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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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3 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

Virtual :hug: for your back. Not sure if this is like air kisses but who knows :)

Not wanting to tell you off but maybe you should have done the stretches before doing the gardening :hug:

Yeah, you're probably right about the stretches but you know what they say ... "it's hard to teach an old Doug new tricks". I should tell you that after half an hour spent crawling around pruning an overgrown Montauk Daisy and then another 2 hours digging up old pavers my back feels better. Of course I was very careful about bending and lifting. Oh, and I found a really good use for a chair. I'm sitting on it in the shade enjoying the breeze.

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23 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Does anyone know how Randy is?

I was wondering that too. I'm hoping he would tell us if there had been any change in Marc's condition.

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12 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

You know Gary I might have say that you had a near death experience :yes::rofl:

Well... at the time, it kind of felt like it. I can't remember the pain, but I do know it was like nothing I ever felt before. :( 

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6 minutes ago, Headstall said:

I may have overdone the typing, but I now have my story set up for the next scene. 1200 words since yesterday. :D 

Uhm ... I'm glad you made progress with the story but ... dagnabbit  a little uncommonsense bro.

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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Well I am sure you have a lot of pain which saddens me Gary it does:yes:

It's all part of the process, Albert. I have no regrets... the surgery went well. :) 

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9 minutes ago, Drew Espinosa said:

Howdy y'all! :hug:

To celebrate Canada Day, I promise not to nuke anyone... until tomorrow. :P 

Hey Drew-pi-doo :hug:

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