-appointed cabin, with a large window that offered a view of the sea. The room was furnished with a comfortable bed, a writing desk, and a wardrobe for his clothes. The walls were adorned with nautical-themed paintings, and a small bookshelf held a selection of travel guides and novels. 

As the ship set sail from Liverpool, Reginald stood on the deck, watching the city slowly fade into the distance. The wind filled the sails, and The Majestic Swan glided smoothly over the waves, heading towards the open sea. The sound of the water against the hull and the creaking of the rigging created a soothing symphony that accompanied the ship’s departure. 

Later that evening, Reginald dressed for dinner and made his way to the ship’s dining room. The room was elegantly decorated, with chandeliers casting a warm glow over the tables. As he took his seat, he couldn’t help but notice a handsome young man sitting across from him. The man had dark brown hair and striking blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the candlelight. 

Reginald felt an instant connection with the young man, whose name was Alexander. They struck up a conversation, and Reginald found himself captivated by Alexander’s charm and wit. As the evening progressed, Reginald realized that he was falling hard for this intriguing stranger. 

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and they shared stories of their past adventures and dreams for the future. By the end of the evening, Reginald knew that this journey to Egypt would be unlike any other, for he had found a kindred spirit in Alexander. 

And so, as The Majestic Swan sailed towards the distant shores of Egypt, Reginald and Alexander’s bond grew stronger, promising a future filled with adventure and romance. 

After finishing their cigars and the last drops of their liquor, Reginald turned to Alexander with a warm smile. “Shall we go up on deck and enjoy the stars?” he suggested. 

Alexander nodded, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. Together, they made their way to the deck of The Majestic Swan. The night was calm, and the ship gently rocked on the waves as they stepped out into the open air. 

The sky above was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one shining brightly against the velvety darkness. The cool ocean breeze carried the salty scent of the sea, mingling with the faint aroma of their cigars. The sound of the waves lapping against the hull created a soothing rhythm, adding to the serene atmosphere. 

Reginald and Alexander found a quiet spot on the deck, away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. They stood side by side, gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars seemed to stretch on forever, a reminder of the endless possibilities that lay ahead. 

As they stood there, darkness enveloped them, creating an intimate cocoon. Reginald turned to Alexander, his heart pounding with emotion. “Alexander,” he whispered, his voice filled with longing. 

Alexander met his gaze, his blue eyes reflecting the starlight. Without a word, they moved closer, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in the moment. 

The kiss was filled with love and desire, a promise of the future they would share together. As they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey. 

Under the starlit sky, with the scent of the ocean and the sound of the waves, Reginald and Alexander’s love blossomed, a beacon of light in the darkness. 

Under the vast, starlit sky, Reginald and Alexander felt a sense of intimacy and trust that allowed them to share their deepest secrets. 

Reginald, with a soft voice, revealed his longing for adventure and his fear of never finding a place where he truly belonged. He spoke of his childhood dreams of exploring distant lands and the loneliness he often felt despite his outward confidence. 

Alexander, in turn, shared his own fears and aspirations. He spoke of his desire to make a difference in the world and his struggle to live up to the expectations placed upon him. He confessed his fear of failure and his hope to find someone who understood and accepted him for who he truly was. 

As they opened their hearts to each other, they found solace in the knowledge that they were not alone. Their shared secrets forged a deeper connection, and they realized that together, they could face any challenge that lay ahead. 

The stars above seemed to shine brighter as they embraced, their love and trust growing stronger with each passing moment. Under the starlit sky, Reginald and Alexander found not only a kindred spirit but also the courage to be their true selves. 



Under the shimmering canopy of stars, Reginald and Alexander felt a profound connection. The gentle sound of the waves and the cool ocean breeze created a perfect moment for them to make a heartfelt promise. 

Reginald took Alexander’s hand, his ice-blue eyes reflecting the starlight. “Alexander,” he began, his voice filled with emotion, “I promise to stand by your side through every adventure and challenge that comes our way. No matter where life takes us, I will always be there for you.” 

Alexander squeezed Reginald’s hand, his heart swelling with love. “And I promise to support you in all your dreams and aspirations,” he replied, his voice steady and sincere. “Together, we will face the unknown and create a future filled with love and discovery.” 

Their promises, spoken under the starlit sky, were a testament to their unwavering commitment to each other. As they embraced, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, and their love would guide them through whatever lay ahead. 

As Reginald and Alexander stood in the soft glow of the lantern in Reginald’s stateroom, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation and tenderness. The gentle rocking of The Majestic Swan and the soothing sound of the waves outside created a perfect backdrop for their first night together. 

Reginald took Alexander’s hand and led him to the comfortable bed, its linens crisp and inviting. They sat down, facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent understanding. Reginald’s fingers gently traced the contours of Alexander’s face, memorizing every detail. 

“Alexander,” Reginald whispered, his voice filled with emotion, “I want this night to be special for both of us.” 

Alexander smiled, his heart swelling with love. “It already is, Reginald,” he replied softly. 

They learned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that quickly deepened with passion. The warmth of their embrace and the intensity of their connection made the world outside fade away. They took their time, exploring each other’s touch and savoring the closeness they had longed for. 

As the night progressed, they shared whispered words of love and promises for the future. The intimacy they felt was not just physical but emotional, as they opened their hearts to each other in ways they had never done before. 

The stateroom, with its nautical-themed paintings and the moonlit sea visible through the window, became a sanctuary for their love. The scent of the ocean mingled with the faint aroma of their cigars, creating a unique and unforgettable atmosphere. 

In each other’s arms, Reginald and Alexander found a sense of belonging and peace. Their first night together was a beautiful blend of passion, tenderness, and deep connection, setting the foundation for a love that would endure through all their adventures. 

As the stars outside continued to shine, they fell asleep in each other’s embrace, knowing that their journey together had only just begun. 

As the first light of dawn filtered through the window of Reginald’s stateroom, the gentle rocking of The Majestic Swan continued to lull the ship. The soft glow of the morning sun cast a warm, golden hue over the room, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. 

Reginald stirred, his eyes slowly opening to the sight of Alexander lying beside him. The memories of their first night together filled his heart with joy and contentment. He watched Alexander for a moment, taking in the peaceful expression on his face and the way the sunlight danced across his features. 

Alexander began to wake, his blue eyes fluttering open to meet Reginald’s gaze. A smile spread across his face as he reached out to touch Reginald’s hand. “Good morning,” he whispered, his voice still soft from sleep. 

“Good morning,” Reginald replied, his heart swelling with love. “How did you sleep?” 

“Wonderfully,” Alexander said, his smile widening. “Last night was… perfect.” 

They lay there for a while, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the morning. The scent of the ocean breeze wafted through the open window, mingling with the faint aroma of their cigars from the night before. The sound of the waves gently lapping against the hull created a soothing backdrop to their conversation. 

Eventually, they decided to get up and start their day. Reginald and Alexander dressed and made their way to the ship’s dining room for breakfast. The room was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries, and the crew greeted them with friendly smiles. 

As they sat down to eat, they couldn’t help but steal glances at each other, their hearts filled with the promise of the future. The bond they had forged the night before had only grown stronger, and they knew that their journey together was just beginning. 

The Majestic Swan continued its voyage, carrying Reginald and Alexander towards new adventures and discoveries. With the morning sun shining brightly and the open sea stretching out before them, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that they had each other to lean on. 

Fantastic effort, Albert. You have a talent for sure, creating something interesting and visual. :worship: 

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30 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Gary would you like to see chapter 2😁

Sure, but I can't read it right away. :) 

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Chapter 2 

A Journey to Egypt  


After enjoying a delightful breakfast together, Alexander and Reginald decided to spend the rest of the day in the comfort of Reginald’s stateroom. The cozy cabin, with its large window offering a view of the endless sea, provided the perfect setting for a day of relaxation and companionship. 

They settled at the small table by the window, where the sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow over the room. Reginald retrieved a deck of cards from a drawer, and they began to play a friendly game. Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they enjoyed each other’s company. 

As the day progressed, their conversation turned to more personal topics. They shared stories of their past lives, opening about their hopes, dreams, and the challenges they had faced. Reginald spoke of his longing for adventure and the sense of loneliness that had often accompanied him on his journeys. Alexander, in turn, revealed his desire to make a difference in the world and the pressure he felt to live up to the expectations placed upon him. 

Their bond grew stronger with each story shared, and they found solace in the knowledge that they had found someone who utterly understood and accepted them. The hours seemed to fly by as they talked, laughed, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together. 

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the ocean, Reginald and Alexander realized that their connection was something truly special. They knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead, confident that they would face them side by side. 

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the ocean, Reginald and Alexander continued their heartfelt conversation. The room was filled with a warm, comforting light, and the gentle rocking of The Majestic Swan added to the serene atmosphere. 

Alexander’s voice grew softer, and a hint of vulnerability crept into his tone. “Reginald,” he began, his blue eyes reflecting the fading light, “there’s something I’ve never told anyone before.” 

Reginald reached out and took Alexander’s hand, offering silent support. “You can tell me anything, Alexander,” he said gently. 

Alexander took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the horizon. “I’ve always felt this immense pressure to live up to the expectations of others. My family, my friends—they all see me as someone who has it all together. But the truth is, I often feel like I’m not enough. I’m afraid of failing, of letting everyone down.” 

Reginald’s heart ached for Alexander. He squeezed his hand reassuringly. “Alexander, you are more than enough. You have a kind heart, a brilliant mind, and a spirit that inspires everyone around you. It’s okay to feel vulnerable and uncertain. We all do at times.” 

Alexander looked into Reginald’s eyes, his voice trembling slightly. “Thank you, Reginald. Your words mean more to me than you know. With you by my side, I feel like I can face anything.” 

Reginald smiled; his own eyes filled with emotion. “And I promise to always be here for you, Alexander. Together, we will face whatever challenges come our way.” 

In that moment, their bond grew even stronger, forged by the honesty and vulnerability they shared. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would guide them through whatever lay ahead. 


As the evening descended, Reginald and Alexander made their way to the ship’s elegantly decorated dining room. The soft glow of chandeliers cast a warm light over the tables, creating an inviting atmosphere. Reginald, ever the gentleman, had arranged for a special dinner and purchased a bottle of the finest champagne to celebrate their journey together. 

They were seated at a beautifully set table, adorned with crisp white linens and sparkling silverware. The waiter presented the menu, and Reginald and Alexander selected their dishes with eager anticipation. 

For the first course, they enjoyed a delicate lobster bisque, rich and creamy, with a hint of sherry that added depth to the flavor. The bisque was accompanied by freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven, and a pat of creamy butter. 

The main course was a sumptuous roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. The beef was cooked to perfection, tender and juicy, with a savory gravy that complemented the dish beautifully. The Yorkshire pudding was light and airy, a perfect accompaniment to the roast. Alongside, they had roasted vegetables, including carrots, parsnips, and potatoes, seasoned with rosemary and thyme. 

As they savored each bite, Reginald poured the champagne, its bubbles dancing in the glasses. They toasted to their newfound companionship and the adventures that lay ahead. 

For dessert, they indulged in a classic English treat: sticky toffee pudding. The warm, moist sponge cake was soaked in a rich toffee sauce, and a dollop of clotted cream added a luxurious touch. The sweetness of the dessert was perfectly balanced, leaving them both satisfied and content. 

Throughout the meal, Reginald and Alexander’s conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, and they knew that this dinner was just one of many special moments they would share together. 

As they finished their meal, the stars outside twinkled brightly, a reminder of the promise they had made under the starlit sky. With hearts full of love and anticipation, they looked forward to the future, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them. 

With a bottle of champagne in hand, Reginald and Alexander made their way up to the deck of The Majestic Swan. The night was clear, and the sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one shining brightly against the velvety darkness. The gentle rocking of the ship and the soothing sound of the waves created a perfect backdrop for their favorite pastime. 

They found a quiet spot on the deck, away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. Reginald uncorked the champagne with a satisfying pop, and they took turns drinking straight from the bottle, laughing, and enjoying the moment. The cool, bubbly liquid was refreshing, and it added to the sense of celebration and joy. 

As they gazed up at the stars, their hands intertwined, they felt a deep sense of connection and contentment. The vastness of the night sky reminded them of the endless possibilities that lay ahead, and they knew that they would face whatever came their way together. 

Reginald turned to Alexander, his ice-blue eyes reflecting the starlight. “Alexander,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion, “these moments with you are more precious than anything I could have ever imagined.” 

Alexander smiled, his heart swelling with love. “And you, Reginald, have made this journey truly unforgettable,” he replied softly. 

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, filled with the promise of their future together. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in the magic of the moment. The stars above continued to shine, a silent witness to their love and the bond they had forged. 

As they held each other close, they knew that this night under the stars was just one of many special moments they would share. With hearts full of love and anticipation, they looked forward to the adventures that awaited them, confident that their love would guide them through whatever lay ahead. 


After finishing the bottle of wine, they dropped the empty bottle into the growing darkness. They headed back to Reginald’s stateroom and slipped under the covers. Reginald held Alexander close, kissing him and savoring every precious moment. He kissed the nape of Alexander’s neck, loving him more for it. 

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Reginald and Alexander lay entwined, their breaths synchronized in the quiet morning. The world outside was waking up, but inside the stateroom, time seemed to stand still. Reginald gently brushed a lock of hair from Alexander’s forehead, his touch tender and filled with unspoken promises. 

Alexander grew up in a small coastal town, where the sea was both a friend and a foe. His father was a fisherman, and from a young age, Alexander learned the ways of the ocean. The salty breeze, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the smell of fresh fish were constants in his life. Despite the hardships, his family was close-knit and loving. 

As he grew older, Alexander’s curiosity about the world beyond the horizon grew stronger. He would spend hours reading books about distant lands and dreaming of adventures. His mother, a gentle and wise woman, encouraged his dreams and taught him the importance of kindness and resilience. 

One fateful day, a merchant ship docked at their town, and Alexander seized the opportunity to join the crew. It was the beginning of his journey across the seas, where he encountered diverse cultures, faced numerous challenges, and honed his skills as a navigator. 

And now Reginald told his tale of his youth, Reginald, a charming and enigmatic gentleman with a passion for exploration.  

Reginald hailed from a lineage of aristocrats, his family name synonymous with wealth and influence. Growing up on a grand estate surrounded by opulence, Reginald was groomed to inherit the family legacy. However, the trappings of high society never truly captivated him. Instead, he found solace in the library, where he devoured tales of explorers and adventurers. 

His father, a stern and imposing figure, had high expectations for Reginald, pushing him towards a life of politics and business. But Reginald’s heart yearned for the unknown, for the thrill of discovery. His mother, a compassionate and understanding woman, recognized his restless spirit and secretly supported his dreams. 

 He set sail on a journey that would take him to the farthest corners of the world.  

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8 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Chapter 2 

A Journey to Egypt  


After enjoying a delightful breakfast together, Alexander and Reginald decided to spend the rest of the day in the comfort of Reginald’s stateroom. The cozy cabin, with its large window offering a view of the endless sea, provided the perfect setting for a day of relaxation and companionship. 

They settled at the small table by the window, where the sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow over the room. Reginald retrieved a deck of cards from a drawer, and they began to play a friendly game. Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they enjoyed each other’s company. 

As the day progressed, their conversation turned to more personal topics. They shared stories of their past lives, opening about their hopes, dreams, and the challenges they had faced. Reginald spoke of his longing for adventure and the sense of loneliness that had often accompanied him on his journeys. Alexander, in turn, revealed his desire to make a difference in the world and the pressure he felt to live up to the expectations placed upon him. 

Their bond grew stronger with each story shared, and they found solace in the knowledge that they had found someone who utterly understood and accepted them. The hours seemed to fly by as they talked, laughed, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together. 

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the ocean, Reginald and Alexander realized that their connection was something truly special. They knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead, confident that they would face them side by side. 

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the ocean, Reginald and Alexander continued their heartfelt conversation. The room was filled with a warm, comforting light, and the gentle rocking of The Majestic Swan added to the serene atmosphere. 

Alexander’s voice grew softer, and a hint of vulnerability crept into his tone. “Reginald,” he began, his blue eyes reflecting the fading light, “there’s something I’ve never told anyone before.” 

Reginald reached out and took Alexander’s hand, offering silent support. “You can tell me anything, Alexander,” he said gently. 

Alexander took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the horizon. “I’ve always felt this immense pressure to live up to the expectations of others. My family, my friends—they all see me as someone who has it all together. But the truth is, I often feel like I’m not enough. I’m afraid of failing, of letting everyone down.” 

Reginald’s heart ached for Alexander. He squeezed his hand reassuringly. “Alexander, you are more than enough. You have a kind heart, a brilliant mind, and a spirit that inspires everyone around you. It’s okay to feel vulnerable and uncertain. We all do at times.” 

Alexander looked into Reginald’s eyes, his voice trembling slightly. “Thank you, Reginald. Your words mean more to me than you know. With you by my side, I feel like I can face anything.” 

Reginald smiled; his own eyes filled with emotion. “And I promise to always be here for you, Alexander. Together, we will face whatever challenges come our way.” 

In that moment, their bond grew even stronger, forged by the honesty and vulnerability they shared. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would guide them through whatever lay ahead. 


As the evening descended, Reginald and Alexander made their way to the ship’s elegantly decorated dining room. The soft glow of chandeliers cast a warm light over the tables, creating an inviting atmosphere. Reginald, ever the gentleman, had arranged for a special dinner and purchased a bottle of the finest champagne to celebrate their journey together. 

They were seated at a beautifully set table, adorned with crisp white linens and sparkling silverware. The waiter presented the menu, and Reginald and Alexander selected their dishes with eager anticipation. 

For the first course, they enjoyed a delicate lobster bisque, rich and creamy, with a hint of sherry that added depth to the flavor. The bisque was accompanied by freshly baked bread, still warm from the oven, and a pat of creamy butter. 

The main course was a sumptuous roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. The beef was cooked to perfection, tender and juicy, with a savory gravy that complemented the dish beautifully. The Yorkshire pudding was light and airy, a perfect accompaniment to the roast. Alongside, they had roasted vegetables, including carrots, parsnips, and potatoes, seasoned with rosemary and thyme. 

As they savored each bite, Reginald poured the champagne, its bubbles dancing in the glasses. They toasted to their newfound companionship and the adventures that lay ahead. 

For dessert, they indulged in a classic English treat: sticky toffee pudding. The warm, moist sponge cake was soaked in a rich toffee sauce, and a dollop of clotted cream added a luxurious touch. The sweetness of the dessert was perfectly balanced, leaving them both satisfied and content. 

Throughout the meal, Reginald and Alexander’s conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, and they knew that this dinner was just one of many special moments they would share together. 

As they finished their meal, the stars outside twinkled brightly, a reminder of the promise they had made under the starlit sky. With hearts full of love and anticipation, they looked forward to the future, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them. 

With a bottle of champagne in hand, Reginald and Alexander made their way up to the deck of The Majestic Swan. The night was clear, and the sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one shining brightly against the velvety darkness. The gentle rocking of the ship and the soothing sound of the waves created a perfect backdrop for their favorite pastime. 

They found a quiet spot on the deck, away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. Reginald uncorked the champagne with a satisfying pop, and they took turns drinking straight from the bottle, laughing, and enjoying the moment. The cool, bubbly liquid was refreshing, and it added to the sense of celebration and joy. 

As they gazed up at the stars, their hands intertwined, they felt a deep sense of connection and contentment. The vastness of the night sky reminded them of the endless possibilities that lay ahead, and they knew that they would face whatever came their way together. 

Reginald turned to Alexander, his ice-blue eyes reflecting the starlight. “Alexander,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion, “these moments with you are more precious than anything I could have ever imagined.” 

Alexander smiled, his heart swelling with love. “And you, Reginald, have made this journey truly unforgettable,” he replied softly. 

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, filled with the promise of their future together. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them lost in the magic of the moment. The stars above continued to shine, a silent witness to their love and the bond they had forged. 

As they held each other close, they knew that this night under the stars was just one of many special moments they would share. With hearts full of love and anticipation, they looked forward to the adventures that awaited them, confident that their love would guide them through whatever lay ahead. 


After finishing the bottle of wine, they dropped the empty bottle into the growing darkness. They headed back to Reginald’s stateroom and slipped under the covers. Reginald held Alexander close, kissing him and savoring every precious moment. He kissed the nape of Alexander’s neck, loving him more for it. 

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Reginald and Alexander lay entwined, their breaths synchronized in the quiet morning. The world outside was waking up, but inside the stateroom, time seemed to stand still. Reginald gently brushed a lock of hair from Alexander’s forehead, his touch tender and filled with unspoken promises. 

Alexander grew up in a small coastal town, where the sea was both a friend and a foe. His father was a fisherman, and from a young age, Alexander learned the ways of the ocean. The salty breeze, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the smell of fresh fish were constants in his life. Despite the hardships, his family was close-knit and loving. 

As he grew older, Alexander’s curiosity about the world beyond the horizon grew stronger. He would spend hours reading books about distant lands and dreaming of adventures. His mother, a gentle and wise woman, encouraged his dreams and taught him the importance of kindness and resilience. 

One fateful day, a merchant ship docked at their town, and Alexander seized the opportunity to join the crew. It was the beginning of his journey across the seas, where he encountered diverse cultures, faced numerous challenges, and honed his skills as a navigator. 

And now Reginald told his tale of his youth, Reginald, a charming and enigmatic gentleman with a passion for exploration.  

Reginald hailed from a lineage of aristocrats, his family name synonymous with wealth and influence. Growing up on a grand estate surrounded by opulence, Reginald was groomed to inherit the family legacy. However, the trappings of high society never truly captivated him. Instead, he found solace in the library, where he devoured tales of explorers and adventurers. 

His father, a stern and imposing figure, had high expectations for Reginald, pushing him towards a life of politics and business. But Reginald’s heart yearned for the unknown, for the thrill of discovery. His mother, a compassionate and understanding woman, recognized his restless spirit and secretly supported his dreams. 

 He set sail on a journey that would take him to the farthest corners of the world.  


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1 hour ago, Drew Espinosa said:

I'm a nice Phi to you? You're so sweet! ^_^

You're a smart kid, you have a much better reading comprehension than that. 

Are you taking Gary as your traveling companion for your trip down de Nile?

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43 minutes ago, spike382 said:

You're a smart kid, you have a much better reading comprehension than that. 


I'm choosing to only read "That's really nice!" and ignoring everything else afterwards in the gif, since it's unimportant. -_- 

44 minutes ago, spike382 said:

Are you taking Gary as your traveling companion for your trip down de Nile?

Handsome is your traveling companion in Egypt, actually. -_- 

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