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I am enjoying this off-beat urban fantasy Queer series right now called The Daily Grind, it's about a group of friends who find an extra-dimensional dungeon in their office building. The monsters look like staplers, ferns, copiers, old-fashioned desktop computers, and snake-like wires :) It's a great escape for office workers to imagine things in our daily lives that we have a love-hate relationship with try to kill us, very creative and I enjoy the social commentary aspect. The main character is pansexual and in a loving poly relationship with his boyfriend and girlfriend, but the romance is low-key in the story


("cough" Royal Road's incel homophobes "cough")


Also, it's the first time I've seen a good positive use case for the "Utopian Fallacy", kind of a counter to the realist use. Essentially, the author figured out a way to fight unhappy realism through fun fantasy.

For those who want to know what I mean, the utopian fallacy is


Acts as if the ideal is immune to refutation. “The ideal remains forever on the horizon of our experience, unsullied and untried.” Therefore, the utopian ideal serves as an “abstract condemnation of everything around us, and it justifies the believer in taking full control.”


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5 hours ago, Krista said:

So, Season 2 of Prisma debuted on Amazon Prime, but only in Italy. I have waited patiently (don't let wildthing spread lies, I am patient) for this second season for ages. It is being shopped for international distribution through a German company. I have checked at least once a week for it to be available somewhere. 

If you have access to it right now, please tell me that it is worth the wait... :( I am suffering.

Also, the only thing I've watched in ages has been season 3 of Bridgerton. I should have known that eventually the writing would cause the trainwreck that would take my interest away. It was just a guilty little pleasure for me as it was, as I like a period piece every now and then. Season 3 was a cluster duck :gikkle: of small stories that took away from the two main themes of the season. It was also split up into two parts, which I feel made it worse. There was a sex scene that made no sense, it broke the timeline, as it seemed to span days, as the scenes it kept interrupting took place in daytime, and at night? lol... it was so odd. Literally, there was a mini-social media trend where people thought they had accidentally hit the reverse/rewind button on their remotes. I don't know how editing went with that to begin with. It was also a MMF threesome, so I guess we're just going to start openly baiting audiences with stuff that doesn't go anywhere, while writing in Gay themes where we never wanted it in the first place as in Francesca's storyline in Season 4, if the writers decide to go there. I hate poor plotting in writing. 

-- And I am well aware where I posted this, I don't know if there are any Bridgerton fans on here.. but season 3 was painful, where it should have been a nice and easy season based on source material. 

Say Yes, I made the attempt to watch a month ago, as I knew it was going to be awful after I read the description. It is about a woman dying of cancer attempting to convince her husband to fall in love with, and begin a relationship with her twin brother. Like sexuality and consent didn't exist in this woman's brain. As she was relentless, even sending her twin brother into the bathroom to seduce her husband while he tried to enjoy himself a bubble bath. The poor husband was reduced to watching gay pornographic material to see what the fuss was about... and she encouraged him when she caught him. The husband and brother also had sex right after she died... so there's that. Literally right after they called family and friends to announce her passing, it was terrible. The casting was also weird, as they were supposed to be twins, but they didn't look racially similar. 

What makes this worse is there is a Sequel, which I will not watch.

Whomever decided this was a good idea, obviously doesn't understand a thing about sexuality. A happily heterosexual man is not going to date a man just because his dying wife wants to manifest it into being. If anything, the response should have driven them apart in a time in her life where she would have needed him and his support the most. 

Mysteries of Pittsburg is still as artsy and boring as I remember it.

Have suffered Bridgerton S3 and I totally agree with you on this. Even Wistledown's articles weren't that interesting! 😒 In fact, I was more interested in Benedict's storyline somehow. But that too ended up a little meh! 😑

The others I haven't watched but thanks for doing the dirty job for us. Now I can happily scratch out names from my watch list. 😇

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