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Your avatar and you


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I chose my avatar because it had my fav cartoon characters (Calvin & Hobbes) in iPod mode (i heart music), but now I can't seem to change it because it reminds me of childhood. It reminds me of innocence and a simpler time when you didn't have to worry so much agout everything and the only thing on your mind was how cool it would be if you could build a cloning machine. And then you DID build one (out of the necessary materials: a cardboard box and a marker, of course). lol

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For the most part, all of us have chosen an avatar to pictorially represent us on this site. Why did you pick the avatar, which you now have? Is there any psychological significance to your choice of an avatar?


Was your choice really only made in good fun, or is there some secret meaning to your choice?


Psychologists frequently tell us, that we as humans, are what we wear on our bodies. Are you what your avatar portrays on your computer screen? 0:)


My avatar has a secret meaning. I can't tell you what it means because it is a secret.

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Hmmm, lets see now. My current Avatar is an Anubis Head.


I think i choose it because the Ancient World jackal-headed god interest me. If you have any knowledge about the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Anubis is identified as the one who greets the recently deceased in the afterlife and he guides them throughout their journey in the afterlife. The end of the journey occurs when the deceased are brought forth to Anubis and he passes judgment on them, if they are worthy of entering paradise.


Well thats it.



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Mine is a painting for a movie poster by a strange swiss (I think) surrealist painter.


H.R. Giger


He's the one who designed the Alien from the Alien series. and did a load of other. really really creepy stuff.


I use it everywhere, because it is cool.


*Tries to find a deep philosophical/psychological reason for it..... *




(p.s. the painting is called "future kill machine" and it does have a sequel, but like all sequels it isn't as good. as the original)

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When I heard that Kelsey Grammer was going to be the Beast in the X3 movie, I thought that I was going to hate it. It turned out to be my favorite Beast yet.

OH my gosh! I knew your avatar looked vaguely familar, but I hadn't placed it as Kelsey Grammer until now! LOL, it's so cool and freaky now that I know!


I like QAF, and I liked the picture, the kiss is hot and cute at the same time, I don't think it represents anything about me. =/

I LOVE QAF! I hadn't realized yours was from it though. Who is that kissing? Brian and Justin?


I chose my avatar because it had my fav cartoon characters (Calvin & Hobbes) in iPod mode (i heart music), but now I can't seem to change it because it reminds me of childhood. It reminds me of innocence and a simpler time when you didn't have to worry so much agout everything and the only thing on your mind was how cool it would be if you could build a cloning machine. And then you DID build one (out of the necessary materials: a cardboard box and a marker, of course). lol

I've always loved yours, Raz, because to me it looks so delightfully exuberant ;)


My avatar is a pirate, made by Benny (BoyNeedsTherapy) a while back, then I modified it,a nd added the rainbows.

Same here.


He made it with a blue background for me because that's my favourite colour (although I usually prefer a deeper colour, but that probably wouldn't have looked as good in the picture). Similarly the green in the eye patch and feather is one of my favourite colours. It's also sort of me in "pirate form", my eyes are blue, and my hair was is very often blonde (for the last year it's typically been red, but prior to that it had been pretty much exclusively shades of blonde for years).


Have an awesome day all!


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This avatar represents the writing part of my life. The stops, turns, questions and doubts that I experience when developing a story. But then the avatar could also represent life's challenges in general? As long as I keep taking two steps forward and only one step back, I'm a happy camper. :P


Jack B)

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My avatar thing is Jupiter he not alive no more and I never knew him but I seen photos and he the cutest thing I ever seen.



What a cute bunny-wabbit! I wish I had a bunny-wabbit. If I had a bunny-wabbit I would hold him and pet him and name him George.



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I always found it cool that there were major allusions to Steinbeck, et. al., in Looney Tunes cartoons, in addition to the classical music in some of the soundtracks.

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Once, I was flipping through the channels and they had Wagner's Ring operas on - and I knew the stories and background of the opera itself, so thought I'd listen a bit... Ride of the Valkeries started soon after, just as my roommate walked through (who I found out later was a big opera queen) - and I had to go - "OMG, that's the 'Kill the Wabbit' song"...

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I just made mine today. It is a photoshopped version of a previous photoshopped drawing of mine. Represents me quite well, I think. Photoshop and me love each other passionately.

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I chose my avatar 'cause its related to me and my pen-name. So i guess i have to explain my pen-name first.


I chose The BeaStKid for two reasons--


1. My initials B.S.K are in it.

2. I have a beasty (read: bitchy) side to me when I realize the person next to me is an idiot too. But I show this side in a very subtle way. Hence the kid part of the BeaStKid.


I chose this avatar as it speaks volumes about tolerance, friendship and brotherhood. Overcoming your fears and embracing them. That's how i'm like. I like to catch the bull by the horns and shake the bas*ard till it drops..LOL.


It also points out the fact that even though I may look/act angry (beasty) but in reality it is not so. I have a tender side too that is shown frequently under the thick skin. ;)


The BeaStKid

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The guy in my avatar is Lang Lang, a brilliant pianist from China. I went to see his performance with the San Francisco symphony last year. He is sweet, funny and talented. He is the kind of guy I hope to meet some day, so I put him in my avatar.


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A rotating Hypercube.


A hypercube is a theoretical object which exists in 4 spatial dimentions. it is represented in 2+1 (2d + time). It is rotating along 2 axes one running latterally across the .gif field. the other.. um.. is 4 dimensional.. and stuff.


I like it. It is cool.


I got my friend to shrink the .gif down for me.


I have nothing interesting left to say.



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Well, I've got a new avatar now... so I'm posting here again.Now my avatar is one saying that I'm an innocent little angel... because I am 0:) ... Honest! ...




mmm... looks like this has been my hundredth post... Oh well, I suppose it is at least a year since I first went in live chat (I think)... That was when Live Chat existed and had people in it of course. meh.

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