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So i Broke Down and got it, lol

Julian Alexander

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Okay so i broke down and joined the wave of people getting Firefox, lol.


Yes...Yes.., You damn people finally make me get it, lol. So what to i have to say (well for now)?





That is all.


Jules :read:



Tried it, hatted it. It interferred with to many of my other programs and it messed with my wireless network. I never could get the darn thing to work. A friend of mine in Houston told me about it so we both tried it. He emailed me back and we both agreed, to much trouble and to hard to get it to work with other programs. I am working with the new IE 7 Beta and love it.



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One would think IE7 would be more work, since you have to have anti-virus and ad-aware running 24/7 while using it. That's if you give a damn about your hard drive.


Actually, if you are not running all that plus Spy Bot, you are asking for trouble with any browser you use. I am constantly having to go over to my friends houses and fix their PC's, no matter what browser they are using and clean up their machines. Once I do that, then I install a few protective programs and they are off and surfing again. They can even surf porn with no problem. No browser can protect you from all of that. I have seen it first hand.



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I actually really like Safari, before that I tried many different browsers and switched around a lot. On Linux I usually use Konqueror or Firefox. The worst browser I've used is actually the most popular: IE.


Macs and Linux rule!!

Fight the power!!

-Aaron (in rebel mode)

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I just recently got FireFox... Nate talked me into it. :P

It is so much better than AOL. AOL sucks :thumbdown::thumbdown:

I quit AOL may years ago, before they got so aggressive. Have you actually been able to quit yet? I've read (in enough places that might be true) that AOL specialists can earn juicy commissions by talking you out of quitting. :blink: The main tactic seems to be, keep you talking, getting increasingly personal and intrusive, until you give up. :angry: So if you actually managed to quit, congrats! :2thumbs: BTW, I use OmniWeb on Mac, with FF as backup. No IE7 option there. Don't miss it, and my antivirus software is as lonely as that old Maytag repairman :P , but that's due mainly to the Mac, not the browser.
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Since I've been using FF, I don't get the tracking cookies like I'd get with IE. And I've quit downloading Yahoo's toolbar. The last time I did, my virus scan came up with 24 PUP's (potentially unwanted programs). The only time I do use IE is to check for updates for XP and Office 2003.

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I have a firefox/GA issue.


When I'm reading something in Efiction it won't let me paste anything into the review box (nor will it let me copy anything in the review box). It specifically says that this is not available with firefox. I'd really like to be ablet o do this though, because often I'll want to paste in the section of text I'm talking about.


Anyway just wondered if everyone else with FireFox was having this problem and if there is a way to fix it?


Take care all!


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I wouldnt mind using Firefox, but there are so many things about it that make it wack, like the copy/paste issue, and the fact that not all audio files are compatible with it......besides, we have AOL and even though it has some things that make it gay too, it isn't as gay as firefox

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I use both IE & Firefox. If one has a problem with a site, then the other will probably work.


Both have lots of neat add on goodies. My favorite of all is iespell. Firefox doesn't have a similar plug in yet [hint, hint].



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Bull smegma is better than AOL.


:king: Snow Dog


P.S. I am just guessing here. As far as I know, nobody but Tim has tasted bull smegma.


AOL does suck. I used to use their overpriced service. I was suckered in by their free months of service to get you hooked on their crappy service. I got 3 months free. I called to cancel after the 3 months. They gave me another free month to make sure i didn't want their service. I was to busy to call back next month to cancel. So I paid for 1 month. $28.45. The next month i called to cancel again. Another free month. I do balieve I had them for just over a year, And only paid them maybe 4 months total.


When I finally did cancel, It was because my computer had quit and I couldnt get it fixed right away, And I wasn going to be paying for something i wasn't using. They tried everything to get me to stay on though, I finally told them my computer was dead and I couldn't afford a new one. They offered to connect me to Dell or Gateway to see if I could get a new one on credit. It was just ridiculous. They finally told me that my account would reamin active for 3 months and that if I got a machine running again all I had to do was sign on again and that would reactivate my account. :lmao:


So later that same day after I "fixed" my computer by removing AOL(let me tell you that is no easy task :angry: ) I installed NetZero and have been happy paying $12.45 a month for much more reliable service :D






Snowy, That's just wrong. You know I told you that in confidence, And now I have to tell everyone that you brought up that subject by telling me how your puppy tastes. (nasty comment deleted here because even I found it offensive after reading it)







Edited by Tim the Slut
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I have a firefox/GA issue.


When I'm reading something in Efiction it won't let me paste anything into the review box (nor will it let me copy anything in the review box). It specifically says that this is not available with firefox. I'd really like to be ablet o do this though, because often I'll want to paste in the section of text I'm talking about.


Anyway just wondered if everyone else with FireFox was having this problem and if there is a way to fix it?


Take care all!



I've noticed that since the release of Invisions 2.1, it's a lot friendier to Firefox. The copy and cut/paste functions don't work tho. When ever I've tried to use those, I get the prompt to use these. Control C to copy and Control V to paste.

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I quit AOL may years ago, before they got so aggressive. Have you actually been able to quit yet? I've read (in enough places that might be true) that AOL specialists can earn juicy commissions by talking you out of quitting. :blink: The main tactic seems to be, keep you talking, getting increasingly personal and intrusive, until you give up. :angry: So if you actually managed to quit, congrats! :2thumbs: BTW, I use OmniWeb on Mac, with FF as backup. No IE7 option there. Don't miss it, and my antivirus software is as lonely as that old Maytag repairman :P , but that's due mainly to the Mac, not the browser.



If AOL give you trouble, do what I did....


Start the call by telling the operator the call is being recorded for your security. Then tell them you wish to cancel your membership. It took me about 3 minutes and they never tried the hard sell :D


Take care



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Yeah to Firefox! I've been using it a while now, and don't for a minute miss the unpredictable crashes and slow processing time that Internet Explorer treated me to for years. Just love the tab function, which means I don't need to open and minimise all these annoying windows all the time.


On my blog I can actually see who's using what browser, and though still a small minority, Firefox seems to be slowly gaining ground.

One day, one day revolution will come... 0:) .

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...there are so many things about it that make it wack, like the copy/paste issue, and the fact that not all audio files are compatible with it...


As far as the copy/paste thing is concerned, I've never had that problem; I, mostly, use the CTRL+C/V method. As to the 'not all audio files are compatible', my standard install of Firefox uses Windows Media Player (for most) and any other installed Windows programs (ie. Quicktime, etc.) for any online audio/video presentations. I've not run into this issue either. As far as I'm concerned, IE is dead; the only browser to use is Firefox.

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