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As Taken From The "Shack News"...


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"I wanted to take this opportunity to say something.....for all of you that are reading. It's because of this website, and all of you who have helped me to breathe life into it, that I am who I am today. I will never be the same person that I was before this Shack was built here oh so long ago. Nor would I want to be. For the last few years, you guys have given me the strength to beat the sadistic circumstances that have been beating me down since I was a little boy. You allowed me to truly express what was in my heart, and you freed me from a prison that I had built for myself from the very beginning. You all helped me to make a difference, to leave a footprint in this world, no matter how small...and leave my mark behind. It's all I needed in this life. All I wanted. Because of you, I felt like a king, and I can't thank you enough for that.


This Saturday is June 19th, it is the 6th anniversary of this website. I plan to celebrate. ::smile:: I hope you all will stop by. I have an announcement to make. K? No matter what, keep smiling, and know that above all...


...it was worth it."



I meant every word of it. ((Hugs Soooo f**king Tight)) You've been my support for a long time now. Longer than most people. And I thank you for being there when you could. Each of you posting here, sending me emails, reading the stories, coming to the chats...you've changed a life here. Mine. I'm forever grateful for that.


Just needed to be said...

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Hey Ya Com-


All my love, best wishes, and dreams go with you and I for one, owe you a debt of gratitude. As we used to say for those who go down to the sea in the little boats; "May you have fair winds and following seas."


No matter what happens, forever Comsie, you will always be a part of my heart





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Thank you dude. And you will go with me as well. I'm gonna miss your emails something awful. Most times, I think you understand the stories better than I do. :)


I'll miss you man...

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wow. I really am lost for words here. Just as you said it could never last forever, but somehow I let myself think it would.


I think it is a huge understatement just to say that you have helped alot of us here comsie. You and I didn't email much, and I didn't post as much, but I still feel like you have a spot in my heart. You have, as ashamed as I am sometimes to admit to it, saved my life. Before the shack.......I had nothing. All i had were my thoughts and my pains and my 'dirty' secret so to say. You REALLY have opened my eyes and changed my whole perspective. I don't shout out who I am, or tell anyone besides my close close friends, but I sure as hell am not ashamed of it, or scared of it, all of which i was before I found the shack.


Wherever life takes you com, just remember that you did help others. Your dad took 7years of your life away, and you've given hundreds of kids many many years of their life and future back, I have no doubt of that. I owe you more then words can express for what you have given me, and what will come of it in the future.


I'm in tears as I write this, and I know we have another whole year, but its still sad to see you going, even though I think its for the better in a way. I want to thank you for all you have done for me......and that is alot.


Lets make the best of this celebration then, i mean.....we still have 362more days together!



Edited by stud24
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Comsie announced that from one year from around now he will stop writing. He's going to finish all of his stories before then, thank goodness! :worship:


I'm gonna miss your great words Com, it's because of you that I decided to write in the first place. thank you so much :wub:

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If I had the words to describe my reasons for leaving, I would. I really don't. And if I did, this wouldn't be the place for them. Let's just say that my number is up, and I recognize the call when it comes.


I'm going to miss you guys sooooo much when I leave. I really am. I'm not going to know what to do with myself without you guys there. You've been my family for so long now. And the ones who have just recently started talking to me, I'll miss the potential for more. I just want everyone to understand that this has to happen. K?


There is a wealth of writing talent here, and on tons of other sites. New authors are writing stories everyday, inspired by the wonderful things that others have done. It's their turn to step up and take my place. It's YOUR turn to step up and take my place. And then go far beyond it.


Don't think for a second that I won't miss you, because I will. Just make sure that you all think of me once in a while and smile. K? It's all I ask. :)


Love you lots!

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Guest FlexCut

I've already got a tear in my eye, and it's still a year away. I'll miss the wonderful emails you send, and always pray for your happiness.

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Very sad to hear you are closing the Shack. Stumbling on your stories really changed my life. I'm not gay in the traditional sense of the word, but whatever it is I truly am, I came to understand it better through your writing. As I've said many times before, you were my first and strongest inspiration and anyone who has enjoyed Perry and Jesse over the past year and a half has you to thank for it.


I will be sad to see you go, but it seems you feel that moving on is important. I wish you luck in all your future endeavors, and thanks again for touching my heart.

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