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Chapter 3 

A Journey to Egypt 

The days on the ship seemed to blend as Reginald and Alexander sailed towards Alexandria. Each day was filled with anticipation and excitement as they drew closer to their destination. They spent their time exploring the ship, sharing stories, and planning their adventures in Egypt. The gentle rocking of the ship and the endless expanse of the sea created a sense of tranquility, but also a growing eagerness for the journey ahead. 

As the sun set each evening, they would stand on the deck, watching the horizon and imagining the wonders that awaited them. The crew, too, shared in the excitement, their spirits lifted by the promise of new discoveries. The nights were filled with laughter and camaraderie, as they all looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead. 

Finally, the night before their arrival, the air was thick with anticipation. Reginald and Alexander could hardly sleep, their minds racing with thoughts of the ancient city. As the first light of dawn began to break, they stood on the deck, their eyes fixed on the distant shore. Alexandria was within reach, and their hearts swelled with excitement. 


Now, let’s delve into a tale of Alexandria, Egypt, and how it came to be: 


Alexandria, the jewel of the Mediterranean, was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE. The city was strategically located on the coast of Egypt, serving as a bridge between the East and the West. Alexander envisioned a city that would be a center of culture, learning, and commerce, and Alexandria quickly grew to fulfill that vision. 

The city was designed with grand avenues, magnificent buildings, and bustling markets. The Great Library of Alexandria became a beacon of knowledge, attracting scholars and thinkers from all over the world. It housed countless scrolls and manuscripts, preserving the wisdom of ancient civilizations and fostering new discoveries. 

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, stood as a symbol of the city’s grandeur. Its towering structure guided sailors safely to the harbor, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering. 

Over the centuries, Alexandria became a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Greece, Egypt, Rome, and beyond. It was a city where ideas flourished, and where art, science, and philosophy thrived. The city’s vibrant markets were filled with goods from distant lands, and its streets echoed with the sounds of diverse languages. 

Despite the passage of time and the many challenges it faced, Alexandria remained a symbol of human achievement and resilience. Its legacy endured, inspiring generations to come. 


As the ship docked in Alexandria, Reginald and Alexander stood on the deck, their eyes wide with wonder. The bustling port was alive with activity, filled with the sounds of merchants haggling, sailors shouting, and the distant call of seagulls. The air was thick with the scent of the sea, mingling with the exotic aromas of spices and incense. 

The city of Alexandria stretched out before them, a vibrant tapestry of colors and cultures. The streets were lined with grand buildings, their architecture a blend of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian influences. 

Porters quickly took their bags to the pier, and Reginald and Alexander followed, their excitement growing with each step. They hailed a cab, a horse-drawn carriage with ornate decorations, and gave the driver the address of their hotel. 

The Marhaba Hôtel was a charming establishment, nestled in the heart of the city. Its façade was adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant flowers, creating an inviting atmosphere. The lobby was spacious and elegantly decorated, with marble floors, plush furnishings, and a grand chandelier that cast a warm glow over the room. 

The staff greeted them with warm smiles and efficient service, quickly checking them in and escorting them to their room. The room itself was a blend of comfort and luxury, with a large bed draped in fine linens, a balcony overlooking the bustling streets, and tasteful décor that reflected the rich history of Alexandria. 

As they settled into their room, Reginald and Alexander could not help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The city awaited them, with its ancient wonders, vibrant markets, and hidden treasures. Their adventure in Alexandria was just beginning. 


After settling into their room, Reginald and Alexander sat down to plan their itinerary for the next few days. They were eager to explore the city’s historical landmarks and immerse themselves in its rich culture. Their list of must-see places included the Roman Amphitheater, the Temple of Serapeum and Pompey’s Pillar, and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa. 

With their plans set, they decided to head downstairs and ask the desk clerk for a recommendation on where to eat. The clerk, a friendly and knowledgeable local, greeted them with a warm smile. 

“Good evening, gentlemen. How can I assist you?” 

“We’re looking for a good place to eat,” Reginald replied. “Somewhere with great food and a bit of local flavor.” 

The clerk’s eyes lit up. “You are in luck! Our hotel restaurant is excellent. The food is delicious, and we have a belly dancer performing tonight. It is a wonderful experience.” 

Reginald and Alexander decided to indulge in a traditional Egyptian dining experience. They were led to a cozy, dimly lit room adorned with rich tapestries and intricate lanterns. The air was filled with the soothing scent of rose water. 

A servant approached with a delicate silver pitcher, pouring rose water over their hands, cleansing them with the fragrant liquid. The ritual was both refreshing and symbolic, preparing them for the feast ahead. 

They settled onto plush pillows arranged around a low table. A large brass tray was placed before them, laden with an array of delectable Egyptian dishes. The vibrant colors and enticing aromas made their mouths water in anticipation. 

The tray featured a variety of traditional foods, including: 

  • Kashari: A hearty mix of rice, lentils, and pasta, topped with a spicy tomato sauce and crispy fried onions. 

  • Ful Mesdames: Slow-cooked fava beans seasoned with garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil, served with warm pita bread. 

  • Molokai: A green, leafy soup made from jute leaves, flavored with garlic and coriander, and often served with rice or bread. 

  • Stuffed Grape Leaves: Tender grape leaves filled with a savory mixture of rice, herbs, and spices. 

  • Grilled Kebabs: Succulent pieces of marinated meat, grilled to perfection and served with a\side of tahini sauce. 

  • Baklava: A sweet pastry made of layers of filo dough, filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey. 

Reginald and Alexander eagerly dug in, using their hands to tear off pieces of bread and scoop up the flavorful dishes. The act of eating with their hands added a tactile connection to the meal, making it even more enjoyable. They savored each bite, the rich and diverse flavors dancing on their tongues. 

As they shared the meal, they exchanged stories and laughter, the warmth of the food and the ambiance creating a sense of camaraderie and contentment. The experience was a perfect blend of tradition and indulgence, leaving them both satisfied and eager for the adventures that awaited them in Alexandria. 

As they enjoyed their meal, the belly dancer took the stage, captivating the audience with her graceful movements and vibrant costume. The performance added a touch of magic to the evening, making it a night to remember. 

After their sumptuous meal, Reginald and Alexander felt pleasantly full and content. The combination of delicious food, the enchanting belly dance performance, and the warm ambiance of the restaurant had left them in a state of blissful satisfaction. 

They made their way back to their room, their steps slow and relaxed. The soft glow of the lanterns in the hallway cast a gentle light, guiding them to their door. Once inside, they exchanged tired but happy smiles, the day’s excitement still lingering in their minds. 

Without much ado, they climbed into bed, the plush pillows and soft linens welcoming them into a cocoon of comfort. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside. 

As they settled under the covers, the weight of the day’s adventures and the hearty meal began to take its toll. Within minutes, they drifted off to sleep, their breaths steady and synchronized. The promise of new discoveries and shared moments awaited them in the morning, but for now, they were enveloped in the tranquility of a restful slumber. 

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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Chapter 3 

A Journey to Egypt 

The days on the ship seemed to blend as Reginald and Alexander sailed towards Alexandria. Each day was filled with anticipation and excitement as they drew closer to their destination. They spent their time exploring the ship, sharing stories, and planning their adventures in Egypt. The gentle rocking of the ship and the endless expanse of the sea created a sense of tranquility, but also a growing eagerness for the journey ahead. 

As the sun set each evening, they would stand on the deck, watching the horizon and imagining the wonders that awaited them. The crew, too, shared in the excitement, their spirits lifted by the promise of new discoveries. The nights were filled with laughter and camaraderie, as they all looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead. 

Finally, the night before their arrival, the air was thick with anticipation. Reginald and Alexander could hardly sleep, their minds racing with thoughts of the ancient city. As the first light of dawn began to break, they stood on the deck, their eyes fixed on the distant shore. Alexandria was within reach, and their hearts swelled with excitement. 


Now, let’s delve into a tale of Alexandria, Egypt, and how it came to be: 


Alexandria, the jewel of the Mediterranean, was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE. The city was strategically located on the coast of Egypt, serving as a bridge between the East and the West. Alexander envisioned a city that would be a center of culture, learning, and commerce, and Alexandria quickly grew to fulfill that vision. 

The city was designed with grand avenues, magnificent buildings, and bustling markets. The Great Library of Alexandria became a beacon of knowledge, attracting scholars and thinkers from all over the world. It housed countless scrolls and manuscripts, preserving the wisdom of ancient civilizations and fostering new discoveries. 

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, stood as a symbol of the city’s grandeur. Its towering structure guided sailors safely to the harbor, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering. 

Over the centuries, Alexandria became a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Greece, Egypt, Rome, and beyond. It was a city where ideas flourished, and where art, science, and philosophy thrived. The city’s vibrant markets were filled with goods from distant lands, and its streets echoed with the sounds of diverse languages. 

Despite the passage of time and the many challenges it faced, Alexandria remained a symbol of human achievement and resilience. Its legacy endured, inspiring generations to come. 


As the ship docked in Alexandria, Reginald and Alexander stood on the deck, their eyes wide with wonder. The bustling port was alive with activity, filled with the sounds of merchants haggling, sailors shouting, and the distant call of seagulls. The air was thick with the scent of the sea, mingling with the exotic aromas of spices and incense. 

The city of Alexandria stretched out before them, a vibrant tapestry of colors and cultures. The streets were lined with grand buildings, their architecture a blend of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian influences. 

Porters quickly took their bags to the pier, and Reginald and Alexander followed, their excitement growing with each step. They hailed a cab, a horse-drawn carriage with ornate decorations, and gave the driver the address of their hotel. 

The Marhaba Hôtel was a charming establishment, nestled in the heart of the city. Its façade was adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant flowers, creating an inviting atmosphere. The lobby was spacious and elegantly decorated, with marble floors, plush furnishings, and a grand chandelier that cast a warm glow over the room. 

The staff greeted them with warm smiles and efficient service, quickly checking them in and escorting them to their room. The room itself was a blend of comfort and luxury, with a large bed draped in fine linens, a balcony overlooking the bustling streets, and tasteful décor that reflected the rich history of Alexandria. 

As they settled into their room, Reginald and Alexander could not help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The city awaited them, with its ancient wonders, vibrant markets, and hidden treasures. Their adventure in Alexandria was just beginning. 


After settling into their room, Reginald and Alexander sat down to plan their itinerary for the next few days. They were eager to explore the city’s historical landmarks and immerse themselves in its rich culture. Their list of must-see places included the Roman Amphitheater, the Temple of Serapeum and Pompey’s Pillar, and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa. 

With their plans set, they decided to head downstairs and ask the desk clerk for a recommendation on where to eat. The clerk, a friendly and knowledgeable local, greeted them with a warm smile. 

“Good evening, gentlemen. How can I assist you?” 

“We’re looking for a good place to eat,” Reginald replied. “Somewhere with great food and a bit of local flavor.” 

The clerk’s eyes lit up. “You are in luck! Our hotel restaurant is excellent. The food is delicious, and we have a belly dancer performing tonight. It is a wonderful experience.” 

Reginald and Alexander decided to indulge in a traditional Egyptian dining experience. They were led to a cozy, dimly lit room adorned with rich tapestries and intricate lanterns. The air was filled with the soothing scent of rose water. 

A servant approached with a delicate silver pitcher, pouring rose water over their hands, cleansing them with the fragrant liquid. The ritual was both refreshing and symbolic, preparing them for the feast ahead. 

They settled onto plush pillows arranged around a low table. A large brass tray was placed before them, laden with an array of delectable Egyptian dishes. The vibrant colors and enticing aromas made their mouths water in anticipation. 

The tray featured a variety of traditional foods, including: 

  • Kashari: A hearty mix of rice, lentils, and pasta, topped with a spicy tomato sauce and crispy fried onions. 

  • Ful Mesdames: Slow-cooked fava beans seasoned with garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil, served with warm pita bread. 

  • Molokai: A green, leafy soup made from jute leaves, flavored with garlic and coriander, and often served with rice or bread. 

  • Stuffed Grape Leaves: Tender grape leaves filled with a savory mixture of rice, herbs, and spices. 

  • Grilled Kebabs: Succulent pieces of marinated meat, grilled to perfection and served with a\side of tahini sauce. 

  • Baklava: A sweet pastry made of layers of filo dough, filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey. 

Reginald and Alexander eagerly dug in, using their hands to tear off pieces of bread and scoop up the flavorful dishes. The act of eating with their hands added a tactile connection to the meal, making it even more enjoyable. They savored each bite, the rich and diverse flavors dancing on their tongues. 

As they shared the meal, they exchanged stories and laughter, the warmth of the food and the ambiance creating a sense of camaraderie and contentment. The experience was a perfect blend of tradition and indulgence, leaving them both satisfied and eager for the adventures that awaited them in Alexandria. 

As they enjoyed their meal, the belly dancer took the stage, captivating the audience with her graceful movements and vibrant costume. The performance added a touch of magic to the evening, making it a night to remember. 

After their sumptuous meal, Reginald and Alexander felt pleasantly full and content. The combination of delicious food, the enchanting belly dance performance, and the warm ambiance of the restaurant had left them in a state of blissful satisfaction. 

They made their way back to their room, their steps slow and relaxed. The soft glow of the lanterns in the hallway cast a gentle light, guiding them to their door. Once inside, they exchanged tired but happy smiles, the day’s excitement still lingering in their minds. 

Without much ado, they climbed into bed, the plush pillows and soft linens welcoming them into a cocoon of comfort. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside. 

As they settled under the covers, the weight of the day’s adventures and the hearty meal began to take its toll. Within minutes, they drifted off to sleep, their breaths steady and synchronized. The promise of new discoveries and shared moments awaited them in the morning, but for now, they were enveloped in the tranquility of a restful slumber. 


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16 hours ago, spike382 said:

Sure you can.  

Gary, you're crazy when you accuse me and Drew of being "in love".

See, easy. :P

That required a more than one word explanation.

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36 minutes ago, Headstall said:

Hey, all! :hug:  My mattress has passed the first test. My back, while still sore, is a little more stable after one night's sleep on it. :D 

Hmmm, well that's a start, at least your back is a little more stable.

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10 hours ago, Drew Espinosa said:

I'm choosing to only read "That's really nice!" and ignoring everything else afterwards in the gif, since it's unimportant.

So this is you:

Not Listening Dumb And Dumber GIF

10 hours ago, Drew Espinosa said:

Handsome is your traveling companion in Egypt, actually. 

Jonathan Frakes Oops GIF by FILMRISE

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G'day y'all. Mum's foot seems to be back to normal. The last few days the weather has been stormy which dids my head no good. Today we are on the back side of an unseasonal July cold front which brought much nicer weather. The change in pressure however is not doing me any favors.

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Chapter 4 

A Journey to Egypt   

The next morning, Reginald and Alexander woke up refreshed and eager to continue their adventure. After a hearty breakfast, they set out to visit the Temple of Serapeum, one of Alexandria’s most renowned historical sites. 

As they approached the temple, they were struck by its grandeur. The Temple of Serapeum was dedicated to Serapis, a deity that combined aspects of both Greek and Egyptian gods. The temple complex was an impressive sight, with towering columns, intricate carvings, and statues that seemed to come to life in the morning light. 

The entrance to the temple was flanked by two massive sphinxes, their enigmatic expressions watching over all who entered. Reginald and Alexander walked through the grand entrance, their footsteps echoing on the stone floor. The air was filled with a sense of reverence and history, as if the very walls of the temple held the secrets of the past. 

Inside, they marveled at the stunning architecture and the detailed reliefs that adorned the walls. The temple was a testament to the skill and artistry of the ancient builders. They wandered through the halls, taking in the beauty and the history that surrounded them. 

One of the most striking features of the temple was Pompey’s Pillar, a massive granite column that stood as a symbol of strength and endurance. The pillar, which was originally part of a larger structure, had withstood the test of time and remained a prominent landmark in the temple complex. 

As they explored further, they discovered the underground chambers and the library that once housed countless scrolls and manuscripts. The library was a place of learning and knowledge, where scholars from all over the world came to study and share their wisdom. 

Reginald and Alexander spent hours exploring the temple, each new discovery adding to their sense of wonder and appreciation for the ancient civilization. The Temple of Serapeum was not just a place of worship, but a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Alexandria. 


After spending hours exploring the Temple of Serapeum, Reginald and Alexander were both hot and tired. The sun had been relentless, and the excitement of the day had taken its toll. They decided to return to their room at the Marhaba Hôtel to rest and refresh. 

Upon entering their room, they were greeted by the sight of a luxurious bathroom with a large, inviting tub. The tub was spacious enough to comfortably hold two people, and the idea of a relaxing bath was too tempting to resist. 

They filled the tub with warm water, the steam rising and filling the room with a soothing ambiance. As they undressed and stepped into the tub, the warm water enveloped them, washing away the fatigue of the day. 

Reginald and Alexander took turns washing each other’s backs, their movements gentle and caring. The intimacy of the moment was heightened by the soft light and the quiet sounds of the water. They shared tender kisses, their lips meeting in a dance of affection and love. 

As they held each other in the warm embrace of the water, they felt a deep sense of connection and contentment. The day’s adventures had brought them closer, and the bath was a perfect way to unwind and cherish the bond they shared. 

They made sure to take their time, savoring each moment of closeness and affection. The bath was not just a way to cleanse their bodies, but a way to nurture their relationship and create lasting memories. 


After their relaxing bath, Reginald and Alexander decided to head down for an early dinner. They had plans to visit the grand bazaar later in the evening, where they hoped to enjoy some Greek coffee and Turkish delight. 

The hotel’s restaurant was bustling with activity, and they enjoyed a delicious meal, savoring the flavors of the local cuisine. Once they were satisfied, they set out for the grand bazaar, eager to experience the vibrant atmosphere. 

As they entered the bazaar, they were immediately struck by the sensory overload. The air was thick with the heady aroma of spices, mingling with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries. Stalls lined the narrow pathways, each one overflowing with colorful goods. Beautiful carpets, golden rings, and an array of trinkets and treasures were on display, tempting passersby. 

The bazaar was alive with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the chatter of shoppers, and the laughter of children. Reginald and Alexander had been warned that many of the children were thieves, so they kept a watchful eye on their belongings as they navigated the crowded market. 

Despite the caution, they couldn’t help but be enchanted by the lively atmosphere. They stopped at a small café, where they ordered Greek coffee and a selection of Turkish delights. The rich, aromatic coffee and the sweet, chewy confections were a perfect treat as they took in the sights and sounds of the bazaar. 

As they sipped their coffee and enjoyed the treats, they marveled at the vibrant tapestry of life that surrounded them. The grand bazaar was a place where cultures converged, and every corner held a new discovery. It was a fitting end to a day filled with adventure and wonder. 


On their way back to the hotel, a short, dark man dress in Arab fashion stepped out of the shadows and approached them. He held out a small, intricately crafted golden scarab beetle, its body made of Moldavite, a mesmerizing green gem. The beetle’s eyes were adorned with tiny gemstones that sparkled in the dim light. 

“Would you like to buy this beautiful scarab beetle?” the man asked, his voice low and mysterious. 

Alexander’s eyes lit up with fascination as he gazed at the exquisite piece of jewelry. He was captivated by its beauty and the craftsmanship that had gone into creating it. Reginald noticed the look of admiration on Alexander’s face and knew that he had to get it for him. 

“How much?” Reginald inquired. 

“250 pounds,” the man replied, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

Reginald hesitated for a moment, knowing that it was a significant amount of money. But the thought of making Alexander happy outweighed any concerns about the cost. He reached into his pocket and handed over the money, receiving the precious scarab beetle in return. 

Alexander’s face lit up with joy as Reginald placed the beetle in his hand. “Thank you, Reginald,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. “It’s beautiful.” 

Reginald smiled, feeling a warm sense of satisfaction. “Anything for you, my love,” he replied, pulling Alexander into a gentle embrace. 

As they continued their walk back to the hotel, Alexander couldn’t stop admiring the scarab beetle, its green gem glinting in the light. The purchase had been expensive, but the happiness it brought to Alexander made it worth every penny. 


When they got back to their room Alexander kissed Reginald as he looked at the scrab beetle! They then undressed turn off the lights the moon light came in the windows and in that moonlight, they made mad passionate love. 

They got up early, the first light of dawn filtering through the curtains. After sharing many kisses, they dressed and headed down for breakfast. The hotel’s kitchen prepared a delicious lunch for them, complete with fresh fruit, dates, and a canteen of water. 

With their provisions in hand, they set out for the Catacombs of Kom El Shurafa. The journey was filled with anticipation, as they had heard tales of the catacombs’ eerie beauty and historical significance. 

Upon arriving, they were struck by the labyrinthine passages and the intricate carvings that adorned the walls. The catacombs were a testament to the ancient civilization’s reverence for the afterlife, and the atmosphere was both awe-inspiring and slightly unsettling. 

As they explored the underground chambers, the cool air provided a welcome respite from the heat outside. The flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding to the mysterious ambiance. The catacombs were filled with niches and alcoves, each one holding secrets of the past. 

After their exploration, they found a shaded spot under a date palm outside the catacombs. They spread out a blanket and enjoyed their lunch, savoring the fresh fruit and dates. The shade of the palm tree provided a peaceful retreat, and they relished the quiet moments together, reflecting on the wonders they had seen. 


Returning to their room, Reginald and Alexander were shocked to find it completely trashed. Their belongings were scattered everywhere, and it was clear that someone had ransacked the room. They immediately called hotel security, who were equally stunned that such an incident could occur in their establishment. 

The police arrived shortly after and began asking a lot of questions, trying to piece together what had happened. Reginald and Alexander cooperated fully, but the experience left them feeling uneasy and violated. 

After the police finished their investigation, Reginald and Alexander decided it was best to leave the hotel the next day. They decided to take the train to Cairo, hoping to put the unsettling experience behind them and continue their adventure. 


The next morning, they woke up early and dressed, sharing many kisses to reassure each other. They went down for breakfast and had the kitchen prepare lunch for them, including fresh fruit and dates, and a canteen of water. 

With their provisions in hand, they headed to the train station. The journey to Cairo was expected to take around 3 hours and 45 minutes, giving them plenty of time to relax and enjoy the scenic views along the way. 

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12 minutes ago, dughlas said:

G'day y'all. Mum's foot seems to be back to normal. The last few days the weather has been stormy which dids my head no good. Today we are on the back side of an unseasonal July cold front which brought much nicer weather. The change in pressure however is not doing me any favors.

I know how that goes, it's usually in the spring and fall for me, when Texas weather decides to be everything all at once, and my sinuses become bipolar.

Hope you start feeling better soon. 

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7 minutes ago, Headstall said:

Don't you and @spike382 fight over me. I'm not into thruples. -_- 

Yeah, my "thruples" period was....fun, at the time, but it definitely wasn't meant to last.  :P


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21 minutes ago, Drew Espinosa said:

Nuclear Bomb Explosion GIF <nukes The Dominican Republic in celebration> :D

Okay maybe not everyone…

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