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Imagine Magazine Question For 10/10

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Humanity. We have definitely come a long way throughout history. Just since my elementary school days...the world has evolved and created a world that I wouldn't have even recognized way back then! Hell, we have innovative technologies running right now that were unheard of ten years ago.


When it comes to 'humanity' as a whole...do you have any faith left? We're not talking about technology here. Humanity in general. Our ability to adapt and survive and communicate with one another in a civil society. Basically...do you still have faith in the goodness and heart of actual people in this day and age? Whether you're an optimist or a pessimist...where do you see mankind in the not-so-distant future?

Are we ok? If not, can we fix it? Or are we just circling the drain here before our own eventual extinction? Let us know your thoughts.

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Almost none. And that's the God's honest truth. The strange thing was that I really felt like the world was getting better at one point. Pride month was being more widely accepted, gay marriage, people came together to help out during floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados...kids who were barely in high school were building youtube channels and making independent films and writing/performing their own music...life just felt like it was just moving in the right direction. Slowly...but continuously.

Then...over the last ten years, everything fell apart. Trust me, I'm one of the biggest optimists that has ever lived, but I find myself not even working up the energy to even care anymore. I've grown cynical to a certain degree, if for no other reason to just stay away from people in general. I just don't know what the hell happened to people in general.

I mean, there were always assholes in the world. Bullies. Narcissists. Folks without self control or who were unable to deal with their own emotions in a healthy. But you could kind of see the red flags and pluck them out of your life so you didn't have to deal with their toxic behavior. But now? Now humanity itself is just fucking disgusting to me. People just do random shit for the sake of attention. They take out their inner bullshit on everybody else instead of dealing with it themselves. I swear, if I have to see one more idiotic 'Karen' video online, I'm going to hunt these grown adults with a belt and give them the ass whippings they should have gotten as a child. Who behaves like that to get what they want? How the hell do you get into a physical confrontation with a lady behind the counter at your local fast food restaurant??? You wanna how my interactions go at a fast food place?

"Hi, welcome to (whatever). What can I get you today?"

"Can I have a number six?"

"Would you like fries and a drink?"

"No thanks."

(Pays for it with card)

"Here's your number. It'll be up in a moment."

"Thank you"

Now...WHERE is there an opportunity in that transaction to get so mad or be so offended that I have ball up my fist and end up in jail for assault? Seriously?

People fist fight over politics. People fist fight over religion. People fist fight over what third grade booka their kids are allowed to read. People fist food over which bathroom you use. People fist fight over a baby boy's clothes having a rainbow. People fist fight over vaccines or wearing a mask during a deadly pandemic. What the fuck happened to us as a species? Remember when being a Nazi or an unapologetic racist used to be considered a thing of shame and disgust?

"Why is it a bad thing for me to wear blackface to a party?"

YOU KNOW WHY THE FUCK IT'S A BAD THING TO WEAR BLACKFACE, YOU ASSHOLE!!!! Don't play stupid with me! And trying to push it off on people being too 'sensitive' these days is like a wife beating husband telling the cops that it's not his fault that his wife can't take a punch. YOU'RE the asshole! And you know it! So stop with the games for Christ's sake.

If it were up to me...I'd lock every last one of these people in prison for three months. There are plenty of people for you to scream at and fist fight with in there. Have at it. I hope you get the living shit beaten out of you twice a day until you learn how to act with some grace.

Faith in humanity? No. Not anymore. And it'll take a lot to ever get it back.

Consequences used to be a deterrent for bad behavior...now it's something else for people to whine about for extra hits on their social media accounts...fuck those people.

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