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Well, this is a bit embarrassing, but here's the only half decent picture I have of myself.







Well, if that's only half decent I would really like to see a decent one. I LOVE the outfit.




In a goth vampire party. I was the only one tanned. lol

Sorry about the small thumbnail, it was the only one that worked (:2thumbs: up for my technological skills)


I am the last to comment on anyone's technological skills :) Small but perfectly formed hun :)


Get a haircut Cam, sheesh! Love the smile, btw!


Oh of course everyone gets the "your hair is so nice!" comments but nooooooo, I get the "get a haircut" ones :/


Now you owe me a batch of cookies, baked with love and admiration. You know where to mail them too ;)



I'll take some cookies too. And actually I like your hair just like it is Cam


Did a girl just catch my eye? O_o *gasp* Yes, a girl caught my eye. You're gorgeous, hon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


And because I'm a showoff...My new haircut. That I gave myself. With a razor.

Posted Image


Goes well with my 10th Doctor glasses methinks


Only prob is I really look like a girl in that shot. :thumbdown:


Nice haircut, and whether you look like a boy or a girl you're you and you're gorgeous.

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Did a girl just catch my eye? O_o *gasp* Yes, a girl caught my eye. You're gorgeous, hon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


And because I'm a showoff...My new haircut. That I gave myself. With a razor.

Posted Image


Goes well with my 10th Doctor glasses methinks


Only prob is I really look like a girl in that shot. :thumbdown:



The girl was really hot.... :D

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Did a girl just catch my eye? O_o *gasp* Yes, a girl caught my eye. You're gorgeous, hon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


And because I'm a showoff...My new haircut. That I gave myself. With a razor.

Posted Image


Goes well with my 10th Doctor glasses methinks


Only prob is I really look like a girl in that shot. :thumbdown:


The whovian in me is filled with gleeee that you made a DW reference XD


ps. I reckon the androgynous look is good on you, so looking a bit like a girl isn't necessarily a problem :)


edit: pps. I cut my own hair as well and it was pretty horrible haha so well done, man!

Edited by soup
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Oh of course everyone gets the "your hair is so nice!" comments but nooooooo, I get the "get a haircut" ones :/


Now you owe me a batch of cookies, baked with love and admiration. You know where to mail them too ;)





Your hair is f**kin' sexy as hell! Hence why you should not get a haircut. ;)

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Posted Image



tags: unhealthy amounts of sarcasm, Chilean miners.


That's more of a smirk than a smile, you sexxxay thang! ;)




In a goth vampire party. I was the only one tanned. lol


Sorry about the small thumbnail, it was the only one that worked (:2thumbs: up for my technological skills)



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Did a girl just catch my eye? O_o *gasp* Yes, a girl caught my eye. You're gorgeous, hon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


And because I'm a showoff...My new haircut. That I gave myself. With a razor.

Posted Image


Goes well with my 10th Doctor glasses methinks


Only prob is I really look like a girl in that shot. :thumbdown:


Girl? Nah!


Cutey is more like it, I'm thinkin.



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Ok- so now i've FINALLY figured out how to post a photo without needing an URL....

Sometimes i HATE computers.

And please forgive my technically challenged soul for that moment of rage against the internet.

Anyway- now i've said that i really hope it works.




Oh yeah. And this is about the most recent photo of me i have. I got excited when i got my hair done and ran around taking photos.

Unfortunately you don't quite get the impact of the brightness of the red because of the shade- I had to do it there since in the sun it was so bright the rest of the photo whited out and my camera smoked and shot sparks...

not really. Sorta.



Edited by Zolia Lily
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Ok- so now i've FINALLY figured out how to post a photo without needing an URL....

Sometimes i HATE computers.

And please forgive my technically challenged soul for that moment of rage against the internet.

Anyway- now i've said that i really hope it works.




Oh yeah. And this is about the most recent photo of me i have. I got excited when i got my hair done and ran around taking photos.

Unfortunately you don't quite get the impact of the brightness of the red because of the shade- I had to do it there since in the sun it was so bright the rest of the photo whited out and my camera smoked and shot sparks...

not really. Sorta.





Seriously pretty, hon! You are such a delicate flower, Lily... Hope that didn't just come out too sabby... :P

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Ok- so now i've FINALLY figured out how to post a photo without needing an URL....

Sometimes i HATE computers.

And please forgive my technically challenged soul for that moment of rage against the internet.

Anyway- now i've said that i really hope it works.




Oh yeah. And this is about the most recent photo of me i have. I got excited when i got my hair done and ran around taking photos.

Unfortunately you don't quite get the impact of the brightness of the red because of the shade- I had to do it there since in the sun it was so bright the rest of the photo whited out and my camera smoked and shot sparks...

not really. Sorta.





Wow Lil :D love the hair.... looks great!!!! :2thumbs:

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you look good with glasses on! :D


You certainly do :)


Ok- so now i've FINALLY figured out how to post a photo without needing an URL....

Sometimes i HATE computers.

And please forgive my technically challenged soul for that moment of rage against the internet.

Anyway- now i've said that i really hope it works.



It worked fine. As I am technologically challenged myself and still haven't worked out how to get photos in even after a number of 101's The photo is lovely... definitiely red... definitely beautiful


Hey Prettyboy! Where you been all my life?




Ditto :)

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Okay.... someone hand me a bucket of cold water to pour over my head. Hot dammit. Phew



Can I pour it over you instead? :P


@Dragon: Wow, you look great in drag mate and it isnt OTT drag either. Good work :)

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